What do you think .... ?
I'm developing the make-up of the 208th fleet operating in the Five Sisters subsector of the Spinward Marches. There are 'several' Tigress class dreadnoughts in the subsector.
So do you interpret this to say that there are Tigresses deployed in the Five Sisters subsector in addition to the eight with the 23rd Fleet ...
Are the Tigresses deployed in the Five Sisters subsector several of the eight assigned to the 23rd Fleet?
I originally thought that the Five Sisters ships were part of the 23rd Fleet on special assignment. I've been rereading it and I'm not sure.
What do you think?
I'm developing the make-up of the 208th fleet operating in the Five Sisters subsector of the Spinward Marches. There are 'several' Tigress class dreadnoughts in the subsector.
CT Fighting Ships said:At present, only one Tigress class BatRon is deployed in the Spinward Marches, assigned to 23rd Fleet, at Rhylanor. Additional Tigress class BatRons are generally assigned one per sector.
Deployment: In war, the ideal deployment of any BatRon is together, as a unit. In peace, various Tigresses are often scattered throughout a region on peacekeeping missions, or to show the flag. Several individual Tigresses have been deployed among the worlds of the Five Sisters Subsector to enforce the Amber Zone blockade of Candory and Andor.
So do you interpret this to say that there are Tigresses deployed in the Five Sisters subsector in addition to the eight with the 23rd Fleet ...
Are the Tigresses deployed in the Five Sisters subsector several of the eight assigned to the 23rd Fleet?
I originally thought that the Five Sisters ships were part of the 23rd Fleet on special assignment. I've been rereading it and I'm not sure.
What do you think?