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Traveller 4 CD One Year Later: Missed Date or Missed Shipment?


SOC-14 1K
We're almost at the end of August one year after the August I expected to get my T4 CD when I ordered it last year.

Is it out, and I've just been accidentally missed on the shipping list?

Or is it still not out?

Last I heard here, Don was giving the contents a once-over.

Thought I'd ask and see if it's even out before I drop Marc a note.

Let me go talk to Marc. I think I might have dropped the ball here, so don't blame him for this.
Not looking to assign blame, just wanting to know status and know what to expect.

If a reminder here can help move things along, so much the better.

I'm impatient, yes, but not angry. ;)

And if for some reason this isn't going to become a deliverable product for some substantial period of time, I'm good with getting some other CD I don't have yet then re-ordering the T4 CD when it actually is available. I just want to know the status, since I haven't seen anything here or at the FFE site that gives an update.
Marc and I discussed this extensively yesterday, and there should be an announcement shortly.

And he was waiting on my confirmation on the CD contents... :(

That sounds very promising. :)

Can't wait to have a gander at FF&S, M0, First Survey, etc., etc.
I'm looking forward to the T4 cd as well. Several books in that set that I didn't get around to reading when they were available.
I thought I saw a new date posted at the FFE site, but I'm not seeing it now. All I see is the unchanged Aug date, but I'd swear there was a new date (October?) that appeared somewhere else on the site.

I thought it was the 443 page, but I'm not seeing T4 there at all now.

I saw that, but it still says August for a ship date. I thought I saw another date somewhere on the site.

As to ordering it, I did that in July 2011, as part of a 443 deal. And still don't have it. I'm just looking for signs as to whether to expect it coming.
I saw that, but it still says August for a ship date. I thought I saw another date somewhere on the site.

As to ordering it, I did that in July 2011, as part of a 443 deal. And still don't have it. I'm just looking for signs as to whether to expect it coming.

Marc's pretty good about not losing people's order information. He's apparently had some issues getting the content for T4 ready, and isn't really willing to send it out "half-done"...

... as it sits, the CT CD got revised due to some scan issues. I have heard Marc is trying to avoid the need for that with the T4 CD.
Just received from Marc that there were two people that were missed in getting shipped out, and yours was one.

Your CD should be en route.

Yes, the T4 CD is shipping.
Thanks, Don.

I finally just emailed Marc yesterday, and today he let me know it's going out tomorrow.

Very happy here. I'm really looking forward to some of the material on this disk. :D