So I heard an almost offhandedly casual remark today from Marc Miller.
Almost off the cuff, he said that he thought battleships are metaphorically equivalent to today's aircraft carriers.
By that he decided that they're a self-sufficient platform for the Imperial navy. Why else would you need to build something that big? Especially when spines only get so big.
I think the implications of that include:
... The Lurenti and similar battle Tenders have a similar strategic function as battleships, tho modified.
... the subsector is THE strategic unit of interstellar space, exactly because that's a convenient size for the Imperial navy for dominating a 'space between the stars' with a self-sufficient staging platform; I.e. A battleship group. It sort of makes sub sectors look like squares on a chessboard...
... This creates a basis for not only constructing battleships, but for strategic warfare in general for Traveller, even in a roleplaying context.
It made me pause and think. It also sounds like a good start.
Almost off the cuff, he said that he thought battleships are metaphorically equivalent to today's aircraft carriers.
By that he decided that they're a self-sufficient platform for the Imperial navy. Why else would you need to build something that big? Especially when spines only get so big.
I think the implications of that include:
... The Lurenti and similar battle Tenders have a similar strategic function as battleships, tho modified.
... the subsector is THE strategic unit of interstellar space, exactly because that's a convenient size for the Imperial navy for dominating a 'space between the stars' with a self-sufficient staging platform; I.e. A battleship group. It sort of makes sub sectors look like squares on a chessboard...
... This creates a basis for not only constructing battleships, but for strategic warfare in general for Traveller, even in a roleplaying context.
It made me pause and think. It also sounds like a good start.
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