Trade Stations, Scout Posts, Beacons, and Bazaars - the Class E Starport Startown
Farmboy: ...But I was going into Tasche Station to pick up some power converters!
Older Man: You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done.
A worn speck of rock in the back end of space?
Or an opportunity for adventure!
This is a rough sketch of what a Startown could look like around a Class E Starport.
Trade Station:
- General Store and Supply - High Tech Merchandise
- Hardware
- Small Arms
- Cattle and Butcher store
- Clinic and Pharmacy
Scout Post:
- X-Mail Center
- Comm Tower
- Information Access Terminals
- Translation Service
- Assay Office
- Currency Exchange
- Observatory
- Navigational Marker
- Stationary Searchlight
- Flags and Windsock
- Power House
- Fresh Off-World Produce
- Bakery
- Other Goods
Next to the Startown would be some scorched earth Landing "Pads". There could be an Air/raft vendor, maybe some kind of entertainment center, a Diner cooking hot food for the locals to try, air/raft rides, a bar or saloon, and possibly even a hotel.
Outside the Startown, written in the native language, it says: "Welcome to Star City!"
Pretty similar to an Old West town when a Starport pops up in the middle of nowhere.
Farmboy: ...But I was going into Tasche Station to pick up some power converters!
Older Man: You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done.
A worn speck of rock in the back end of space?
Or an opportunity for adventure!
This is a rough sketch of what a Startown could look like around a Class E Starport.
Trade Station:
- General Store and Supply - High Tech Merchandise
- Hardware
- Small Arms
- Cattle and Butcher store
- Clinic and Pharmacy
Scout Post:
- X-Mail Center
- Comm Tower
- Information Access Terminals
- Translation Service
- Assay Office
- Currency Exchange
- Observatory
- Navigational Marker
- Stationary Searchlight
- Flags and Windsock
- Power House
- Fresh Off-World Produce
- Bakery
- Other Goods
Next to the Startown would be some scorched earth Landing "Pads". There could be an Air/raft vendor, maybe some kind of entertainment center, a Diner cooking hot food for the locals to try, air/raft rides, a bar or saloon, and possibly even a hotel.
Outside the Startown, written in the native language, it says: "Welcome to Star City!"
Pretty similar to an Old West town when a Starport pops up in the middle of nowhere.
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