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Trade Stations, Scout Posts, Beacons, and Bazaars - the Class E Starport Startown

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Trade Stations, Scout Posts, Beacons, and Bazaars - the Class E Starport Startown

Farmboy: ...But I was going into Tasche Station to pick up some power converters!
Older Man: You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done.

A worn speck of rock in the back end of space?
Or an opportunity for adventure!

This is a rough sketch of what a Startown could look like around a Class E Starport.

Trade Station:
- General Store and Supply - High Tech Merchandise
- Hardware
- Small Arms
- Cattle and Butcher store
- Clinic and Pharmacy

Scout Post:
- X-Mail Center
- Comm Tower
- Information Access Terminals
- Translation Service
- Assay Office
- Currency Exchange
- Observatory

- Navigational Marker
- Stationary Searchlight
- Flags and Windsock
- Power House

- Fresh Off-World Produce
- Bakery
- Other Goods

Next to the Startown would be some scorched earth Landing "Pads". There could be an Air/raft vendor, maybe some kind of entertainment center, a Diner cooking hot food for the locals to try, air/raft rides, a bar or saloon, and possibly even a hotel.

Outside the Startown, written in the native language, it says: "Welcome to Star City!"

Pretty similar to an Old West town when a Starport pops up in the middle of nowhere.
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Trade Stations, Scout Posts, Beacons, and Bazaars - the Class E Starport Startown

Farmboy: ...But I was going into Tasche Station to pick up some power converters!
Older Man: You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done.

A worn speck of rock in the back end of space?
Or an opportunity for adventure!

This is a rough sketch of what a Startown could look like around a Class E Starport.

Trade Station:
- General Store and Supply - High Tech Merchandise
- Hardware
- Small Arms
- Cattle and Butcher store
- Clinic and Pharmacy

Scout Post:
- X-Mail Center
- Comm Tower
- Information Access Terminals
- Translation Service
- Assay Office
- Currency Exchange
- Observatory

- Navigational Marker
- Stationary Searchlight
- Flags and Windsock
- Power House

- Fresh Off-World Produce
- Bakery
- Other Goods

Next to the Startown would be some scorched earth Landing "Pads". There could be an Air/raft vendor, maybe some kind of entertainment center, a Diner cooking hot food for the locals to try, air/raft rides, a bar or saloon, and possibly even a hotel.

Outside the Startown, written in the native language, it says: "Welcome to Star City!"

Pretty similar to an Old West town when a Starport pops up in the middle of nowhere.

Actually, this sounds more like a Class D star port than a Class E.

From Starter Traveller:
D Poor quality installation. Only unrefined fuel available. No repair or shipyard facilities present. Scout base may be present.

E Frontier Installation. Essentially a marked spot of bedrock with no fuel, facilities, or bases present.

- Fresh Off-World Produce
- Bakery
- Other Goods

Not sure if you meant "Off-World" produce or local world produce. Off-World produce is more likely to first go through some form of quarantine and/or inspection prior to being allowed off of the ship, and then is much more likely to immediately be snapped up by a local food broker for resale to the upper class of the planet. I go with the idea that Star Port type does not necessarily reflect the size of the world population and government type.

As for "Other Goods", those would include local handcrafts and artwork, possibly some locally made textiles and furs, along with your planetary visit nicknacks.

Next to the Startown would be some scorched earth Landing "Pads".

Scorched Earth? Are we thinking reaction drives here? And the Landing Pads are going to have to be fairly substantial, unless bedrock is close to the surface, as your starships are going to weigh several hundred to thousands of tons (even in a Small-Ship Universe), and are going to need something reasonably firm to rest on.

Is this an invitation to post some of our own thoughts and ideas on the subject?
I concur that that sounds like a thriving D port to me, not so much a C-port.
Could very well be a Class E In Traveller 5 (Main World frontier starport) (Pg. 306)
A Class D would have unrefined fuel and some limited repair facilities (Main World poor starport)
A Class F would in trav 5 would be significantly better than a E class port but an E would indicate a Main World and thus some established trade and trading area.
A Class F would be equivalent to a class D but on a non-mainworld with lower pop and trade opportunities.

Sounds like a cool town anyway for a good RP event, long term adventure. I would bet the booze is strong, and swaining and wenching going on around the port with the crews that do land would be intense.
Pretty similar to an Old West town when a Starport pops up in the middle of nowhere.

In the Old West did towns spring up around railway stops, or did they primarily put the stops at existing towns, or was it some combination of the two?

The you've given includes no refueling of any sort, so that fits within the general description of an E and not a D class facility.

When the descriptor for a D says "Poor Quality Installation", what level of quality are they referring to? A typical TL12 interstallar-graded facility? Of doe they mean anything to do with any sort of spaceborne capability?

What about "No repair or shipyard facilities present"? The shipyard bit is a little more straightforward, but what about repair? Does that mean jump plate/grid technicians and services available, or someone who can do a bit of welding on a landing strut or fix the hydrolic lines on an airelon? Or does it mean any sort of repair for any type of airborne conveyance whatsoever?
In the Old West did towns spring up around railway stops, or did they primarily put the stops at existing towns, or was it some combination of the two?
historically a combination of the two.

But in this case: I would think that the spacers would put down as near the population centre as they can.
Rather than the people moving to where they land. After all it is just a blasted piece of rock (or lake).
You would want to land near your markets.
Since in T5 it would be a main world it would probably be as near as safely possible to the largest population centre.
When I read No facilities, no fuel, tend to think that the description is only referring to services direct toward starship maintenance and support...not local business and trade.
while the starport itself may have no facilities for repairing, fueling, or directing starships. the local population has to have some way of getting cargo to and from various points on the planet.

the need to handle tons of cargo at a time means you would likely have at least.
1)Warehouses for cargo
2) some means of distributing cargo to it's final destination,wagons, trucks, aircraft, railways
3)people employed by the locals to handle cargo.
4) some form of lodging for employees.
5) housing and, or, transport for arriving/departing passengers.

Anywhere there are people living, and working, there needs to be some sort of store, restaurant, hotel/housing. So it's not a stretch to say that even a type E star port would have at least a small town. The local town might have a population of perhaps no more than a hundred or so people withing a short distance from the star port, but it would be there.
. Also Starship crews, passengers,and the ground support folks, have money, and money draws people wanting to get there hands on it. In addition to the local peddlers, shopkeepers, and such...

The specifics of what sort of shops, businesses, and housing in the area mayis up to the person creating the world. But, it's logical to assume there is more there than a pad, and a sign that says 'Welcome to B'Eff'ee, Population: you fellas..." Although I also have to imagine there are more than one or two of those sorts of places around.
Is this an invitation to post some of our own thoughts and ideas on the subject?

Yes, absolutely.

Also, it's not a Starport, it's the Startown next to the Starport. The Beacon is really the only part of the Starport. No repair facilities and no fuel.

I didn't intend the Scout Post to be a full Base. Mostly an information distribution center. An Imperium propaganda site type of thing, but also to help the locals with crops and such. The X-Mail Center being only a local telegraph office. The Assay Office and Currency Exchange might go better with the Trade Station.

and a sign that says 'Welcome to B'Eff'ee, Population: you fellas...'

Since in T5 it would be a main world it would probably be as near as safely possible to the largest population centre.

Why as near as possible to the largest population center? Depending on the government type and culture, the policy of the world may be to minimize any contact with outworlders by the general populace, and carefully restrict what can and cannot be traded, along with severely restricting the movements of any offworlder. I can easily see, in that case, the space port being sited on a island, with the local population carefully screened for loyalty to the local policies. In short, you land, off-load cargo, pick up cargo, replenish any needed stores (mainly food and oxygen), take on fuel, and leave.
for a Class E inside the wire (extraterritorial line) apart from the beacon you'd have the Port Wardens office (even if it's just a small unoccupied clourbond shed with a notice board out front) an Amenities Block (could be just a thunder box) and a wayfarers shelter (an other colourbond shed) . if the world is inhabited there will likely be a couple of import/export offices, a canteen, diner and or pub (perhaps combined) and a "Store" perhaps it buys and sell off-world goods or stuff that off-worlders may need for when they cross the wire (perhaps ladies aren't allowed to where pants, or the colour Blue is for the local priests only?), an office for the planetary trade authority and a customs and immigration office for the planetary government.

Outside the wire, it depends on the planetary population and TL, but expect a planetary and a local government office buildings, a Watch-house if not a full police station, more Import/Export offices, somewhere else to eat, a pub or bar of some description and a strip mall or neighbourhood shopping centre (or collection of shops with the kind of stuff you'd find in a strip mall), there may be a outfitters or disposal and some kind of hotel me kind of medical clinic.
The way I see a class E "starport" is that there really isn't a starport there. You set down somewhere convenient and so long as the locals don't object there isn't a problem. Maybe somebody from local law enforcement or a politician shows up and lets you know what the rules are.

"Yew boys can't be take'n none o' dim there fancy energy guns off'in yer ship now, ya hear me?"

Maybe a farmer / rancher shows up and tells you you parked on his land and are spooking his herd. "I expect compensation or I'm going to the Sheriff..."

"You can refuel from my pond but I want five hundred credits for the water..."

You need maintenance you find a machine shop, electronics shop, etc., in a nearby town and rummage through dusty bins looking for the right part or have it made.

That's what I take as class E.
Even a small port should have a brokerage office with a warehouse attached for cargo. Maybe a small handyman/repair shop or part machine shop for quick and dirty repairs. Also a local constable office with planetarty laws posted on a board and maybe selling travel visas to wander off the reservation.

Potential passengers could be in touch with the brokerage office to be called if a ship arrives. Also expect local well to do's to have a man on site to get first crack at anything coming off the ship.

Possable adventures...

Two gentelmen getting into a serious bidding war over cargo before the ships engines cool...add threats and other nastyness to spice it up.

Ship lands, crew goes to broker, and then have to wait for days as possable passengers come in, look over the ship, haggle prices, and otherwise try the tempers of the captain and crew.

Local constable shows up, gives them the rules, locks up any high tech weapons or warns them to leave em in the ship, then tries to "inspect" the cargo trying to drum up a few bribes.

Local con man sells them a cargo 1/4 down up front and the balance on delivery and then blows town with the cash.

A hard up widow tries to talk the crew into using their higher tech sickbay to help her hurt/sick kid. If the crew helps the local medical guild gets an attitude and sues the ship for it.

Add unattatched females looking for a husband to take them away, traveling preachers looking to convert, Locals trying to get off planet before the law catches them and all the other fun things that can happen.
I would imagine the lower limit of a Class E port being similar to a 19th century Train Station in the old west. There is a cargo area, a passenger area and a post office all located in one small building near a spot specifically designed to accommodate an arriving train (landing ship). The landing pad would probably be similar to a modern small private airport ... landing pad, location beacon, weather station. Depending on the amount of traffic, it may or may not have any form of traffic control.

For an Imperial Starport, add a small obligatory fence to delineate the official Starport Boundary, with access through the station. Beyond the station and fence lies all of the local businesses waiting for goods and customers, or egar to provide goods and services. Only if traffic is brisk enough to warrant Traffic Control, would there be businesses located within the starport boundary.

Of course, this is the lower limit of a class E starport ... many modern airports do not build aircraft, perform major overhauls or perform regular maintenance ... placing them in the class D or class E starport category. Yet they manage to grow quite large and be busy places of commerce in their own rights. So I see no reason that a giant, modern, bustling class D starport is impractical. Whether that applies to a class E or not is more of an IYTU question (IMTU it does not, class E means few employees and bare minimum infrastructure, but giant bustling class D starports with the amenities discussed in the OP are common).
IMTU starport classifications require certain amenities for each class. A starport can have some amenities above its class, but unless it has all the required amenities for a better classification, it doen't get it.

Unfortunately for that notion, the requirements that divide one class from another are very few. A marked spot of bedrock is enough for a class E rating; access to a pond of water is enough for a D rating; modest repair facilities (and unrefined feul) is enough for a C rating.

The big divide is between C and B. A starport can provide refined fuel, repairs, and annual maintenance, but if you can't order a spaceboat built, it's not a Class B starport (on the other hand, the only difference between B and A is the kind of vessels you can get them to build for you).

Theoretically, a starport can have all the other facilities of a class A port, but if, for some bizarre reason, it does not sell fuel, not even unrefined fuel, it only gets an E rating. The problem with that (IMO) is that any world which is visited by starships more than a few times per decade and still doesn't provide at least unrefined fuel is (again IMO) starkly implausible.

My suggestion would be to provide more required facilities for each rating. The class D might, for example, require round-the-clock manning. That would make the marked spot of bedrock next to a pond a class E because while there is unrefined fuel available, there is no one around to man the port.

I'm not sure what else might be plausibly required to maintain a class E or D or C or B r A status. Perhaps some sort of size requirement? Brokerage service?

Hmmm... needs further thought.

The Starport classification system really never caught on with me. I personally think it needs a complete do-over.

For example, Tech Level does not really affect the classification, but it should, IMO. And the ship building capability is just off. Taking a modern aerial viewpoint, do you see airplanes boing built at Kennedy, O'Hare, or DFW? No. From a ship viewpoint, do you see ships being built in the New York Port Authority, or Boston, or San Diego? No.

And fuel. Refining hydrogen is so low-tech, it would really have to be a very poor starport to not even offer a portable fuel purification plant.
The Starport classification system really never caught on with me. I personally think it needs a complete do-over.

For example, Tech Level does not really affect the classification, but it should, IMO. And the ship building capability is just off. Taking a modern aerial viewpoint, do you see airplanes boing built at Kennedy, O'Hare, or DFW? No. From a ship viewpoint, do you see ships being built in the New York Port Authority, or Boston, or San Diego? No.

And fuel. Refining hydrogen is so low-tech, it would really have to be a very poor starport to not even offer a portable fuel purification plant.

I'd agree with that. Any reasonably organized starport would have refined fuel available. Importing a plant to make it and some storage tanks would not be difficult to do. I'd think it would have far more to do with technology and expected traffic than anything else.
That is, a strategically located system where any ship with a jump 1 or 2 has to go through would, I would think, would end up with a pretty good port simply because they get sufficient traffic to make it worthwhile.
Even a very high tech world might have a pretty minimal starport if it didn't get a lot of space traffic.
There could even be cases where there is nothing but a high port (think truck stop on a rural interstate) to refuel at and maybe get some basic maintenance done.

Ship building I agree would be far more a combination of population base, and technology than what kind of starport was in the system. You wouldn't have a major yard building ships necessarily on a Class A starport world with a few thousand inhabitants who have no perceived need to build ships locally. There would be no money in having design offices, and a fully equipped yard on such a world.

The equivalent of a Boeing, say Ling Standard Products, is likely to have factories on only a few dozen worlds to build anything larger than say a 1000 ton ship. Even factories that build smaller ones simply wouldn't exist in every Class A system. There isn't the volume of construction to support them.
Think about it. For a company building even something small like far and free traders or scout ships and the like they would have to have at a minimum one ship under construction at all times. No work = no income = no profit.
If local demand wasn't there where does it come from if any Class A system has that capacity?