Patron Zero
Agreed a lot of ground was covered in the thread concerning Teleport Boarding but what I care to address concerns matter teleportation by means of a technological device-process than psionic ability.
What I'm wishing to discuss are restrictions on the general use of matter transporters aboard starships, specifically to outline which vessels can or cannot operate such devices.
Myself I see one critical issue being power consumption, just to 'warm-up' a transporter and actively send or receive persons or material objects should be a large enough demand as to require up-rated powerplants if not stand-alone generators for the task.
There should also be a need as well for an up-rated computer beyond a ship's 'standard' requirements. A safety measure might be a transporter having it's own separate computer, that might be a consideration enough to become a part of the device's own operational components.
Simply said, I'm not seeing Scout-Couriers having transporters, likely not found on ships of less than say 800 Tons, restricting use-placement to Mercenary Cruisers or Subsidized Liners.
A strike-force first establishing a 'foothold' of a stable receiving platform in a hostile environment could exclude the need for additional conventional troop delivery, as well as expedite moving wounded personnel to safe-haven aid stations or dedicated medical facilities in orbit.
High Passage travelers might enjoy the perks of direct boarding of a luxury vessel from a starport or like orbital facility, five-star hotels or resorts would offer such an amenity much to the chagrin of local 'taxi' service operators.
A few possible exceptions to displacement restrictions might be science vessels such as Lab Ships or Explorers specifically so outfitted, one extreme instance might be a yacht, either privately owned or corporate VIP where cost is no concern.
Again, all discussions-arguments about practicality of matter teleportation acknowledged and so duly noted, my concern is that availability of transporters. and their supporting technology. be uncommon enough not imbalance the game in general.
What I'm wishing to discuss are restrictions on the general use of matter transporters aboard starships, specifically to outline which vessels can or cannot operate such devices.
Myself I see one critical issue being power consumption, just to 'warm-up' a transporter and actively send or receive persons or material objects should be a large enough demand as to require up-rated powerplants if not stand-alone generators for the task.
There should also be a need as well for an up-rated computer beyond a ship's 'standard' requirements. A safety measure might be a transporter having it's own separate computer, that might be a consideration enough to become a part of the device's own operational components.
Simply said, I'm not seeing Scout-Couriers having transporters, likely not found on ships of less than say 800 Tons, restricting use-placement to Mercenary Cruisers or Subsidized Liners.
A strike-force first establishing a 'foothold' of a stable receiving platform in a hostile environment could exclude the need for additional conventional troop delivery, as well as expedite moving wounded personnel to safe-haven aid stations or dedicated medical facilities in orbit.
High Passage travelers might enjoy the perks of direct boarding of a luxury vessel from a starport or like orbital facility, five-star hotels or resorts would offer such an amenity much to the chagrin of local 'taxi' service operators.
A few possible exceptions to displacement restrictions might be science vessels such as Lab Ships or Explorers specifically so outfitted, one extreme instance might be a yacht, either privately owned or corporate VIP where cost is no concern.
Again, all discussions-arguments about practicality of matter teleportation acknowledged and so duly noted, my concern is that availability of transporters. and their supporting technology. be uncommon enough not imbalance the game in general.