Head Phones or Ear Buds? Unless that's not working either.[confession: I do not have sound at one of my computers, so I don't watch that many videos ... silent movies are boring.]
Anime otaku have a well known fondness for subtitles.
Perhaps you could ... you know ... develop a new skill?![]()
The computer I have the most access to is a Graphic Workhorse that may have "sound" on the motherboard, but has no external connections for it. I have bad speakers built into the big monitors that cannot access any sound. I am reluctant to pop the hood of a computer that I do not own (it belongs to work).Head Phones or Ear Buds? Unless that's not working either.
In that case, how about a guy who lives in Ohio and has been gathering data for over half a year (including during snowstorms and high wind)?there are other things to do at home than watch an Aussie extol the virtues of Solar Power in the Sunbelt.[even if the results ARE impressive]
Here’s a thought, how I handle capacitors as batteries.Actually, as interesting as SOLAR is ... we have wandered pretty far afield from TL 8 batteries [which is fine] and I have a Starship to modify now that my PbP group has changed and is getting close to needing it [which is less fine]. So I need to shift my attention from SOLAR to LBB5 and nail down the final details to create a Deckplan.
I wish both YOU and HIM all the success as I am off to have fun.
Think of it this way ... and I'm going to use water plumbing to make the analogy easier to grab onto.So there has to be a distribution system. Two options, the capacitors feed back to the power plant and the main distributor handles it, or the power plant feeds the capacitors and the capacitors actually power the downstream systems normally.
In which case, back in battery news ...Actually, as interesting as SOLAR is ... we have wandered pretty far afield from TL 8 batteries
Hence my option to buy extra distribution capacity, more tons set aside for the control/routing boxes and the actual power lines. Where it sits determines whether the power plant has to exist to route (more easily mixed to need) or potentially run something like the maneuver drive even if it’s been disabled/destroyed.Think of it this way ... and I'm going to use water plumbing to make the analogy easier to grab onto.
If you've got a manifold and distribution system that is only capable of moving 10 liters per second maximum ... that's the limit of how much fluid you can push through the system. If you try to shove 10+10=20 liters per second through that, because you've got 2 sources of supply, you aren't going to be outputting 20 liters per second to the downstream end user (or if you do, you won't be doing that for very long because something ought to break).
Sticking with the water plumbing analogy, the way I think of it is that the fusion power plant is the source and the capacitors are buffer storage. So the power plant is like a river and the capacitors are like a water tower, used to moderate and modulate the flow throughout the distribution network via management of reserves.
In other words, the batteries/capacitors provide a storage AND power conditioning function to help stabilize the load balancing needed for all power demand systems.
At 36 EP per ton (LBB5), that amounts to several HOURS of power plant output in most circumstances.
A 400 ton starship with J3/3G/PP3 (for example) would have 8 tons of jump capacitors, meaning 288 EP of storage capacity.
The power plant would have a 12 EP output per combat round.
288 / 12 = 24 combat rounds / 3 = 8 hours @ 12 EP continuous output capacity.
So in the event of a "power plant out" due to a lack of fuel (rather than damage to the power plant), if the capacitors (in this example) were loaded to full prior to the power plant going down, the ship would have 8 hours of 3G maneuvering capacity (or 12 hours @ 2G, or 24 hours @ 1G) before exhausting all of the power reserves (note: "housekeeping" power demands would actually shorten this duration slightly, but that's an added complication I don't care to get into right now).
However, the point is that the power plant code rating determines the maximum "load" that can be delivered (unless using Emergency Agility, which is something of an edge case) under nominal conditions. Using my above example of J3/3G/PP3 @ 400 tons, the "power budget" for the ship cannot exceed 12 EP per combat turn. Whether all of those EPs are coming from the power plant itself (100% output) or the jump capacitors or a mixture of the two ... doesn't really matter (except for bookkeeping purposes of the jump capacitor reserve of EPs). What matters is that you CANNOT have a power demand of 13+ EP for all systems under nominal conditions (again, Emergency Agility is an edge case exception). The limit of 12 EP per combat turn is determined by the hull displacement and power plant code.
400 * 0.03 = 12
You're not dealing with transcontinenental line loses, because energy never travels that far.I cannot imagine the line loss on a Morocco to UK Power transmission line or the cost to construct a line that distance across that terrain. I certainly look forward to operational numbers from THAT project.
Mostly, because there's nobody nearby to sell the power to, and they haven't yet built out the distribution network.The Sahara desert has been earmarked for solar plantations for quite a while.
Sort of surprised why (North) American deserts don't have start ups in theirs.
The simple fact of the matter is that utility scale solar requires SOME water resources to keep things working (to wash the panels/mirrors, if nothing else). Mind you, that water demand is nowhere near as high as the water demand for a coal fired power plant (funny that ...Sort of surprised why (North) American deserts don't have start ups in theirs.
Choose logically. Solar at ground level isn't a viable base load source. For that you have to go into medium orbit
Nope. Still non-competitive with nuc and others.
So? That's has nothing to do with physics and reality. That is a manipulated market. Not a free market.Both places BAN nuc power. Have you HEARD?
If one is off the grid and not in civilization solar can be the way to go.
The simple fact of the matter is that utility scale solar requires SOME water resources to keep things working (to wash the panels/mirrors, if nothing else). Mind you, that water demand is nowhere near as high as the water demand for a coal fired power plant (funny that ...), you still need to expend some water on utility scale solar.
And strangely enough, the desert regions in CONUS have the geography and environment to "win the lottery" on solar potential. The US deserts have been called the "Saudi Arabia of Solar" in terms of how favorable solar power generation at industrial scale is ... but there are, shall we call them "entrenched interests" that want to delay the deployment of solar power for as long as possible (I wonder why?).
Something something ... competition is good ... except when the competition disrupts US, then it's BAD™.
The second problem is that the deserts that are "ideal for solar power generation" are not where large populations of people (and thus, demand for electricity) are found. So you get back into the transmission lines/distribution network problem, where even if you build a terrawatt industrial solar plant out in the desert, there's no infrastructure to tie into to export all that power through.
The third problem is ... permitting.
There are a LOT of renewable power projects in the US that are fully funded, some of them are even built and ready to be online ... and the utilities and regulators are just playing Silly Bunnies™ with the permitting process (so as to delay the implementation of solar for as long as possible). It's all a big game of "chicken" where the provincial interests want SOMEBODY ELSE to Go First and prove that delaying this stuff is madness and idiocy.
Fortunately, Texas and (of all places) California are showing that unreasonable delays in getting solar, wind and battery storage online is sheer madness and idiocy when it comes to making energy more affordable.
The fourth problem is "the grid can't handle it!" nonsense ... which starts with the assumption that Capitalism along with the Laws of Supply & Demand have somehow magically been banished. After all, aren't people always waxing prophetic about The Invisible Hand Of The Market and how all you need to do is "build a better mousetrap" and so on and so forth?
The solutions to the (by now) antiquated Dumb Grid that we've inherited ARE available. Simple solutions like Reconductoring (take the wires off the transmission lines and replace them with updated wire systems) can DOUBLE OR MORE the capacity of existing electrical transmission lines (all you need is investment money to make it happen). Building out smarter grid monitoring systems that permit more accurate measurements of loads and rates of power transmission, rather than just "guessing" with wide margins needed for safety (because you don't ACTUALLY know) will go a long way to increasing grid capacity.
Fortunately, the US seems to have finally hit the tipping point.
Change is COMING ...
Here's the thing: back in the day, it was much less of an issue, because construction standards of the time yeilded drafty houses.
Then you get modern standards for insulation and efficiency, and fumes start to build up instead of leaking away through the gaps...
A similar issue (I've seen it in college buildings, but I'm sure it's not uncommon) is in buildings that were originally built without air conditioning, with high ceilings, doors to the outside, and transom windows. Retrofit them for air conditioning decades later, and it's less efficient than it could have been (and occasionally almost completely ineffective).
In that case, how about a guy who lives in Ohio and has been gathering data for over half a year (including during snowstorms and high wind)?![]()