I've ben reading the Rebellion Sourcebook and am puzzled at the Tlaukhu's behaviour. Dulinor assassinates their ambassador and they take no reprisal action.
I may not share the Aslan code of honour, but I'd be sending a Tlaukhu Fleet or 37 through Verge and attacking Dulinor from the rear whilst Lucan comes the other way.
Kind Regards
I can see it - several things
1) the presumption that he probably offended someone. If he was armed, and word was sent that Dulinor killed him, they may have simply assumed it was a duel following the assassination.
2) Blaming Strephon - Dulinor comes in all chuffed at Strephon, and Strephon failed to defend his guests - at least strephon got what was coming to him.
3) Lucan was obviously mad as a hatter within weeks. The rest of the Embassy probably noted this and sent word.
4) The Tlaukhu are both too far away and too fragile to risk unifying the Imperium against themselves. Proud Warrior Race ≠ fool.
5) The Tlaukhu are not at a war footing when they get the news. By the time they can act, Illellish has been at a war footing for over a year.
6) Any such invasion risks triggering war with the Solomani Confed, as well.