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Trillion Credit Squadron, the 1981 tournament!

CT Striker, B2, p38:
Equipment costs 10% of its purchase to maintain each year; personnel cost (in salaries and other expenses) Cr10,000 per year for militia, Cr20,000 per year for conscripts, Cr30,000 per year for long service professionals, and Cr50,000 per year for picked troops.

CT Striker, B1, p8:
Skärmavbild 2024-05-08 kl. 23.18.png

CT Striker, B1, p32:
1. Weapon Skill: Weapon skill is assumed to parallel the quality of the soldier. Elites add 3 to all fire die rolls, veterans add 2, and regulars add 1. Recruits do not add anything to the die roll. When firing crewserved or vehicle-mounted weapons, the troop quality of the gunner is considered.

Still peanuts in HG. Whether it costs MCr 10 or MCr 50 per year to crew a MCr 100 000 warship with a MCr 10 000 pa operating cost is irrelevant.
CT Striker, B1, p8:
View attachment 4585

Still peanuts in HG. Whether it costs MCr 10 or MCr 50 per year to crew a MCr 100 000 warship with a MCr 10 000 pa operating cost is irrelevant.
Ya, it doesn’t work that well for TCS/Pocket Empires. It works for Striker because the ticket payouts are low margin vs cost to maintain just the core cadre during no contract times.
I agree [non-standard “digit” meanings] should be [explicitly documented], I would guess it was a note for the fleet that fell away when typeset for JTAS.
Note also that for all of the examples in Fighting Ships with non-standard “digit” meanings, they started with Z and worked their way back—all of those examples have non-standard Z and Y “digits”; the Tigress- and Plankwell-classes also have a non-standard X “digit”; and the Plankwell-class also has non-standard W, V, and U “digits”. This is not the case for the Eurisko-class, which has a V “digit” rather than a Z “digit”. (If any ship classes in Lenat’s squadron had undocumented non-standard “digit” meanings, it would be the Queller-class or the Wasp-class, which are the only ones with Z “digits”.)
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Since [the Bee-class fighters are] armed only with sandcasters and missiles on a 99-ton hull, they’re not exactly typical ships of the line.
No, but perfectly normal fighters?
Perfectly normal fighters with an agility of zero? (Perfectly normal as compared to the “reasonably standard” 50-ton heavy fighter on p. 26 of Fighting Ships ?)

I still see no reason to view their existence as anything other than a result of budgetary “use it or lose it”.

Or any spinal or missile 3+ battery…
Having 75 Eurisko-class ships between them and those weapons helped on that score—the Bee-class wasn’t likely to be the opponents’ first choice of target.
Perfectly normal fighters with an agility of zero? (Perfectly normal as compared to the “reasonably standard” 50-ton heavy fighter on p. 26 of Fighting Ships ?)
Perfectly normal Armament for a fighter. Don't compare it to a TL-15 fighter...

I still see no reason to view their existence as anything other than a result of budgetary “use it or lose it”.
Agreed, I see no use whatsoever for a fighter with agility-0. And that worries me, what have I missed?
Note also that for all of the examples in Fighting Ships with non-standard “digit” meanings, they started with Z and worked their way back—all of those examples have non-standard Z and Y “digits”; the Tigress- and Plankwell-classes also have a non-standard X “digit”; and the Plankwell-class also has non-standard W, V, and U “digits”. This is not the case for the Eurisko-class, which has a V “digit” rather than a Z “digit”. (If any ship classes in Lenat’s squadron had undocumented non-standard “digit” meanings, it would be the Queller-class or the Wasp-class, which are the only ones with Z “digits”.)
It is not described how to handle that by the rules in HG'80.

S9 does it very neatly for each ship, as each ship is presented separately. My guess is that Lenat attached a similar note to the entire fleet, and that fell off in the JTAS print.
Perfectly normal Armament for a fighter. Don’t compare it to a TL-15 fighter…
I was comparing the Bee-class to a fighter with an agility of six that happened to be TL-15.

I still see no reason to view their existence as anything other than a result of budgetary “use it or lose it”.
Agreed, I see no use whatsoever for a fighter with agility-0. And that worries me, what have I missed?
That Lenat might have simply accepted the Bee-class as it was, because that was the best use which the EURISKO program came up with to spend 0.04% of the TCr budget?
It is not described how to handle [non-standard “digit” meanings] by the rules in HG’80.
No, but it is demonstrated how to handle them quite clearly by the several examples in Fighting Ships, even without the description on p. 47.

My guess is that Lenat attached a similar note to the entire fleet, and that fell off in the JTAS print.
It’s a possibility, but if Z had a non-standard meaning for one or both of the Queller- and Wasp-classes, why pick a different “digit” to have a non-standard meaning for the Eurisko-class?
All I remember about this as I didn't go that year was my friend returning and describing the winning fleet composition and having one of those "I could have had a V8" moments as I realized how simple it was now that it was in front of me.
That Lenat might have simply accepted the Bee-class as it was, because that was the best use which the EURISKO program came up with to spend 0.04% of the TCr budget?
Everything else in the fleet has a purpose, the Bee is just waste? It could easily (and more cheaply) been a better "unhittable lifeboat".
Everything else in the fleet has a purpose, the Bee is just waste? It could easily (and more cheaply) been a better “unhittable lifeboat”.
Lenat was letting EURISKO do all of the designing, only pruning when he thought that a heuristic was either invalid or undesirable (or rewarding a heuristic that he understood and liked). The purpose of the Bee-class might have been just as inscrutable to Lenat as it is to us, and he could have left its evolution alone to see where EURISKO was going with the design.
I don’t know when in 1981 it was published; it wasn’t in the list of “games” to be released at the 1981 summer conventions in the ad in JTAS issue 9. I also don’t know if Lenat had read it or not.
Agreed, we don't know if Lenat had looked at S9, hence we can't assume he would have used the notation from S9.
Agreed, we don’t know if Lenat had looked at S9, hence we can’t assume he would have used the notation from S9.
In my view, assigning a non-standard value to the Z “digit” that is greater than the standard Z value is more likely than assigning a non-standard value to the V “digit” that is greater than the standard Z value, even without access to Fighting Ships.
In my view, assigning a non-standard value to the Z “digit” that is greater than the standard Z value is more likely than assigning a non-standard value to the V “digit” that is greater than the standard Z value, even without access to Fighting Ships.
Sure, but Z was already used in the Wasp-class USP.

But look at the ship itself, do you really think Lenat's main attritional ship would leave most hardpoints empty? Recreate the ship yourself and see if it make any sense with 29 batteries?
Sure, but Z was already used in the Wasp-class USP.
Since your guess was that Lenat had an explicit note about non-standard “digit” meanings in the ship classes which didn’t get published in JTAS issue 10, that note could easily have stated that a particular non-standard “digit” meaning only applied to a certain ship class, so the Eurisko-class and the Wasp-class could have had distinct non-standard “digit” meanings for Z.

But look at the ship itself, do you really think Lenat’s main attritional ship would leave most hardpoints empty? Recreate the ship yourself and see if it make any sense with 29 batteries?
I haven’t tried to recreate all of the ship classes in his squadron; a limiting factor to the complete squadron that EURISKO created was cost. (The Eurisko-class by itself comprised over 97% of the TCr budget.)
I haven’t tried to recreate all of the ship classes in his squadron; a limiting factor to the complete squadron that EURISKO created was cost. (The Eurisko-class by itself comprised over 97% of the TCr budget.)
You don't need to recreate all of them, just Eurisko.

I can do it for you:
Skärmavbild 2024-05-14 kl. 08.29.png

Which is more like it:
BA-K952563-J41100-34003-0     MCr 12 923      11 100 Dton    Ag=2
BA-K931363-J41100-34003-0     MCr 12 923      16 650 Dton
bearing     1     11  V                          Crew=133
batteries   1     11  V                             TL=12
s=35 Cargo=60 Fuel=555 EP=555 Agility=1 DropT=5550 (V=54)

Dual Occupancy                                       61    12 923
                                     USP    #      Dton      Cost
Hull, Unstreamlined Custom             K         11 100         
Configuration       Buffered Plane     9          3 885         8
Armour              18                 J          2 886     4 329
Drop Tanks          5 550 Dton                                  6
Total tonnage       16 650 Dton                                 
Jump Drive                             5    1       666     2 664
Manoeuvre D                            2    1       555       389
Power Plant                            5    1     1 665     4 995
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-5, 4 weeks            5       555         
Bridge                                      1       222        56
Computer            m/6                6    1         7        55
Staterooms                                  5        20         3
Staterooms, Half                          163       326        41
Cargo                                                61         
Triple Turret 2/bat Missile            3   54       108       243    108 turrets organised into 54 batteries.
Triple Turret       Beam               3    1         1         3
Single Turret       Fusion             4    1         2         2
Triple Turret       Sand               4    1         1         1
Nuclear Damper                         1    1        50        50
Meson Screen                           1    1        90        80
Nominal Cost        MCr 12 922,89        Sum:        61    12 923
Class Cost          MCr  2 713,81       Valid        ≥0        ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 10 338,31                               
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge    11
Passengers            Mid     0         133       Engineers    29
                      Low     0                     Gunners    70
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service    23
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines    35                     Marines    35


BA-K952563-J41100-34003-0     MCr 12 804      11 100 Dton    Ag=2
BA-K931363-J41100-34003-0     MCr 12 804      16 650 Dton
bearing     1     11  V                          Crew=108
batteries   1     11  V                             TL=12
=35 Cargo=160 Fuel=555 EP=555 Agility=1 DropT=5550 (V=29)

Dual Occupancy                                      161    12 804
                                     USP    #      Dton      Cost
Hull, Unstreamlined Custom             K         11 100         
Configuration       Buffered Plane     9          3 885         8
Armour              18                 J          2 886     4 329
Drop Tanks          5 550 Dton                                  6
Total tonnage       16 650 Dton                                 
Jump Drive                             5    1       666     2 664
Manoeuvre D                            2    1       555       389
Power Plant                            5    1     1 665     4 995
Fuel, #J, #weeks    J-5, 4 weeks            5       555         
Bridge                                      1       222        56
Computer            m/6                6    1         7        55
Staterooms                                  5        20         3
Staterooms, Half                          138       276        35
Cargo                                               161         
Triple Turret 2/bat Missile            3   29        58       131    58 turrets organised into 29 batteries.
Triple Turret       Beam               3    1         1         3
Single Turret       Fusion             4    1         2         2
Triple Turret       Sand               4    1         1         1
Nuclear Damper                         1    1        50        50
Meson Screen                           1    1        90        80
Nominal Cost        MCr 12 804,14        Sum:       161    12 804
Class Cost          MCr  2 688,87       Valid        ≥0        ≥0
Ship Cost           MCr 10 243,31                               
Crew &               High     0        Crew          Bridge    11
Passengers            Mid     0         108       Engineers    29
                      Low     0                     Gunners    45
                 Extra SR     0      Frozen         Service    23
               # Frozen W     0           0          Flight     0
                  Marines    35                     Marines    35

Look at e.g. crew or free space = cargo.