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Timeline: Solomani



This thread is for posting dates taken from that relate to the Solomani presence in the Spica Subsector. We can then use this as a reference.

Obviously there aren't many dates directly relevant to Spica in canon, but there are many that can be derived from canon (e.g. during the Long Night, we can probably assume that that Spica would be suffering too
). So I'm guessing that most of the dates listed here will probably be derived from canon.

If there are any directly relevant dates that are explicitly stated in canon, please highlight them in bold and state the sources.

If you want to add dates for events of your own design that aren't mentioned in canon (e.g. date that a pocket empire is formed in Spica) then please indicate that it is original material by putting [NEW] in brackets at the end of your entry.

Don't worry about the order of the dates that you post. I'll collect them all into a single post and list them in chronological order.

Please discuss any entries in a separate thread (eg the Sector History thread, or make a new one) - we just want final timeline entries in this thread!
-2100 human explorers probing to trailing, evetually as far as the young Hive Federation (SS Hinterworlds, if they are going though the Hinterworlds then there are probably expeditions through Spica too)
-1802 first contact between humans and Hivers (MT IE)
-1511 Terran merchants contact Darrian (MT IE - by implication they can reach the Hivers too, they are nearer than the Darrians)
-700 solomani sleeper ships sent out to trailing (SS Hinterworlds - by implication/conjecture to Spica too)
I've only really got the GT corebook handy for timelines (the following dates are from there), so I hope these are all valid... I'm kinda breaking my own rules here, but these are important landmark dates to provide some context for everything else.

-2204 Rule of Man begins
-1776 RoM collapses. Long Night begins.
-1690 Terran Mercantile Community established.
-1100 Old Earth Union established.
871 Solomani Confederation established
950 Solomani Confederation dissolved.
990 Solomani Rim War begins.
More dates, from GT Rim of Fire. Again, most of these aren't directly relevant (I guess I may as well edit my initial post here

-1700 to -1400: The Dingir League, Easter Concord, Terran Mercantile Community, and the Vegan Polity form in the Solomani Rim sector (implied from RoF).

-1100: The Terran Mercantile Community becomes the Old Earth Union.

-400: The Bootean League forms in the SR sector.

100: IISS enter Solomani Rim.

200 (approx): Rim States trading and talking.

426: Easter Concord joins the Imperium.

582: Dingir League joins Imperium.

586: Vegan Polity co-erced into joining Imperium.

588: Old Earth Union joins Imperium. Solomani Hypothesis proven by expedition to Terra.

704: Solomani Autonomous Region is created. The Solomani Movement (that Solomani are superior) is born.

704-860: Solomani Autonomous Region comes under control of the Solomani Movement.

871: Solomani Autonomous Region is reorganised to become the Solomani Confederation.

920 (approx): Worlds start to secede from the Confederation back into Imperial hands.

940 (approx): Solomani protest at Imperial incursions into their space. Charter forming the SAR is revoked. (this date appears to be correct, not 950).

979-986: Third Frontier War. (allows Solomani to build forces while Imperium is distracted).

late 989: Solomani Confederation declares itself independent of Imperium.

990: Open war declared between Imperium and Solomani Confederation.

990-993: Solomani advance into the Daibei and Diaspora sectors.

993: Solomani make big push into Old Expanses but are repulsed with heavy losses. Solomani on defensive hereafter.