He named his hero "Kyp". Kyp Durron. I refer to him as Dip Durron.
The first book in the series, Jedi Search, averages 3.5 stars with 39% giving it 5 stars and 17% giving it 4 stars.
Somebody likes his writing. Maybe they're all young adults. I dunno. I think his stuff smells like it's been beat with the pooper stick.
I read House Atreides--I don't think I finished it. The ideas in it were actually pretty good. It was the writing that I thought was so bad about it. I started noticing that some chapters were OK-to-decent to read. None of it was up to the high standard set by elder Herbert. But, for some chapters, I thought it was good enough to read. Then, other chapters, while the story was good, the ideas were just not presented in a good way. I'm not a snob when it comes to writing. Heck, I read comic books. But, doggone if it wasn't hard to keep my interest on some of those chapters.
I can only guess that some of the chapters were primarily written by Brian Herbert, and the others were primarily written by KJA. I have not idea if the two worked that way. It's just a guess because some of the chapters are noticeably worse than others.
I think I may try the audiobooks for these, one of these days. I'm hoping that will help be get over my dislike for KJA's work.