After seeing the reaction fire/overwatch optional rules for Stargrunt II floating around on the net, and trying the game with 15mm figures instead of 25mm ones, my interest in using SGII for Traveller has re-ignited. For that purpose I've tried converting the Traveller weapons to Stargrunt II, and I'd like to here what you experts think.
If you're not familiar with Stargrunt, basically everything's done with opposed dice. To hit you roll your firepower die (which is the number of people in your squad equipped with a particular weapon x the firepower of that weapon, choose the closest die) and your squad quality die (based on green, veteran, elite, regular) which is opposed by your opponent rolling a range die.
Once you hit and cause damage, you roll a penetration die versus the target's armor die to see if you score a wound or a kill.
You always have to roll over your opponent's die, so 1d6 vs. 1d6 gives a somewhat lower than 50% chance of success.
Keeping that in mind, what do you think of the following approximation of the Snapshot tables? (focusing mostly on the Medium/Long range bands):
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Mesh 4 d8 d4
Cloth 7 d6 d6
Combat Environment Suit 10 d6 d8
Reflec 10 d6 d12*
Combat Armor 12 d6 d10
Battle dress 13 d6 d12
Battle dress 14 d12 d12
*vs. Lasers Only, may be worn under other types of armor.
Semi-Auto Rifle 6 1 d6
Assault Rifle 7 2 d8
Snub Pistol CLOSE ONLY 8
--High Explosive 1 d6
--HEAP 0.5 d8
4 cm RAM Grenade* 8
--HE +1 nil
--Flechette +2 -shift
--HEAP nil +shift
Accelerator Rifle 9 1 d10
Laser Carbine 9 1 d8
Laser Rifle 9 1 d12
AdvancedCombatRifle(ACR) 10
--Discarding Sabot 2 d10
--High Explosive 3 d6
Gauss Rifle 12 2 d12
*Maybe be affixed in over-under configuration to any Rifle
Auto Rifle 6 d8 d8
LMG 6 d8 d10
Light Assault Gun 8
--Discarding Sabot d6 d12
--High Explosive d8 d8
--Flechette d10 d6
PGMP-12 12 d6 d12*
PGMP-13** 13 d8 d12*
PGMP-14 14 d8 d12*
FGMP-14** 14 d10 d12*
FGMP-15 15 d10 d12*
*Double Penetration for Major Hit
**High Recoil Weapon; Battledress Only
--Discarding Sabot Fire Control d12*
--High Explosive +shift Fire Control d12
VRF Gauss Gun Fire Control d12x2*
If you're not familiar with Stargrunt, basically everything's done with opposed dice. To hit you roll your firepower die (which is the number of people in your squad equipped with a particular weapon x the firepower of that weapon, choose the closest die) and your squad quality die (based on green, veteran, elite, regular) which is opposed by your opponent rolling a range die.
Once you hit and cause damage, you roll a penetration die versus the target's armor die to see if you score a wound or a kill.
You always have to roll over your opponent's die, so 1d6 vs. 1d6 gives a somewhat lower than 50% chance of success.
Keeping that in mind, what do you think of the following approximation of the Snapshot tables? (focusing mostly on the Medium/Long range bands):
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">
Mesh 4 d8 d4
Cloth 7 d6 d6
Combat Environment Suit 10 d6 d8
Reflec 10 d6 d12*
Combat Armor 12 d6 d10
Battle dress 13 d6 d12
Battle dress 14 d12 d12
*vs. Lasers Only, may be worn under other types of armor.
Semi-Auto Rifle 6 1 d6
Assault Rifle 7 2 d8
Snub Pistol CLOSE ONLY 8
--High Explosive 1 d6
--HEAP 0.5 d8
4 cm RAM Grenade* 8
--HE +1 nil
--Flechette +2 -shift
--HEAP nil +shift
Accelerator Rifle 9 1 d10
Laser Carbine 9 1 d8
Laser Rifle 9 1 d12
AdvancedCombatRifle(ACR) 10
--Discarding Sabot 2 d10
--High Explosive 3 d6
Gauss Rifle 12 2 d12
*Maybe be affixed in over-under configuration to any Rifle
Auto Rifle 6 d8 d8
LMG 6 d8 d10
Light Assault Gun 8
--Discarding Sabot d6 d12
--High Explosive d8 d8
--Flechette d10 d6
PGMP-12 12 d6 d12*
PGMP-13** 13 d8 d12*
PGMP-14 14 d8 d12*
FGMP-14** 14 d10 d12*
FGMP-15 15 d10 d12*
*Double Penetration for Major Hit
**High Recoil Weapon; Battledress Only
--Discarding Sabot Fire Control d12*
--High Explosive +shift Fire Control d12
VRF Gauss Gun Fire Control d12x2*