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Traveller5 Private Access Forum Request

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T5 Pre-order customer

I am one of the preorder customers requesting access to the Traveller 5 Private Access Forums.

Thank you,
Preorder Registration

Been long enough since I preordered that I'm not sure which email addy I used, but I'm presuming I used the same ones...

In any event, I preordered.
I'm caught up with join requests at the moment.

If you posted to this thread thinking it gives you access, it does NOT.
You need to carefully read Hunter's instructions on the first page of this thread, which should allow you to send ME a "join request".

That's the board tool that allows me to give you access to the T5 private forums.
I'm caught back up on join requests. If you think you should have access but do NOT, please review Hunter's first post on this thread for instructions.
Pre-ordered T5

I pre-oredered T5. I got an email from Marc that some previews are on this site. However all I can see are posts from individuals that they preordered T5.

I will simply state that I pre-ordered T5 using this "boeloc" username.

I do not know what else I cand do.
On the user control panel, go into the groups section, and in there "join" the t5 group, it will tell you you are not able to without permission, then ask for permission via that.
I have caught up again; Please remember, posting here does not give you access to the forums. You need to follow the instructions Hunter posted on the first page of this thread.
Please help

I pre-ordered the T5 CD. I registered as requested. I keep receiving update letters from Marc, but can not find any files or any other info on this forum except for all of those registartion letters. Wheres the stuff ???? - jeddek
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