Thinking about building fighters in HG2E....
The suboptimal design for a Bk2 equivalent fighter I first envisioned is the following:
_TD_ MCr TL=15
10.0 1.10 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_4.0 1.00 Bridge
_1.0 1.00 Triple Turret
_1.7 0.85 MD6
_2.0 6.00 PP20
_1.0 2.00 Model 1
_0.3 0.00 Fuel (4 days)
But then I got to thinking...
The Bk2 fighter is Model 1, but can only carry 1 laser... but has a ton of fuel.
_TD_ MCr TL=15
10.0 1.10 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_4.0 1.00 Bridge
_1.0 1.00 Triple Turret
_1.7 0.85 MD6
_1.0 3.00 PP10
_1.0 2.00 Model 1
_1.0 0.00 Fuel (4 weeks)
_0.3 0.00 cargo
==== ==== ==========
10.0 8.95 Agl 0 if laser, Agl=6 if not.
But that's a sucky fighter... Oh, and it doesn't work below TL15...
So... At TL9, a 10Td fighter...
_TD_ MCr TL=9
10.0 _1.100 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_0.5 _0.025 seat
_1.0 _1.000 Triple Turret
_1.7 _0.850 MD6
_3.0 _9.000 PP10 (1EP)
_2.0 _9.000 Model 2
_1.0 _0.000 Fuel (4 weeks)
_0.8 _0.000 Cargo
==== ====== ==========
10.0 20.975
Take standard discount, and same net performance, and the cost is MCr18.875... plus weapons. Max 1 laser. So... since it's single crewman, weapons may be:
Laser + SC
3 Msl
Msl + SC
Note that 2 SC or 2 Msl doesn't differ in performance from 1, and SC don't require extra crew…
Or we can save half an MCr by installing a double turret.
We can optimize it a bit more with a 2 seat variant for mixed weapons
_TD_ MCr TL=9
10.0 _1.100 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_1.0 _0.050 2 seats
_1.0 _1.000 Triple Turret
_1.7 _0.850 MD6
_3.0 _9.000 PP10 (1EP)
_2.0 _9.000 Model 2
_1.0 _0.000 Fuel (4 weeks)
_0.3 _0.000 Cargo
==== ====== ==========
10.0 21.000
Still sucks... but it now can be agility 0, and have a missile, a laser, and a sandcaster….
So... Not the Bk2 fighter. But definitely equivalent performance.
Let's see what a TL13 10 Td fighter can be.
_TD_ MCr TL=13
10.0 _1.100 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_0.5 _0.025 seat
_1.0 _0.500 double Turret
_0.0 _0.500 Beam laser UCP2
_0.0 _0.250 Sandcaster UCP3
_1.7 _0.850 MD6
_3.2 _9.600 PP15 (1.6EP)
_2.0 _9.000 Model 2
_1.6 _0.000 Fuel, 4wk
==== ====== ==========
10.0 21.825
one seater 1.6 EP, Agility 6.
_TD_ MCr TL=13
10.0 _1.100 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_0.5 _0.025 seat
_1.0 _0.500 double Turret
_0.0 _0.750 Missile UCP2
_0.0 _0.250 Sandcaster UCP3
_1.7 _0.850 MD6
_3.2 _9.600 PP6 (1.6EP)
_3.0 18.000 Model 3
_0.6 _0.000 Fuel 1.5 Weeks
==== ====== ==========
10.0 30.475
one seater 1.6 EP, Agility 6. Eff Comp Model 2... Factor 2 missile
The suboptimal design for a Bk2 equivalent fighter I first envisioned is the following:
_TD_ MCr TL=15
10.0 1.10 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_4.0 1.00 Bridge
_1.0 1.00 Triple Turret
_1.7 0.85 MD6
_2.0 6.00 PP20
_1.0 2.00 Model 1
_0.3 0.00 Fuel (4 days)
But then I got to thinking...
The Bk2 fighter is Model 1, but can only carry 1 laser... but has a ton of fuel.
_TD_ MCr TL=15
10.0 1.10 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_4.0 1.00 Bridge
_1.0 1.00 Triple Turret
_1.7 0.85 MD6
_1.0 3.00 PP10
_1.0 2.00 Model 1
_1.0 0.00 Fuel (4 weeks)
_0.3 0.00 cargo
==== ==== ==========
10.0 8.95 Agl 0 if laser, Agl=6 if not.
But that's a sucky fighter... Oh, and it doesn't work below TL15...
So... At TL9, a 10Td fighter...
_TD_ MCr TL=9
10.0 _1.100 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_0.5 _0.025 seat
_1.0 _1.000 Triple Turret
_1.7 _0.850 MD6
_3.0 _9.000 PP10 (1EP)
_2.0 _9.000 Model 2
_1.0 _0.000 Fuel (4 weeks)
_0.8 _0.000 Cargo
==== ====== ==========
10.0 20.975
Take standard discount, and same net performance, and the cost is MCr18.875... plus weapons. Max 1 laser. So... since it's single crewman, weapons may be:
Laser + SC
3 Msl
Msl + SC
Note that 2 SC or 2 Msl doesn't differ in performance from 1, and SC don't require extra crew…
Or we can save half an MCr by installing a double turret.
We can optimize it a bit more with a 2 seat variant for mixed weapons
_TD_ MCr TL=9
10.0 _1.100 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_1.0 _0.050 2 seats
_1.0 _1.000 Triple Turret
_1.7 _0.850 MD6
_3.0 _9.000 PP10 (1EP)
_2.0 _9.000 Model 2
_1.0 _0.000 Fuel (4 weeks)
_0.3 _0.000 Cargo
==== ====== ==========
10.0 21.000
Still sucks... but it now can be agility 0, and have a missile, a laser, and a sandcaster….
So... Not the Bk2 fighter. But definitely equivalent performance.
Let's see what a TL13 10 Td fighter can be.
_TD_ MCr TL=13
10.0 _1.100 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_0.5 _0.025 seat
_1.0 _0.500 double Turret
_0.0 _0.500 Beam laser UCP2
_0.0 _0.250 Sandcaster UCP3
_1.7 _0.850 MD6
_3.2 _9.600 PP15 (1.6EP)
_2.0 _9.000 Model 2
_1.6 _0.000 Fuel, 4wk
==== ====== ==========
10.0 21.825
one seater 1.6 EP, Agility 6.
_TD_ MCr TL=13
10.0 _1.100 Cone, 10Td (SL. UCP 02)
_0.5 _0.025 seat
_1.0 _0.500 double Turret
_0.0 _0.750 Missile UCP2
_0.0 _0.250 Sandcaster UCP3
_1.7 _0.850 MD6
_3.2 _9.600 PP6 (1.6EP)
_3.0 18.000 Model 3
_0.6 _0.000 Fuel 1.5 Weeks
==== ====== ==========
10.0 30.475
one seater 1.6 EP, Agility 6. Eff Comp Model 2... Factor 2 missile