It's a convenient handwave with some logic and technobabble backup.
I figured that since 'Jump Space' is essentially extra-dimensional and cannot communicate in any way with real space, there is likely to be a 'disconnect' between it and the rest of the universe.
Speed and Direction are forms of 'information' and cannot be retained in or 'communicated' through Jump Space. The logical corollary is that the speed and direction information of any ship is neutralised by Jump space and all ships arrive with a 'zero vector'. The question then arises 'zero wrt what? and again, logic and a dislike of near-c rocks suggests 'zero wrt the local G-field.
Otherwise, you have to start thinking, do my 'vectors' include the speed of the two planets in orbit, or the speed of the two stars through space? There has to be some degree of using the 'local region' of the journey's start and end points as a frame of reference, so why not make it an absolute and cut out all the headaches?
I do believe that's a fundamental violation of conservation of mass/energy. You left the universe with energy of motion X, re-entered with energy of motion Y - which might be greater or lesser. The conclusion is that jump space has either absorbed or imparted energy - directionally, no less - and that as a result there is now a wee bit less/more energy in the Einsteinian universe. The Gods will roar in outrage and punish us for our temerity. Great Cthulhu will sense the disturbance and be awakened in his tomb.
Minds with more physics and sanity than mine may well see other implications.