Within this release, it will be possible to become the Emperor of the Third Imperium.
Coinciding with the major expansion of power to the player, within higher levels of this campaign characters will have the ability to deal with other empires within Chartered Space.
On reading this I wondered how much of the history of the 3I these guys actually know or grasp. Of course it could have been a throwaway line, without any reference to the odds of success that they the developers may be aware of, with the intent of attracting investors/players. But I wonder...
Off it's a MMORPG, does that mean that time passes at the same rate as in our world? If so, does that mean there's going to be a lot of downtime while your Type S/patrol squadron/Type A/troop transport is in jump between destinations? "Well, that was only 27 hours to get to the jump point from Geflurginoxic II, now we're in jump I'll just use my gaming time to wash my socks and scrub the kitty litter until we get there."
Next, if the characters are still in the services, how do they gain skills?
"Okay, I'm offline while my character is paneled to attend Cse X, which along with U, V, W and later Y will see me increase my skill level in Bay Weapons from 1 to 2. Four weeks of downtime while he/she/it is studying and doing summative testing." Or worse, if they go to a branch school for most of a year. Do they play out the interactions in between classes and workshops and such?
OR are these and all the questions everyone else has asked the sort of support that the developers are hoping to get from the Traveller community?