Here is my interpretation of
Theev, in Sindal Subsector (the link is to my web page, where the system map is also shown):
World: Theev
Subsector: Sindal
Sector: Trojan Reaches
Coordinates: 2116 (G0506)
UWP: A434500-F
Starport: Excellent
Size: Small (5600-7200 km)
Atmosphere: Very thin
Hydrographics: 40% water
Population: 900,000
Govt: No government
Law Level: No Prohibitions
Technology: High Stellar
Planetoid Belts: 3
Gas Giants: 4
Allegiance: Non-aligned
Bases: None
Trade Codes: Na Ni
Travel Zone: Amber
Gross World Product:10,800 MCr
Trade Index: Stellar:G0 V
Planetary Conditions:Compression masks are required to walk outside on Theev, but this has not led to the use of domed cities or arcologies. The planet's dome-like buildings are constructed with rubber seals on windows and doors, and compressors keep the inside air breathable. Many of the older neighborhoods in cities are close-packed, with communal pressurized tunnels. Most of the Theevan population is centered in the planet's two main cities, Tas Avarsi and Makmouda.
Theev's starports are not maintained by the human population of Theev, but by the Aslan. Theev's original human population was a remnant of the original Vilani colonization of the subsector, and was a part of the Sindalian Empire. By the time of the Third Imperium, the Theevans had fallen on desperate times as their population continued to decline. During the 400s, Aslan traders made contact with the world during a period of famine and starvation (Imperial contact was made in the late 400s). The Aslan managed to keep the world alive (making a pretty penny doing so), and eventually the two clans involved negotiated a unique arrangement in which the embattled Theevans could gain a measure of the security of reliable interstellar trade. Each of the Aslan clans would receive large landgrants, provided that starports would be built upon the grants. The clans would receive a share of interstellar commerce much in the same way the Imperium received taxes. The arrangement called for the clans to reinvest a percentage of their take into improvements to the starports, which has led to the construction of impressive, Aslan-looking facilities. The downport at Tas Avarsi is a class A installation, and Makmouda Downport would be considered Class D. Both cities look like a pile of earthenware pottery at a distance, a tightly packed cluster of domes, pressurized apartments and malls. In the countryside, estates are far apart and defended by considerable firepower.
Political:Theevan politics are dominated by the twelve "Maniti Hui-hah," the planet's Aslan-pidgin term for a "human clan," Theev's pirate brotherhoods. The brotherhoods are: the Snake, the Bull, the Toad, the Antelope, the Rabbit, the Monkey, the Crescent, the Medusa, the Pagoda and the Chain. Virtually every non-slave on the planet is either a member of one of the Hui-hah. Indeed, it is unsafe not to be a member, for the revenge and the traditions of the Huihah are the only regulatory forces on the planet. The planetary Aslan, particularly, consider non-clan humans to be potential slaves.
Theev's Aslan connection has so far shielded the planet from Imperial retribution, which would otherwise certainly fall hard upon the pirate stronghold. As the borders of the Imperium crept through Pax Rulin subsector, the Aslan and the Huiha (at that time the human clans were not engaged in piracy) entered negotiations with two major Aslan clans (the Yerlyaruiwo, a Tlaukhu clan [CT SA 18], and the Ferekhearl [SA 18])to formally enter into vassal status. By the time the Imperial Scout Service arrived in the area, annexation of Theev would have created a diplomatic incident, as property of two great Aslan clans (the starports) would have been directly taken by the Imperium (all starports being Imperial property under Imperial law). Ever since, Theev's status has hung in limbo. The system is not claimed by the Imperium, but neither is it exactly a client state of the Aslan. Over the years, the arrogant and anarchic personality of the Theevans, and the lack of governmental restraint, drew the system gradually into its current role as the buccaneering capital of the Imperial border.
Culture, Dress and Religion:Theevan society is heavily influenced by its long-standing ties to the Aslan. Ships built here have curving hulls and oblong lines, dress is long and flowing, facial hair is worn in long sideburns. While Theev is often portrayed in fiction and journalism as a port of call for all freebooters, where pirates indulge their every violent and evil whim, this is not precisely the case. Theevan pirates all share the culture of their planet, and usually consider themselves heroes of an honorable trade. They are proud of their planet and consider Theevans to be superior to all other forms of sophont. While Theevans live in a society with no formal government, they are very respectful of tradition (again, possibly an Aslan influence), and it is the planet's adherence to tradition that maintains the peace. Pirates from other cultures do trade and rest on Theev, but if they transgress the admittedly permissive social norms of Theevan culture, they risk enslavement or death at the hands of the Hui-Hah or Aslan.