Well, As I tod I don't find the Challenge in question right now, so TY for you clarifying. BTW, have you it handy to give the exact reference I cannot?
I've got it around so please ask your question.
When I said weampons I meant ammo is included too, even sure many a "weapons" cargo will be enterily ammo.
You don't understand. We're talking about a war between nations large enough to field divisions and corps. You aren't going to be able to use a free trader to ship enough ammo to supply a battalion's personal weapon needs let alone it's support weapons, artillery, and so on. More importantly, no nation is going to depend on a free trader showing up with the ammo it needs in time. Professionals study logistics because it's so vitally importantly.
Apart from a few outliers which I'll mention later, the nations of Aramanx are going to be producing their own weapons and ammo in order to ensure that there are plenty of both.
So, the OP's players aren't going to be able to buy 100dTons of 9mm rounds thinking they'll be able to sell it to Lanax.
Or a "cargo" may be instead some mercenaries looking for job there...
Challenge article addresses that. The shenanigans involved in getting the players to Lanax mean you aren't going to be dropping off a dozen gun bunnies who are hoping to be hired.
But some higher TL concentrated rations for selected military units (airborne, comandos, etc) might well be a good deal...
The idea that a nation on an Ag world couldn't feed it's troops is... well... silly is the kindest word I can use.
And some risks are simply stupid.
There's something rather important being overlooked in all of this: The location of the planet's starport.
TTA and the
Challenge adventure place the starport in orbit and explicitly state that the port is there because of the unsettled conditions on the planet. Ships dock there to discharge cargo and passengers. Shuttles then take cargo and passengers to airports located in each nation's capital. Agents from the warring nations and Sternmetal are busy on the starport identifying shipments, messing with shipments, and generally putting the boot to the other guy. Part of the
Challenge adventure deals with avoiding Alliance and Sternmetal agents at the startport.
So, Cap'n Blackie and the boys aboard
The Running Boil aren't going to land at Lanax City's airport to unload a few dTons of deep fried groat poppers because they'll get theri collective ass shot off. Once they deorbit - hell, once they radio the port for inbound traffic instructions - Alliance or Sternmetal agents will tip off their forces on the planet and
The Running Boil will end up on the receiving end of one of more air raids. Even Cap'n Blackie won't risk his multi-MCr starship to earn a "measly" couple hundred thousand.
I think the other problem at work here is the idea that the players can make money off the war from
speculative trading. The idea that the players can hear about the war, decide to pick up an odd lot of pistol ammo, several dTons of frozen dinners, and 100 gross of condoms to sell at Aramanx because that stuff is always needed during a war is laughable.
First, only Lanax is going to be making purchases because the Alliance's needs are being met by Sternmetal. Second, Lanax is going purchasing what it actually needs and not what just happens to show up at the port. Third, Lanax is going to try and get as much bang for it's buck as possible.
All that means Lanax is going to have purchasing agents at the port and in nearby systems using information sent out from Lanax, buying what is actually needed at hopefully good deals, and then arranging for shipment back to Aramanx. The OP's players are going to make money by working for those agents and not by simply showing up at Aramanx highport with a load of shit they hope someone is going to buy.
Now what sort of things might the OP's players show up at the highport with that will have a good chance of selling? High-tech one-use "disposable" weapons like MANPADS or LAWS are a good bet. The
Challenge adventure is a COACC one as much as it deals with wet navy issues.