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Thermal Table Help

Im using the Sensor table on page 144 CT with the MgT2300 range modifications. The Thermal Sensor gives varying degrees of information from 1 to 16 light seconds. Ive heard that the table assumes very large radiation sources, such as suns, planets etc. are automatically detected out to vast ranges and are not the subject of the table. It is essentially aimed at starship heat signatures.

Could one of you guys comment on the temperatures detected here? What temperatures (In Kelvin I assume) are being noticed. Whats the correlation between the output of a powerplant and its radiated temperature? How far out would they be noticeable by thermal sensors? We can see by the Hull Masking rules that it has an effect on combat identification and locking on for weapons fire, but what about pure 'detection'? when would they appear on somebody's screens?

I have a similar question regarding the Electromagnetic Sensor - the amount of radiation given off by the target is sure to modify the range at which it gets quality sensor data.

My recent post on HEAT lead me to this one. If they are too closely related, one of you moderators please merge them, no problem.
Could one of you guys comment on the temperatures detected here? What temperatures (In Kelvin I assume) are being noticed. Whats the correlation between the output of a powerplant and its radiated temperature? How far out would they be noticeable by thermal sensors? We can see by the Hull Masking rules that it has an effect on combat identification and locking on for weapons fire, but what about pure 'detection'? when would they appear on somebody's screens?

I'm going to nitpick here. Thermal (and optical) sensors can't provide a lock or any targeting solution without a parallax system of some sort. Call it "binocular vision". Without it, passive thermal/optical cannot provide the ranging information needed for targeting & fire control lock.

Parallax could be supplied by the sensing vessel's motion if the bogey is stationary (or nearly so), but will be complicated or ruined if the bogey is also moving.
No problem nitpicking, thats just how the rules read.

Radiators deminish a ships signature (against passive sensors) while they increase them against Active sensors. (assumedly the extended radiators make for a bigger target against radar)

I assume some sort of thermal sensor is being used in the passive mode. And theres a chart for it in the rules, not for combat purposes but it detects ships at some point.
No further comment on this? Is this just a 'handwavium" thing that works game wise but had no RL correlation or am I misintepreting the rule?
No further comment on this? Is this just a 'handwavium" thing that works game wise but had no RL correlation or am I misintepreting the rule?

Total energy out is still total energy out; absolute magnitude won't change, but the band in which it's radiating will.
Hmm, guess Im not making myself clear at all.

On the chart ranges vary the amount of information collected. IT does not however account for the size/power/temperature/radiation or what have you that you are scanning. One would assume that an EW sensor would pick up a starship in full operation, sending out radio signals, actively scanning etc. far easier, and at a much further distance, than a ship in 'silent running' mode with all unnecessary systems shut down, no active sensors operating, no communications etc.

Similarly the amount of heat given off (a small drifting ship with its reactor at minimum v.s. a larger ship at full power and rockets firing.

The table doesnt account for ths difference and the GM basically has to wing it.