I shrug my shoulders at it. This is the first I've heard of it, and I've been wondering why someone other than myself hasn't tried to make a Traveller version of CS or Half Life.
Everquest was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made as a younger gamer back in the late 90s. The servers were overcrowded in the extreme. Ideally you and your band wander around a sector with maybe two or three other parties out of sight and out of mind, with the odd chance that you'll run into one another; i.e. parlay, fight, or team up to take down some nasty AI.
But, what I experienced was as follows; there were Players everywhere, and, quite literally, standing in line to take a crack at some monster. It was really that ridiculous. Everyone was a hero, but the AI in the stores could beat anyone. And the age limit was 18, but you had pre-teen punks just running amok in the place spouting off every sexually oriented foul mouthed insult known to mankind--stuff that would put a sailor and jarhead to shame--it was that bad.
I've told this story before, but I stuck with it for the simple idea that as soon as I levelled up to where my online friends were from another forum, that we would go on "serious" quests that would take us away from the crowds, where we could get into character, figure out puzzles, fight bad guys and monsters, and do adventuring stuff.
But the whole game is geared around levelling up, and not about RPing nor enjoying the atmosphere or company. And back in 98 or 99, there were so many players crowded on a server that the frame rates put the worst off shore Japanese anime to shame. It was like one frame every couple of seconds, if that. And god forbid you didn't have a card that didn't have 3d acceleration, because the software rendering was the worst.
I will never do another MMORPG EVER again. Seriously, NOT EVER. I don't care if the kinks have been ironed out, and if the servers are better now, I've had too many bad online gaming experiences to subject myself to that kind of crap ever again.
I'm glad Traveller's popular enough to try an effort at this, but I'm surprised that an updated version of the previous games wasn't forthcoming, and that the third game wasn't coded--much less an MMORPG version of our favorite scifi RPG. Whatever.
Good luck, mister Miller. All the best.