It's when I'm in a good mood that you wanna watch out
I used to think interstellar dust slows it down. But let's do some math.
I assume the bullet would halve its speed once it hit an amount of dust particles equal to its mass. This means the smaller the round, the better it will be slowed down (because of larger cross section relative to mass). So let's take a railgun bullet (or missile fragment) 1 cm^2 in cross section and see how long a way does it need to hit 10 grams of interstellar matter.
This means the dust has density of 10^−23 kg/m3, and the interstellar medium as a whole is 100 times denser, with 10^−21 kg/m3.
Now, at that density you need 10^19 cubic meters of volume to amass 10 grams of matter. A cross section of 1 square centimeter would cross that much volume over a length of 10^23 meters. That is... um, 3 megaparsecs.
Of course, star systems are very small targets. The parsec unit is
named after the fact!