My crazy uncle in South San Francisco had too much time and money as well as too little maturity and adult restraints and probably bought every kind of board game, RPG, and miniature known to man (...or woman). He got in on the ground floor in 1977 and exposed me at a frightfully young age to fantasy, science fiction, and the gaming sub-culture in an age where such exposure would inoculate one against dating, common sense, and pretty girls. Despite this strong childhood handicap, I still managed to pretend I was a part of the conventional, mainstream culture, with no mean failure or success. And eventually geeks came to rule the world, making D&D mainstream, TSR an early success, GDW a household name amongst the nerds, and even did things like make Trek cons a thing, invent computers, BBS'es, and make pocket protectors and thick, horn rim glasses not such a bad thing (Thank you, Far Side). I miss my slide rule and calculator watch.
In such a fertile (Dare I say fecund?) nerd-o-geek-ish environment, I came to love Traveller. One of my buddies in the Cold War military, finally met the love of his life and bequeathed me a small box chocked full of gaming goodness and most of the LBB's (He was concentrating on children and a successful marriage). Out of such an age in the 1980's, my deep curiosity about Traveller was born. I started taking notes, writing stories, and building up that box of goodies into a box of RPG goodies plus many mongo Traveller / sci-fi notes. In those days, all sci-fi was Traveller to me. Flash, Buck, Wilma, Luke, Darth, Adama, Starbuck, Kirk, Spock, Trantor, Rico, dirty apes, power armor, Harkonnen, giant ants, 50-ft tall women (in bikinis), walking-talking plants, British time travelers, really bad special effects, Genly Ai... all fodder for Traveller. Not too much has changed.
I watched the Traveller wiki when it was started in the early 2000's and after a number of years watching it develop, I decided in the end of 2014 to start developing it into an even better resource. I wanted much more than it had to offer then. I pretty much learned most things the hard way and ranckled a number of Trav grognards including Don, Thomas, and Rancke (of course)... But, somehow, most of us figured out a way to get along and we all shared the same goal to enjoy Traveller and make Traveller really great again (not a presidential campaign slogan)... It's now 2016. Working on the dream and goal! LOL
"Hello, my name is Maks and I am powerless over CT."