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CT Only: The Littlest Starship

Add a 2.8Td drop tank to the 1.2Td drop tank, so it can do J2+J2. Then add a 3.2Td drop tank (or get fuel supplied from a tender or other ship) for a third J2 (all-up it's 16.25Td with the third drop tank).

Drop the third (3.2Td) tank during the first jump. High odds of a misjump with 3Td external tanks (as opposed to near-certainty with 6.25Td hanging out there).

Why would a bit of external load induce misjump?

Does the Subbie misjump often because of the external life boat?
Why do people live on Tristan da Cunha?
Why do people live in Greenland?
Why do people live among the wind-swept snow-drifts of Chicago, when they could live in Texas?

People seems to be able to live just about everywhere...

Then I'm betting they won't be missing being part of the X-Boat service either.
Why would a bit of external load induce misjump?

Does the Subbie misjump often because of the external life boat?

It doesn't, because it's included in the ship's 400Td.

The misjump risk with drop tanks is a game mechanic limiting the scope of the jump torpedo exception. The intent is for the exception to only permit marginally useful jump-capable manned small craft. Allowing carriage of drop tanks through Jump without consequences means allowing larger hulls, which I don't want.

Basically, I'm ok with allowing persistent (not needing a launching vessel or drop tanks) J2 at 11.2Td at the most, but not without risk.
That's "littlest starship" plus 1.2 tons. I'm thinking the risk ought to be similar to using unrefined fuel, or maybe a bit higher.