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Time to Travel from...

Sorry for the cross-post, but wasn't exactly where this question should go:

Does anyone have an idea how long it would take to travel from Vland to Capital to Terra at both Jump-4 and Jump-6? Approximate times are cool.

well, capital looks like it's about 40 parsecs from vland, and 120 parsecs from terra. assuming a j4 ship can average 3 parsecs per jump, that a j6 ship can average 5 parsecs per jump, and that each jump takes 10 days (7 in jump plus 3 refueling),

j4: vland (130 days) capital (400 days) terra
j6: vland (80 days) capital (240 days) terra

or thereabouts.
This was actually answered in the MegaTraveller "Rebellion Sourcebook", in the "Ripples Through The Imperium" section. Strephon's assassination was on 132-116; Vland got word via J6 courier on 202-1116 (70 days) and J4 xboat on 265-1116 (133 days); Terra got word via J6 courier on 311-1116 (179 days), and J4 xboat on 037-1117 (270 days). There might be a little fiddling with times because of route selection, especially for xboats, off the theoretical maximum.

X-mail isn't kept on the same ship. It's an 8 day cycle by relay for X-mail; outging jumps same day incoming arrives, with data transfer of a couple hours. (See The Traveller Adventure and Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats)

Also, X-mail routes are closer to J3.5 average.

The J6 route is much closer to J5.6.

The extra time can be accounted for with verifying the secure protocols at the downside base or with allowing a day for transfer of physical packets.
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X-mail isn't kept on the same ship.
original question didn't say mail, said travel.

Also, X-mail routes are closer to J3.5 average ... The J6 route is much closer to J5.6.
wouldn't have thought it, but after checking the spinward marches, you're right, and I'd guess that the core sector stellar densities are at least those of the marches.

so, assuming a bodily transfer on a non-pony-express route, it looks like

j4: vland (115 days) capital (343 days) terra
j6: vland (73 days) capital (218 days) terra

'course that's assuming middle of sector to middle of sector. also, a pony-express mail route could easily do capital (170 days) terra - but that would be one tremendously expensive mail route. I calculate about 666 MCr in monthly payments to buy such a fleet of dedicated message couriers.
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Anything else is inherently slower than a Poni Express on straightest route...
Thanks for the info...and to think, I had it on a bookshelf the whole time :)
I was thinking of designing a liner that would be part of a series on what I had termed the 'Capital Route', but not sure that it would be practical for that second leg (Capital-Terra)...I mean basically a year at J4. About 7 months at J6 might work. Looking back at our history, I'm pretty sure it took at least 6 months to go from Europe to say India before steam and the Suez Canal.
Any thoughts?
The answer depends on just what assumptions you make.

Distance from Vland to Capital: 59 parsecs. I've actually traced a route bewtween them that uses jump-6 except when using jump-5 would allow the ship (a luxury passenger liner, natch) to touch at important worlds along the way. That route takes 11 jumps. Allow for ten days per jump and it takes 110 days. A jump-4 I haven't worked out. The minimum is 15 jumps, but there's a good chance that astrography will add one or two jumps to that. Call it 170 days. Military couriers might use deep space fuel jumps to ensure that they can always make it in the shortest possible time. That would be ten jumps. I usually calculate with 7 days per jump for military couriers, but it's actually possible for them to shave a few hours off that average, by using multiple couriers. It's an extremely ressource-demanding procedure, though, and requires prepositioned courier relays. For single couriers that have to be refueled before they can jump again, add half a day per jump.

Distance from Capital to Muan Gwi: 120 parsecs. I haven't traced a specific route, so your guess is as good as mine. Somewhere between 20 and 24 jumps for jump-6.

Distance from Muan Gwi to Terra: Two jumps.

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Thanks for the info...and to think, I had it on a bookshelf the whole time :)
I was thinking of designing a liner that would be part of a series on what I had termed the 'Capital Route', but not sure that it would be practical for that second leg (Capital-Terra)...I mean basically a year at J4. About 7 months at J6 might work. Looking back at our history, I'm pretty sure it took at least 6 months to go from Europe to say India before steam and the Suez Canal.
Any thoughts?
I've always assumed that the major worlds (Capital and the sector capitals) were connected by jump-6 liners. The per-parsec cost of jump-6 shipping is about six times that of jump-3 (the cheapest), but there must be enough millionaires on the high-population worlds to keep some liners in the black. And if it's drop tank liners, the cost is a lot lower (Remember that business about jump-6 drop tank liner service being extended to Regina? That fell through, but that service had to have been extended from somewhere. Rhylanor, is my guess. Which means that Rhylanor has jump-6 service extended to it from Mora. Which means Mora is in touch with Deneb and [the Capital of Corridor] and Vland by jump-6 service).

One problem with this view is trhat it makes nonsens of the "news arrive at two different speeds" notion from MegaTraveller, but I've always been of the opinion that that was broken from the start (What, everyone who got the news by Navy courier kept their mouths shut? What, the megacorporations don't have jump-6 couriers of their own?)

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That happened a lot during World War II; the troops had information that, due to work, they knew, but the press didn't get it until much later, and the troops knew that if they talked, they'd be punished.

Operational security is a common cause of "secret information networks"....

Would it not have leaked? Probably.
Would it have been believed? Probably not by the mainstream.
Just an idle question...but how long from the Marches to either Capitol or Terra?

I have a noble group planning to go from the Marches to Capitol and then to Terra.

The travel times have sure helped...thanks!
Just an idle question...but how long from the Marches to either Capitol or Terra?

I have a noble group planning to go from the Marches to Capitol and then to Terra.

The travel times have sure helped...thanks!

Depends on the jump rating and how long they stay over on each stop :)

I seem to recall a web site with a little java script for doing travel times based on jump and distance between two worlds. Not sure though.

Years ago I played a solo merchie game with MT for a year or so (real time) covering a run from Regina* in the Marches to Saskatoon* in the Rim. It was post career gen in a J2 Far-Trader with 1 week trade stops. Took about 16 game years as I recall but my character had sources for Anagathics and the ship was paid off so it wasn't an issue taking his time. Not sure if that is typical or not and the details are fuzzy so he may have skipped a couple stops.

* it was a local interest connection thing, being that Saskatchewan's largest cities are Regina and Saskatoon
The per-parsec cost of jump-6 shipping is about six times that of jump-3 (the cheapest), but there must be enough millionaires on the high-population worlds to keep some liners in the black.
why would they make such journeys? surely there is no reason for any material good to be shipped such distances, and the only passengers who might have a need to spend half a year in transit would be dukes and archdukes, and perhaps imperial inspectors - and they would have their own transportation and would not use commercial passenger liners.
why would they make such journeys? surely there is no reason for any material good to be shipped such distances, and the only passengers who might have a need to spend half a year in transit would be dukes and archdukes, and perhaps imperial inspectors - and they would have their own transportation and would not use commercial passenger liners.

Looking at Earth's history, I would say: tourists, beaureaucrats (government and corporate), religious pilgrims, royalty, immigrants, job transfers, recluses, grifters...

Many of the merchant lines out of Europe had 'colonial routes' that brought the above and others to various points across the globe during the Colonial Era. Yes, a major corporation may own a fleet of ships, but can they get the person to where they need to be in the time needed? The Imperial Government decides to send a new crop of beureaucrats to Terra...they are not gonna use a heavy cruiser (ok, they would probably use Imperial Lines, but work with me here). Granted, most nobles in the Imperium would go in a Fleet vessel, but what about their families? It was not uncommon for the Prince of Wales to travel by a White Star or Cunarder, even though his parents had a royal yacht. The Queen of Romania was a frequent traveller on the Berengaria.

Also, keep in mind, it would probably be more cost effective for a government or corporation to book travel on a liner that was running on a set route and time-table instead of taking up space that could be used to produce revenue (and taken as an expense...)

Of course, the Imperium does not seem to have a lot of tourists in the current sense...guess just having to take a minimum of 2 weeks just to get there and back is part of the problem....
GURPS Interstellar Wars


Although this doesn't really answer the question of travel at Jump-4 or -6, I was reading GURPS: Traveller - Interstellar Wars last night, and saw that they indicated that with Jump-2 technology the journey from Terra to Vland would take between 160 to 200 separate jumps, depending on route, which the book suggested could mean a trip of 6 to 8 years in total, depending on how long you spend on each planet.

Anyway, l just thought I'd share.


Many of the merchant lines out of Europe had 'colonial routes' that brought the above and others to various points across the globe during the Colonial Era.
the standard cost of even a low berth passage over sixty parsecs in a j4 ship would be almost a year's average salary in the imperium - and the standard low berth passage cost doesn't seem able to generate a profit in a j4 ship. given the expense the comparison of travel in the imperium with earth's travel history doesn't seem apt.

as for cost efficiency, it would seem cheaper to utilize local bureaucrats whereever possible rather than ship them all the way from capitol. pilgrims immigrants and job transfers aren't likely to have any reason to go more than a single jump. royalty might, maybe, but anyone with enough money to fritter it away on year-long multiple-jump journeys is going to be rich enough to afford their own ship.

That happened a lot during World War II; the troops had information that, due to work, they knew, but the press didn't get it until much later, and the troops knew that if they talked, they'd be punished.
Yes, but the sector admiral would tell the sector duke, wouldn't he? And the fleet admirals would tell the subsector dukes. It seems to me that anything else would be extremely contrieved.

Would it not have leaked? Probably.
Would it have been believed? Probably not by the mainstream.
Ím not talking about the mainstream (Although I don't see how you can get passengers and crew on civilian jump-6 liners to keep their mouths shut). I'm talking about the movers and shakers. The story goes that Norris got advanced notice of Strephon's death and used it to promote himself to Archduke before the news broke. But it seems to me that the news must already have broken to the people he had to get to accept him. The sector duke of Deneb must have heard before Norris did and likewise all the subsector dukes. Delphine must have heard as soon or sooner than Norris. If not, every duke in the Marches would at least have heard by the time Norris' message announcing his elevation reached them.

"Strephon dead? That's terrible! What's that? A letter from Norris? He's been made Archduke? And the news just got to him when? Hmm... looks like Strephon must have sent him the notification just before he was killed. I smell a very big rat here..." [Any duke in the Marches]

In fact, the timing stinks so badly that any political opponent who wanted to could have challenged even a genuine message from Strephon.

My take on the whole mess is that a gang of dukes went to Mora and twisted Delphine's arm something fierce. ;)

Just an idle question...but how long from the Marches to either Capitol or Terra?
I haven't worked out jump-4 routes, only jump-6 (with shorter jumps when astrography demands it). Note: If I give a specific number of jumps, I've worked out a specific route on the map; if I give a range, I haven't.)

Mora to Deneb: 20 parsecs (4 jumps)
Deneb to Vland: 66 parsecs (11-13 jumps)
Vland to Capital: 59 parsecs (11 jumps)
Capital to Muan Gwi: 120 parsecs (20-24 jumps)
Muan Gwi to Terra: 2 jumps.

You should be able to get a reasonable guesstimate for jump-4 travel by dividing parsecs by 3.5 and rounding up.

the standard cost of even a low berth passage over sixty parsecs in a j4 ship would be almost a year's average salary in the imperium - and the standard low berth passage cost doesn't seem able to generate a profit in a j4 ship. given the expense the comparison of travel in the imperium with earth's travel history doesn't seem apt.
I always work with per-parsec costs. According to my calculations (for which I give no warrantry ;)) jump-6 middle passage ought to cost about CrImp 36,000 or CrImp6,000 per parsec. At those rates a trip from Muan Gwi to Capital would cost three quarters of a million, about a life's salary for an average Imperial. Only a millionaire would be able to afford that. But a world like Muan Gwi would have a lot of millionaires. And, of course, there would be people who 'only' wanted to go from Muan Gwi to Easter (the next coreward subsector capital) and others who want to go from Easter to Kelvin, (the next coreward subsector capital), etc.
