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Tramp trade in the Aramis Subsector

That might be the case if the choice was between a jump-1 solution and a jump-3 solution. As soon as the choice becomes between different jump-3 solutions (and assuming no price-distortion from cartel agreements), competition would reduce the cost of jump-3 to its true level. Which is cheaper than jump-1 for long-distance shipping.

(This is actually even more true if you accept the canonical prices. Shipping something to a world three parsecs away will cost you Cr3000 by jump-1 and only Cr1000 by jump-3. I tend to overlook that because I do not believe in the canonical prices).


Actually, that's what I'm talking about - the choice between a J-1 solution (the March Harrier) and a J-3 solution (regular line shipping).

Tramp traders operate by offering transport where/when there's shortage. But if the port has a shortage of J-3 transport, there's only so much you can do if you own a J-1 fat trader.

Let's assume the next J-3 ship with avaliable cargo space will arrive in a week. Then there's going to be a two-week delay if the cargo gets shipped by you, and only one week delay if the broker just waits for that J-3 ship.

Unless you can do it cheaper. And probably even then.

P.S. I obviously don't believe in canonical prices or I would not even think of the question.

P.P.S On the other side, cargo will pile up during this week and there's no saying if it will all fit on the next ship. So a J-1 tramp trader has a chance, just statistically not enough to make do. Now that's cool, I'm gonna point that out to my players to coax them into going coreward of Aramanx.
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Setting evidence, of course. An adventure where it is stated that there are laws that fixes the prices that may be charged. A reference to an Imperial Edict that fixes the prices. Something to contradict the two examples above. I was just wondering if there were any such anywhere and just what the text said.



Any rule that sets prices is at least somewhat setting specific.

Any rule that sets prices that go against market forces is definitely setting specific.

For example, the rule that states that freight and passenger prices are per jump, no matter the size of the jump, goes against market prices.

In the real world, faster solutions cost more.

In Traveller, without some interference from the setting, a J-3 ship should be able to charge quite a bit more than a J-1 ship (on a J-3 route) because the goods/passenger would get there faster. It probably wouldn't effect speculative cargo prices, unless the J-3 ship got there first and sold all the cogs the market needed which would tend to lower the price of cogs fo a while.

Sometimes even the creators of the game have a hard time separating rules and setting.
Any rule that sets prices is at least somewhat setting specific.

Since I've already presented my argument against that opinion, all I can say is "that's not true" and refer to my previous posts.

Any rule that sets prices that go against market forces is definitely setting specific.

If it applies to all settings, not so.

For example, the rule that states that freight and passenger prices are per jump, no matter the size of the jump, goes against market prices.

It is also widely believed to be self-contradictory. Assuming this belief is true, it does not actually apply to ANY setting.

In the real world, faster solutions cost more.

In the real world there are no jump drives, nor any means of transportation that works in a manner similar to jump drives.

In Traveller, without some interference from the setting, a J-3 ship should be able to charge quite a bit more than a J-1 ship (on a J-3 route) because the goods/passenger would get there faster.

Again, Ive already refuted that. A jump-3 ship whose only competition was a jump-1 ship would certainly be able to charge at least as much, quite likely more, as the jump-1 competition. But a jump-3 ship with jump-3 competition would be forced to charge prices commensurate with its true costs. Which happens to be lower AND faster than jump-1. (Which is why the canonical setting detail about jump-1 traffic roaming stellar mains contradicts the ship design rules -- for regular traffic jump-1 ships would be used almost exclusively going back and forth between two adjacent worlds one parsec apart).

It probably wouldn't effect speculative cargo prices, unless the J-3 ship got there first and sold all the cogs the market needed which would tend to lower the price of cogs fo a while.

Sometimes even the creators of the game have a hard time separating rules and setting.

Oh, that is so true. There are plenty of Traveller rules that mix in setting details, sometimes to the detriment of the setting (when they create some sort of contradiction or implausibility).

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As you talk several times about Aramanx here, you must remember also Aramanx is a quite unstable planet. It's where the dream ticket shown in CT:LBB4 is set and also a MT naval mercenary in a challenge (sorry, I cannot find it right now more exact reference), being also an aftermath of the dream ticket and showing it lead to a military stalemate.

IMHO this may have a great impact in trade, as weapons will be highly priced (but you may incurr into Stermetal's wrath if you sell them to the wrong side, while maybe falling into another megacorp's favor...), food probably will too, and refugees might want to leave the planet.
Having not looked up the worlds in question, I will answer the (original) question by bringing up pirates. If there is a chance of speculative trading in high Cr (MCr?!?!) cargoes, such as outboard from an industrial world, then those with C, D & E starports will tend to atttract pirates. A merchant may even attract attention with one such cargo.

Look to the situation. How could word of the cargo precede it? Mail, Xboats used by conferates of the pirates to send word ahead. Some artifice delays the ship, beyond its normal preparation. A pirate ship jumps to intercept? A group of appearingly separate passengers plans a hijack because of a pricey cargo picked up for specualtive trade.
As you talk several times about Aramanx here, you must remember also Aramanx is a quite unstable planet.

Unstable means opportunities.

It's where the dream ticket shown in CT:LBB4 is set and also a MT naval mercenary in a challenge (sorry, I cannot find it right now more exact reference), being also an aftermath of the dream ticket and showing it lead to a military stalemate.

No. The LBB:4 dream ticket takes place before the 5th Frontier War while the Challenge wet navy adventure takes place in 1122. The LBB:4 ticket deals with the war saw Lovrenyi annex it's neighbors Dalelo and Renitza. The Challenge ticket deals with a war between Lanax and a Lovrenyi-Senled alliance. That war isn't stalemated either. The initial offensives gave the Alliance territories from which their forward airbases are now bombing Lanax. There is now a lull in ground operations while that air campaign and a maritime blockade of Lanax set the stage for the combined ground-amphibious invasion meant to end the war.

IMHO this may have a great impact in trade, as weapons will be highly priced...

Weapons mean nothing without both the ammo and the training they require.

(but you may incurr into Stermetal's wrath if you sell them to the wrong side, while maybe falling into another megacorp's favor...)

Agreed. LSP will be very happy to throw a wrench in Sternmetal's plans.

... food probably will too...

There's already enough food on Aramanx as the planet's Ag rating and the Alliance naval blockade of Lanax illustrates. A free trader dropping off a hundred dtons or so of grain at a Lanax airport isn't going to do much to feed a nation whose population numbers in the tens of millions, even if you can land there. A couple of Alliance fighters-bombers on a strike mission when you're unloading can really ruin your day...

... and refugees might want to leave the planet.

Perhaps. The planet's starport is in orbit and shuttles service it from airports in the capital city of each nation. The warring nations are going to be very interested in which of their citizens are leaving aboard those shuttles and why they're doing so. Thurston Howell III and Lovey might not get exit visas that easily. Any prospective refugees are most likely first going to have to reach neutral countries and then shuttle up to the port. Cue Casablanca...

Anyway, the players best bet at Aramanx is as exporters. Lanax desperately needs off-world currency for any number of things. They'll need someone willing to carrying Lanaxian cargoes despite Sternmetal's interference to wherever that off-world currency can be gained.
Unstable means opportunities.

Sure. That's why I mentioned it.

No. The LBB:4 dream ticket takes place before the 5th Frontier War while the Challenge wet navy adventure takes place in 1122. The LBB:4 ticket deals with the war saw Lovrenyi annex it's neighbors Dalelo and Renitza. The Challenge ticket deals with a war between Lanax and a Lovrenyi-Senled alliance. That war isn't stalemated either. The initial offensives gave the Alliance territories from which their forward airbases are now bombing Lanax. There is now a lull in ground operations while that air campaign and a maritime blockade of Lanax set the stage for the combined ground-amphibious invasion meant to end the war.

Well, As I tod I don't find the Challenge in question right now, so TY for you clarifying. BTW, have you it handy to give the exact reference I cannot?

Weapons mean nothing without both the ammo and the training they require.

When I said weampons I meant ammo is included too, even sure many a "weapons" cargo will be enterily ammo. About training, this must be provided by the customer itself (after all they are large enough countries and have their own armies). Or a "cargo" may be instead some mercenaries looking for job there...

There's already enough food on Aramanx as the planet's Ag rating and the Alliance naval blockade of Lanax illustrates. A free trader dropping off a hundred dtons or so of grain at a Lanax airport isn't going to do much to feed a nation whose population numbers in the tens of millions, even if you can land there.

But some higher TL concentrated rations for selected military units (airborne, comandos, etc) might well be a good deal...

I just tried to give some generic examples, sure some are inacurate, and sure I forgot some.

A couple of Alliance fighters-bombers on a strike mission when you're unloading can really ruin your day...

Unstable also means risk
Well, As I tod I don't find the Challenge in question right now, so TY for you clarifying. BTW, have you it handy to give the exact reference I cannot?

I've got it around so please ask your question.

When I said weampons I meant ammo is included too, even sure many a "weapons" cargo will be enterily ammo.

You don't understand. We're talking about a war between nations large enough to field divisions and corps. You aren't going to be able to use a free trader to ship enough ammo to supply a battalion's personal weapon needs let alone it's support weapons, artillery, and so on. More importantly, no nation is going to depend on a free trader showing up with the ammo it needs in time. Professionals study logistics because it's so vitally importantly.

Apart from a few outliers which I'll mention later, the nations of Aramanx are going to be producing their own weapons and ammo in order to ensure that there are plenty of both.

So, the OP's players aren't going to be able to buy 100dTons of 9mm rounds thinking they'll be able to sell it to Lanax.

Or a "cargo" may be instead some mercenaries looking for job there...

The Challenge article addresses that. The shenanigans involved in getting the players to Lanax mean you aren't going to be dropping off a dozen gun bunnies who are hoping to be hired.

But some higher TL concentrated rations for selected military units (airborne, comandos, etc) might well be a good deal...

The idea that a nation on an Ag world couldn't feed it's troops is... well... silly is the kindest word I can use.

Unstable also means risk

And some risks are simply stupid.

There's something rather important being overlooked in all of this: The location of the planet's starport.

Both TTA and the Challenge adventure place the starport in orbit and explicitly state that the port is there because of the unsettled conditions on the planet. Ships dock there to discharge cargo and passengers. Shuttles then take cargo and passengers to airports located in each nation's capital. Agents from the warring nations and Sternmetal are busy on the starport identifying shipments, messing with shipments, and generally putting the boot to the other guy. Part of the Challenge adventure deals with avoiding Alliance and Sternmetal agents at the startport.

So, Cap'n Blackie and the boys aboard The Running Boil aren't going to land at Lanax City's airport to unload a few dTons of deep fried groat poppers because they'll get theri collective ass shot off. Once they deorbit - hell, once they radio the port for inbound traffic instructions - Alliance or Sternmetal agents will tip off their forces on the planet and The Running Boil will end up on the receiving end of one of more air raids. Even Cap'n Blackie won't risk his multi-MCr starship to earn a "measly" couple hundred thousand.

I think the other problem at work here is the idea that the players can make money off the war from speculative trading. The idea that the players can hear about the war, decide to pick up an odd lot of pistol ammo, several dTons of frozen dinners, and 100 gross of condoms to sell at Aramanx because that stuff is always needed during a war is laughable.

First, only Lanax is going to be making purchases because the Alliance's needs are being met by Sternmetal. Second, Lanax is going purchasing what it actually needs and not what just happens to show up at the port. Third, Lanax is going to try and get as much bang for it's buck as possible.

All that means Lanax is going to have purchasing agents at the port and in nearby systems using information sent out from Lanax, buying what is actually needed at hopefully good deals, and then arranging for shipment back to Aramanx. The OP's players are going to make money by working for those agents and not by simply showing up at Aramanx highport with a load of shit they hope someone is going to buy.

Now what sort of things might the OP's players show up at the highport with that will have a good chance of selling? High-tech one-use "disposable" weapons like MANPADS or LAWS are a good bet. The Challenge adventure is a COACC one as much as it deals with wet navy issues.

A C-130J is the current "standard" field supply drop bird. Cargo Bay: 55 feet (16.9 meters); width, 119 inches (3.12 meters); height, 9 feet (2.74 meters). 144m^3. 10.3Td.

A C-5 features a cargo compartment 121 ft (37 m) long, 13.5 ft (4.1 m) high, and 19 ft (5.8 m) wide, or just over 31,000 cu ft (880 m3), and about 128tons (116 metric tons) max load. About 63Td. And a Battalion can be resupplied for weeks by a C5-A... depending upon specific combat needs, anywhere from 1-6.

A Type A is certainly capable of the same supply tasks as a C5... it has MORE cargo space, and is fully VTOL. And it can carry more mass per unit volume... specific gravities up to SG 0.9 overall, if not more, while the C5 runs about SG 0.15.

I don't often find you making such obvious logic fails, Bill, but the Type A is more than capable of providing Battalion Resupply.

Oh, and long term rations/LS are 250 person-weeks per Td, and ammo for small arms will hit the mass limit. But it's about 600 1000-round boxes per 10,000kg. (using 16.5kg for metal-boxed .223N as a baseline, of which about 15.25 is the ammo, and 1.25 is the metal box, allowing also for 100kg for pallet and wrap.

So, assuming a Battalion burning 1000 rounds per man per week, 1000 men, that's 2Td per week in .223N, and we'll add 14 GL rounds per man per week, those filling another probably cased in similar cases, but 10 each, for about 7kg per 10, for 1410 boxes per Td.

So we can look at probably 15Td per battalion week if they are already down - ammo is likely 2-3Td of that, food is another 4Td, miscelaneous sundries for another couple, and several tons of fuel. A tramp a week could probably keep a regiment in the field.

What it can't do is ship the regiment itself.
I've got it around so please ask your question.

(...)also a MT naval mercenary in a challenge (sorry, I cannot find it right now more exact reference) (...)

Perhaps my question was not as clear as I thought (forgive me in this case), so I'll try to clariffy it:

Can you please, if you have the Challenge in question handy, give us the exact Challenge number this adventure is in, as I cannot find it to give it by myself?

You don't understand. We're talking about a war between nations large enough to field divisions and corps. You aren't going to be able to use a free trader to ship enough ammo to supply a battalion's personal weapon needs let alone it's support weapons, artillery, and so on. More importantly, no nation is going to depend on a free trader showing up with the ammo it needs in time. Professionals study logistics because it's so vitally importantly.

Apart from a few outliers which I'll mention later, the nations of Aramanx are going to be producing their own weapons and ammo in order to ensure that there are plenty of both.

So, the OP's players aren't going to be able to buy 100dTons of 9mm rounds thinking they'll be able to sell it to Lanax.

The idea that a nation on an Ag world couldn't feed it's troops is... well... silly is the kindest word I can use.

You're right they can probably feed and arm their own armies, but higher TL military goods might be in demand.

If you can bring some laser carabines/rifles, along with a solar power generator to recharge (and so reducing the resupply needs) them and/or concentrated rations that allow their soldiers to carry food for more days (or higher quality food for the same days), I guess they would be interested for a few selected units that are difficult to ressuply (that's why I mentioned ariborne troops or comandos).

The Challenge article addresses that. The shenanigans involved in getting the players to Lanax mean you aren't going to be dropping off a dozen gun bunnies who are hoping to be hired.

Vut maybe those same bunnies, either by themselves or with an involved patron, want to reach Lanax in a less conspicious way that a patron's ship...

And some risks are simply stupid.

There's something rather important being overlooked in all of this: The location of the planet's starport.

Both TTA and the Challenge adventure place the starport in orbit and explicitly state that the port is there because of the unsettled conditions on the planet. Ships dock there to discharge cargo and passengers. Shuttles then take cargo and passengers to airports located in each nation's capital. Agents from the warring nations and Sternmetal are busy on the starport identifying shipments, messing with shipments, and generally putting the boot to the other guy. Part of the Challenge adventure deals with avoiding Alliance and Sternmetal agents at the startport.

So, Cap'n Blackie and the boys aboard The Running Boil aren't going to land at Lanax City's airport to unload a few dTons of deep fried groat poppers because they'll get theri collective ass shot off. Once they deorbit - hell, once they radio the port for inbound traffic instructions - Alliance or Sternmetal agents will tip off their forces on the planet and The Running Boil will end up on the receiving end of one of more air raids. Even Cap'n Blackie won't risk his multi-MCr starship to earn a "measly" couple hundred thousand.

I think the other problem at work here is the idea that the players can make money off the war from speculative trading. The idea that the players can hear about the war, decide to pick up an odd lot of pistol ammo, several dTons of frozen dinners, and 100 gross of condoms to sell at Aramanx because that stuff is always needed during a war is laughable.

First, only Lanax is going to be making purchases because the Alliance's needs are being met by Sternmetal. Second, Lanax is going purchasing what it actually needs and not what just happens to show up at the port. Third, Lanax is going to try and get as much bang for it's buck as possible.

All that means Lanax is going to have purchasing agents at the port and in nearby systems using information sent out from Lanax, buying what is actually needed at hopefully good deals, and then arranging for shipment back to Aramanx. The OP's players are going to make money by working for those agents and not by simply showing up at Aramanx highport with a load of shit they hope someone is going to buy.

Now what sort of things might the OP's players show up at the highport with that will have a good chance of selling? High-tech one-use "disposable" weapons like MANPADS or LAWS are a good bet. The Challenge adventure is a COACC one as much as it deals with wet navy issues.

And that will mean players must first develop some contacts in the startown before they begin carrying military usable goods there, and that alone might be an adventure...

I have never read TTA, and, as told before, I don't find the Challenge where the adventure is in, so, ty for the information you're giving to clarify exact Aranx conditions. I only wanted to point that its conditions may be also a factor in the tramp trade in its subsector, that is what the OP asked (or what I understood). Of course specifics about how it can be a factor would be as complex as the referee wants them to be, and all the information you're providing will surely be useful for him.
I don't often find you making such obvious logic fails, Bill, but the Type A is more than capable of providing Battalion Resupply.

You're correct, that was a huge failure on my part.

A tramp a week could probably keep a regiment in the field.

Now the question becomes whether we want to depend on a tramp showing up each week with our supplies. While my example was a failure, I think my point still stands. Lanax and the Alliance are going to arm, feed, and supply their own forces primarily by their own efforts. They've entire divisions and corps in the field and they can't chance any interruption of basic supplies to their forces in the field.

Cap'n Blackie and the boys aren't going to be minting credits for the duration of the war thanks to a once a month Junidy to Aramanx milk run hauling rifle ammo for the Lanaxian 1st Infantry Division.

What it can't do is ship the regiment itself.

Mercs are another kettle of fish entirely. Because they're usually hired to provide capabilities that are lacking locally, they're usually going to have wholly different needs right down to the ammo they use and those needs usually can't be sourced locally.
Can you please, if you have the Challenge in question handy, give us the exact Challenge number this adventure is in, as I cannot find it to give it by myself?

Sure thing. It's issue #61. It has a picture of a huge goofy walking tank on the cover.

You're right they can probably feed and arm their own armies, but higher TL military goods might be in demand.

Sure, just like the MANPADS and LAWS I mentioned.

If you can bring some laser carabines/rifles, along with a solar power generator to recharge (and so reducing the resupply needs) them and/or concentrated rations that allow their soldiers to carry food for more days (or higher quality food for the same days), I guess they would be interested for a few selected units that are difficult to ressuply (that's why I mentioned ariborne troops or comandos).

Personal laser weapons are a tough one. (A solar recharging unit won't get the job done according to the rules.) LBB:4 puts a brigade at 1500, that's a lot of rifles, power packs, and spares. Then there's the question of whether you want one of your brigades armed with a weapon you can neither build or repair and powered by a device you can neither build or repair. When it comes to imported weapons using imported supplies, it's small specialized units or individuals like the artillery FO illustrated in LBB:4 yes and larger formations no.

So, airborne troops are going to be locals as the numbers demand it while commandos can be mercs given the odd skills and weapons their missions will require.

Vut maybe those same bunnies, either by themselves or with an involved patron, want to reach Lanax in a less conspicious way that a patron's ship...

Exactly. Once again, I'm suggesting that speculative trading and traveling will not be money makers. You aren't going to show up the Aramanx orbital port with a 100dTon jumble of military supplies and sell them just as you're not going to show up with 15 mercs looking to be hire. Instead, you're going to show up with supplies that have already been purchased, cargo not speculative goods. And you going to show up with mercs traveling incognito, just as in the Challenge adventure, and not with a clutch of boobs who heard there was a war on and think they can get hired.

And that will mean players must first develop some contacts in the startown before they begin carrying military usable goods there, and that alone might be an adventure...

Those contacts will be the foreign agents I mentioned earlier. They're going to be men like Theodore Roosevelt's maternal uncle, James Bulloch. Those men will be working at the orbital port and, more importantly, they'll be working in nearby systems. The OP's players are going to find those contacts in Towers or Junidy where the supplies Lanax needs can be manufactured.

I have never read TTA, and, as told before, I don't find the Challenge where the adventure is in, so, ty for the information you're giving to clarify exact Aranx conditions.

The neutral orbital starport - national dirtside shuttle/air ports situation certainly makes Aramanx different. Throw in the war and things get even more hinky. Whether traders ever did land at the national shuttle/air ports is debatable. While most starships should be VTOL capable, there's the issue of ground pressure. One thing is certain, in 1122 no one is landing their Beowulf at Lanax because to the constant air raids.

I only wanted to point that its conditions may be also a factor in the tramp trade in its subsector, that is what the OP asked (or what I understood). Of course specifics about how it can be a factor would be as complex as the referee wants them to be, and all the information you're providing will surely be useful for him.

The war is a factor in the subsector's trade patterns and the OP needs to be aware of the many issues involved so he can prevent his players from turning the situation into a Santa Claus Machine.

There's lot of problems with Traveller's many trade systems. One of the biggest problems with most of the systems is the so-called Golden Pair. Players can find adjacent worlds whose trade codes complement each other and then simply shuttle between the two carrying speculative trade goods while quickly racking up oodles of MCr. If the OP isn't careful, his players can use the war on Aramanx in a similar fashion. That's why he needs to be aware of the actual situation and how speculative goods won't be in the demand his players want to think they are.
Sure thing. It's issue #61. It has a picture of a huge goofy walking tank on the cover.


Sure, just like the MANPADS and LAWS I mentioned.

Personal laser weapons are a tough one. (A solar recharging unit won't get the job done according to the rules.) LBB:4 puts a brigade at 1500, that's a lot of rifles, power packs, and spares. Then there's the question of whether you want one of your brigades armed with a weapon you can neither build or repair and powered by a device you can neither build or repair. When it comes to imported weapons using imported supplies, it's small specialized units or individuals like the artillery FO illustrated in LBB:4 yes and larger formations no.

Rules only say (AFAIK) that lasers may be reacharged from a power plant, and as I understand it, a portable solar one could do it (even if at a slower pace).

So, airborne troops are going to be locals as the numbers demand it while commandos can be mercs given the odd skills and weapons their missions will require.

I agree in both, but mercs equipment must come from somewhere, and not from the planet's own industry. Even so, you're probably right about this will involve more freight tahn cargo (to use MT terms).

The neutral orbital starport - national dirtside shuttle/air ports situation certainly makes Aramanx different. Throw in the war and things get even more hinky. Whether traders ever did land at the national shuttle/air ports is debatable. While most starships should be VTOL capable, there's the issue of ground pressure. One thing is certain, in 1122 no one is landing their Beowulf at Lanax because to the constant air raids.

Ty again for the background information

The war is a factor in the subsector's trade patterns and the OP needs to be aware of the many issues involved so he can prevent his players from turning the situation into a Santa Claus Machine.

There's lot of problems with Traveller's many trade systems. One of the biggest problems with most of the systems is the so-called Golden Pair. Players can find adjacent worlds whose trade codes complement each other and then simply shuttle between the two carrying speculative trade goods while quickly racking up oodles of MCr. If the OP isn't careful, his players can use the war on Aramanx in a similar fashion. That's why he needs to be aware of the actual situation and how speculative goods won't be in the demand his players want to think they are.

I fully agree with you here, and even more with Merchant Prince/MT trade rules. I've talked about it in some posts http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Discuss/showpost.php?p=403415&postcount=4
Rules only say (AFAIK) that lasers may be reacharged from a power plant, and as I understand it, a portable solar one could do it (even if at a slower pace).

My memory (pfft, don't trust it, can't look it up now ;) ) says the statement is along the lines of "...a high output power plant like a ship or vehicle power plant." Or words to that effect. Solar would be too low output to be practical at least (even if possible).
My memory (pfft, don't trust it, can't look it up now ;) ) says the statement is along the lines of "...a high output power plant like a ship or vehicle power plant." Or words to that effect. Solar would be too low output to be practical at least (even if possible).

According to MT:RM ship design solar cells (page 64), at TL 9 (the one of the dream ticket brigade at Aramanx, according to LBB4:Mercenary) a square meter of solar cells has an output of 0.012 Mw (12 Kw, enough for 2-4 family homes).

To reacharge an electrical car today you use less than that, and we're talking just about 1 square metter. I guess imput is not so too low as not to be able to recharge laser weapons (even if it takes longer).

And if you use higer TL solar cells, output grows...
Rules only say (AFAIK) that lasers may be reacharged from a power plant, and as I understand it, a portable solar one could do it (even if at a slower pace).

The rules say something about "high quality" power from a "ship or vehicle power plan" or some such. Could a solar panel do it? Who knows? If you want them to be able go right ahead. I just know if I'm carrying a laser carbine I don't want to wait for a sunny day to reload.

I agree in both, but mercs equipment must come from somewhere, and not from the planet's own industry. Even so, you're probably right about this will involve more freight tahn cargo (to use MT terms).

Once again, the mercs equipment is going to be what they brought with them and the replacements they specifically purchase. Mercs aren't going to be purchasing speculative cargo to meet their weapon needs so Cap'n Blackie shouldn't think he's going to make a killing by rounding up a couple dTons of arms on some backwater world and selling them at a premium.
If you have vehicles available at the equivalent TL as the weapons it can be argued that military vehicles might have recharging outlets on board APC's for charging the dismount's weapons. The power plant on the APC could also be used.

Even the grav apc, or the regular one listed in CT LBB3 should be able to do the job even if it required a competent engineer or electrician to make the connections should you rule that they don't have them already.
The rules say something about "high quality" power from a "ship or vehicle power plan" or some such. Could a solar panel do it? Who knows? If you want them to be able go right ahead. I just know if I'm carrying a laser carbine I don't want to wait for a sunny day to reload.

Once again, the mercs equipment is going to be what they brought with them and the replacements they specifically purchase. Mercs aren't going to be purchasing speculative cargo to meet their weapon needs so Cap'n Blackie shouldn't think he's going to make a killing by rounding up a couple dTons of arms on some backwater world and selling them at a premium.

On the other hand, Cap'n Blackie may be able to arrive with a load of excess above and beyond the expected/arranged for, and possibly make a reasonable profit. Especially if it's been a bad week for Major Killem. On a good week, he might be able to sell them some fruit, instead.

Also, A tramp may be in fact hired, either charter or simple tonnage rate, to provide support for a given operation. I know that if I can get KCr1.5 per ton for serving as agent for Major Killem, and only loose half my cargo tonnage on it, I can probably get fares for the other half and come out ahead of pure freight... and if I find something worth shipping over to where Major Killem is, grab the goods and drop them off. It ties me to the single world, but it's still superior to running empty. If, instead, he charters me, I get full tonnage paid for, plus full passenger capacity... but may or may not be able to fill the remainder of the hold.

Long run, Tramps in financial straights can be coopted into being Merc Supply Contractors...
...Once again, the mercs equipment is going to be what they brought with them and the replacements they specifically purchase. Mercs aren't going to be purchasing speculative cargo to meet their weapon needs so Cap'n Blackie shouldn't think he's going to make a killing by rounding up a couple dTons of arms on some backwater world and selling them at a premium.

He shouldn't, but he might; depends on whether Cap'n Blackie's an NPC or a PC. He's a merchant, not a soldier. He might have some knowledge of the problems inherent in trying to bring in high-tech weapons - or he might not. At any rate, I'd expect someone who rose to command of a merchant ship to be a bit wiser about his speculative purchases, to do some research before he delved into the weapons business. However, a PC just might show up in orbit with a hold of whatever he managed to scrounge and a lot of unrealistic hopes. It'd be an engaging adventure struggling to turn that lemon into lemonade without running seriously afoul of some local power interest.
...to arrive with a load of excess above and beyond the expected/arranged... ...be in fact hired, either charter or simple tonnage rate, to provide support... ...charters... ...coopted into being Merc Supply Contractors...

That is precisely what I've been talking about, Wil. Cap'n Blackie isn't going to hear about the war, scrounge up cargo of odds and sods, jump to Aramanx, hit the jackpot selling it to the mercs or Lanax, and keep repeating that until he earns enough to retire as Blackie, Baron of Grey Matter.

Instead, Cap'n Blackie is going to be hired, either directly or through off-world agents, to carry those items which Lanax and the mercs actually need. He's still going to make money and often times the loads he's chartered for will leave room for him to carry other stuff, but what he carries and when he carries it is going to be determined by his paymasters.

He's going to be a target for Sternmetal's goons too.