Patron Zero
I have had that as a scenario. A orbital in a "remote" system that isn't heavily trafficked that acts as a cosmic gas station. It's abandoned and the crew needs fuel and some common spare parts...
Of course, there isn't any other populated place in the system (I make the assumption that this occurred between the last time a scout was there and the party showing up) to go so...
I would take it as a given of there being some sort of 'rest-area' or highway oasis to be scattered here and abouts the spaceways for the sole purpose of rescue-emergency assistance if nothing more than glorified tollway police phone 'boxes'.
If such only offered a means of long-range communication and acted as a 'survival' shelter or stationary 'life-boat' the cost would be justified in lives potentially saved. Such facilities could be 'staffed' by robots or drones if 'roadside' repairs or other basic services were available, said staff offline and conserving resources until being called upon.