• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

The Lone Star Chat!

Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Not a whole lot Liam! Just chilling out, watching some stuff I VCRed on Friday while I was out gaming. BTW, you're up early (or just back from work?)

Also, are you seeing the formatting for this page of the tread all messed up? It's about twice as wide as the screen for me....

Aye its wider than I thought it should be...hmmm? A CoTI site problem, same view as at work too.hmmm. Back at work now...
It was a grand evening all, thanks to Kentares, MarkA Siefert, CPT Black Light, our hostess EaK, Frank, George(GAB), CPT Rabid Vargr (thats not foam at his mouth, thats sun screen from bein on Hawaii-bleaches the fur if'n ye aren't careful!), Ancients Bruce, & Bryan Gibson; Chron, Ellros, the Mink, Trader Jim,and Shane MacLean. Nobody got shot this weekend (amen), and no rude cruisers rode in.

Topics ran from EaK's wed nite campaign of Square Pigs in space as a livestock cargo on her PC buds ship (placed in a round hold (ROFL!), to Hunting/ Hunters & hunted; and Live roleplaying Traveller last of all, as well as a cornucopia of URLs on topics crossing our fancy!

Ten was the number we maxxed at, though seven seems the average till we got sleepy or ran to work (like me).
Ya'll dew drop by...and don't worry about the K'Kree menu, Emilio assures me the Roadrunner in the stew was plucked before being added in.
Ladies, gents, a public service announcement:

There is a site called LonedeHuXiLounge--umm kinda adult, and we may wanna think about changin the name, maybe not. This might account fer some of the lewd/ rude visitors we've had since inception...

Liam Devlin-2, Rude persons 0...
Leave it alone, if they're retarded enough to join cause the first 4 letters match only, they deserve the sensation of a kick/ban...

Aye, and they make a satisfying crunch when they exceed my rudeness meter (and I'm a tolerant heretic too)...okay. Lets go with that...
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Are you seeing the formatting for this page of the thread all messed up? It's about twice as wide as the screen for me....

Aye its wider than I thought it should be...hmmm? A CoTI site problem, same view as at work too.hmmm. Back at work now...
</font>[/QUOTE]Actually guys the formatting is extra wide because I posted a couple links using the CODE tag which dosn't parse the test as a clickable URL. It's in my message about how I open the room. It's wide like that because the URL is monsterously long so it'll only display like that for the previous page!


Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Liam Devlin-2, Rude persons 0...
And the crowd goes (heretically) wild!

P.S. Yep, a name change may solve the problem. How abut 'Brubecks'?
</font>[/QUOTE]A name change might not be a bad idea so I think I'd like to call for a vote.

Since 10 seems to be the maximum number we've had so far I'll consider five votes as a majority. So please post your vote with a suggestion for the new name :D

Personally I don't think it's a problem right now so I'm going to vote 'Against' a name change however if it becomes an issue I'll change my mind :D

If you want to vote 'For' a name change then I would suggest 'The Traveller RPG Chat' simply because I think it's appropriately dignified and descriptive.

I haven't been by in a couple weeks (and won't this coming weekend either 'cause of the holiday) but if I may I'd still like to vote Against a name change. The Lone Star is the name of this board, and it's what we've been using for ~2 months now, and if other folks can't avoid confusion, f**k 'em.

...However, changing the sub-description from the vague "Welcome, Traveller" to a more specific "Traveller RPG Chat" seems like a pretty harmless concession (just so long as my bookmark still works!).
I still think utilizing a messenger proggie would be:

  • easier</font>
  • more efficient</font>
  • more secure</font>
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Lonestar closed til T-day. see ya TJ
Bye Mink, FLS.
"Closed till T-day he says," Growls the vargr standing in front of the door. Looking around furtivly, ears perked for any sound not his own, he bares his fangs, "We'll see about that, it's not like the place is *Only* his." There's the sound of a click and the vargr's tail starts to wag slowly "Gonna pour his good stuff down the sink, I am." Snickering, the vargr creaps inside, shutting the door quietly behind him.

RV ;)
Well, RV, I'm closed till then..if'n ye need clarity on the subject.(and dinnae waste the stuff!Not on my acount.).Feel free to host all ye want!
Thanks RV, and thanks to Tj, Ellros, Frank scarlett, Maspy, and CPT BL, who is now Soc-12!!!
The post heretic'sday party is over..G'night ya'll.