Hello Folks,
I thought I'd divorce the thread hijacking (my fault to be sure - sorry Hans) from another thread and open it up for its own discussion.
Earlier in another thread, I pointed out the fact that any attempt to recreate 100%, the stats of the Defender class System Defense boat (page 35 of Traders and Gunboats) was impossible, and that the ship design information does not match that of High Guard second edition, nor that of High Guard first edition, nor that of Book 2 of the little black books. One CAN use High Guard Second edition and recreate the USP given on page 46 for the Defender class SDB, but that if done using High Gard second edition, the crew size does not match, nor does the cost of the ship matching the USP for the Defender class match that given in Trader's and Gunboats. In a design that matches exactly the USP given, I end up with 6 staterooms, scoops and fuel refining equipment, needle/wedge hull, 9 levels of armor, agility 6, power... (well, you get the point - the created USP matches that of the USP given on page 46).
What was interesting however, at least to me, was an article in JTAS #9, titled appropriately enough SDB by John Lewis. In it, he writes:
"Strategists contend that a properly deployed system defense boat force can
repulse invading star fleets up to twice their tonnage, and can hold down other
invading star fleets for weeks or months if properly deployed. The defense
strategy is a three part plan."
I wondered - could a defending fleet, comprised only of the Defender class SDB, defeat an invading fleet of the same tech level, but up to twice the tonnage of the defending fleet?
As I, with the help of those on CT-STARSHIP, discovered, it is not only possible for an invading fleet to be able to defeat the defending fleet with twice the defending fleet's tonnage, but it was possible for an invading fleet to defeat the defending fleet of Defender class SDB's with an equal or even lesser tonnage in hulls.
The one class ship I created, was the Dominator class hull, tentatively labled as a cruiser because of its Type L spinal mount and its 48,000 dton hull. Stats wise, this is the Dominator:
CZ-N1368F3-090106-00L09-0 MCr 54,684.708 48 KTons
28 Factor 9 sandcaster batteries
10 Factor 6 Repulsor bays
6 Factor 9 Missile Bays
1 Factor 1 Nuclear Dampner field
1 backup Factor 1 Nuclear Dampner field
Batteries Bearing:
Sandcasters: 24x factor 9
Repulsor bays: 8x factor 6
Spinal Mount: 1x Type L spinal partical accelerator
Missile Bay: 5x Factor 9
Crew: 536 (271 staterooms)
Cargo: 18.000 Fuel: 18,240.000 EP: 3,840.000 Agility: 6 Shipboard Security Detail: 48 Marines: 40
Craft: 2 x 40T Slow Pinnace
Backups: 1 x Factor 1 Nuclear Damper
A single Dominator can go up against 125 Defender class ships without too much difficulty. A single Dominator class ship SHOULD be able to handle up to 600 Defender class SDB's without too much difficulty.
In short? The adage "SDB's can handle up to twice their tonnage" when such SDB's are TL 12 Defender class 400 dton hulls - should be taken with a grain of salt. Had there been a fleet of
I thought I'd divorce the thread hijacking (my fault to be sure - sorry Hans) from another thread and open it up for its own discussion.
Earlier in another thread, I pointed out the fact that any attempt to recreate 100%, the stats of the Defender class System Defense boat (page 35 of Traders and Gunboats) was impossible, and that the ship design information does not match that of High Guard second edition, nor that of High Guard first edition, nor that of Book 2 of the little black books. One CAN use High Guard Second edition and recreate the USP given on page 46 for the Defender class SDB, but that if done using High Gard second edition, the crew size does not match, nor does the cost of the ship matching the USP for the Defender class match that given in Trader's and Gunboats. In a design that matches exactly the USP given, I end up with 6 staterooms, scoops and fuel refining equipment, needle/wedge hull, 9 levels of armor, agility 6, power... (well, you get the point - the created USP matches that of the USP given on page 46).
What was interesting however, at least to me, was an article in JTAS #9, titled appropriately enough SDB by John Lewis. In it, he writes:
"Strategists contend that a properly deployed system defense boat force can
repulse invading star fleets up to twice their tonnage, and can hold down other
invading star fleets for weeks or months if properly deployed. The defense
strategy is a three part plan."
I wondered - could a defending fleet, comprised only of the Defender class SDB, defeat an invading fleet of the same tech level, but up to twice the tonnage of the defending fleet?
As I, with the help of those on CT-STARSHIP, discovered, it is not only possible for an invading fleet to be able to defeat the defending fleet with twice the defending fleet's tonnage, but it was possible for an invading fleet to defeat the defending fleet of Defender class SDB's with an equal or even lesser tonnage in hulls.
The one class ship I created, was the Dominator class hull, tentatively labled as a cruiser because of its Type L spinal mount and its 48,000 dton hull. Stats wise, this is the Dominator:
CZ-N1368F3-090106-00L09-0 MCr 54,684.708 48 KTons
28 Factor 9 sandcaster batteries
10 Factor 6 Repulsor bays
6 Factor 9 Missile Bays
1 Factor 1 Nuclear Dampner field
1 backup Factor 1 Nuclear Dampner field
Batteries Bearing:
Sandcasters: 24x factor 9
Repulsor bays: 8x factor 6
Spinal Mount: 1x Type L spinal partical accelerator
Missile Bay: 5x Factor 9
Crew: 536 (271 staterooms)
Cargo: 18.000 Fuel: 18,240.000 EP: 3,840.000 Agility: 6 Shipboard Security Detail: 48 Marines: 40
Craft: 2 x 40T Slow Pinnace
Backups: 1 x Factor 1 Nuclear Damper
A single Dominator can go up against 125 Defender class ships without too much difficulty. A single Dominator class ship SHOULD be able to handle up to 600 Defender class SDB's without too much difficulty.
In short? The adage "SDB's can handle up to twice their tonnage" when such SDB's are TL 12 Defender class 400 dton hulls - should be taken with a grain of salt. Had there been a fleet of