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Trojan Reach

I will send a detail of what is in TI to your emails - I just thought, will the forthcoming Second Survey (FFE) contain a write up of the Trojan Reach - if so, we can rely on the copyright of Mr M.W. Miller.

++++ yes it was the Ancients - they get everywhere!
Meanwhile, here is my version of Hexx, in the Tobia subsector.

World: Hexx
Subsector: Tobia
Sector: Trojan Reaches
Coordinates: 2715 (H0305)
UWP: B78A577-D
Starport: Good
Size: Medium (10400-12000 km)
Atmosphere: Dense
Hydrographics: Water world
Population: 300,000
Govt: Balkanization
Law Level: Moderate
Technology: Average Stellar
Planetoid Belts: 1
Gas Giants: 4
Allegiance: Domain of Deneb
Bases: None
Trade Codes: Ni Wa
Travel Zone: Green
Gross World Product: 1,406 MCr
Stellar:F6 V (Light yellow main-sequence)

Planetary Conditions and Geography:Hexx is a water world, with a few scattered volcanic islands rising from the shallower plateaus of the sea floor. These are sufficient to house Hexx's small population without the use of underwater arcologies, though the island of Pappachak is quite crowded, with its fifty thousand inhabitants. Most islands communities hold no more than a thousand people. The sea floor is scattered with small underwater domes and pumping stations, as well as anti-submarine posts.

History:Hexx was settled by Imperial colonists after planetary surveys indicated the presence of several industrial minerals suspended in the waters of the deep gorges of Hexx's sea floor. Pumping the heavier water from these channels and filtering it for minerals provides the planet with a cash commodity for interstellar markets. Food fish also thrive in the oceans here, for the planet's native algae oxygenate the water, though they are not

Politics: Most of the islands of Hexx are either politically independent city-states or are members of nation-leagues. The Freethinking Republic of Pappachak supports democratic governments; the Orthodox Union of Islands supports theocratic planetary rulership, and the League of Oligarchs supports a feudal/noble rulership of the planet. A cold war among these three factions is waged sporadically, though most actual combat is no larger in scale than commando raids on outposts.

Culture, Dress and Religion:The standard form of greeting on Hexx is a shallow bow with the right hand fisted over the heart. Hexxins wear tight, thin clothing with narrow capes about a foot wide. Hair is worn slicked back. A nylon bandolier with pockets holds wallet, keys, and so forth. Almost all religions on the planet are based upon the idea of reaching a state of oneness with the ocean. The highly orthodox generally do not eat fish or use money (a computerized barter economy thrives on the planet's internet).
Here is Tobia, the Subsector capital, pre-rebellion. The system map is on my site at http://mythmere.tripod.com/t20/tobiasys.html

World: Tobia
Subsector: Tobia
Sector: Trojan Reaches
Coordinates: 3215 (H0805)
UWP: A444A55-F
Starport: Excellent
Size: Small (5600-7200 km)
Atmosphere: Thin, tainted
Hydrographics: 40% water
Population: 20 billion
Govt: Feudal Technocracy
Law Level: Moderate
Technology: High Stellar
Planetoid Belts: 0
Gas Giants: 3
Allegiance: Domain of Deneb
Bases: None
Trade Codes: In Hi
Travel Zone: Green
Gross World Product:420,000,000 MCr (420 TRcr) Trade Index: 7 Stellar:F7 V
Planetary Conditions: Tobia is a hot planet with a thin, tainted atmosphere. Real estate closer to the planet's poles is desireable, and the north pole contains the fief of Duke Alexander Quinn, Duke of Tobia and Marquis of Tobia. Buildings are sealed, with filtration systems, and many are connected by tubeways.

Political: Tobia is the capital of the subsector and is the seat of Duke Alexander Quinn, the Sector Duke. Tobia is ruled by the fifty-one development corporations originally established by GeDCo to develop and operate Tobian industry. The planet is administered by the appointed representatives of the corporations, who sit in a congress called the Tobian Industrial Zaibatsu. The chief executive officers of the fifty one industrial corporations sit at the top of a loose corporate feudal structure in which shareholder votes are the currency of power. Shares of the fifty one corporations do not trade on the regular stock market, as they are regulated by the original GeDCo shareholder agreement under which they were distributed by GeDCo. "Fifty-one Shares," as they are called, trade at a regulated price of one hundred thousand credits each. The owners of these shares are called "Shareholders," and are the first rank of the Tobian feudal system above the non-shareholding masses. Many buildings and clubs are open only to Shareholders. Most Shareholders do not actually own their shares; the shares are lent to productive employees by the great shareholders or by the companies themselves, and are returned to the original holder (or his family) when the borrower dies (or the shares are recalled by the true owner). Since the shares represent a good stream of income from dividends, social perks, and the ability to vote for the corporate executives who rule the planet, they are highly sought after. Since all of the corporate charters of the Fifty One mandate that 50% of the corporate shares must be on loan from the company at a given time, the loaned shares virtually determine who will run the companies. Most planetary politics have to do with who has the power to lend corporate shares.

Economy: Tobia is by far the largest economy in the subsector, and perhaps in the entire Trojan Reach. The planet's strength is industrial production, but most financial and trading businesses of the subsector are headquartered here as well, because these industries naturally congregate in the system with the strongest economy.

Culture, Dress and Religion: Tobian men and women both wear long coats (down to the knee), with baggy trousers tucked into boots.

[Edited to name Duke Quinn in accordance with canon and add information re: sector capital]
In line with developing Sindal, here is my write up for Number One:

Number One: World: Number One
Subsector: Sindal
Sector: Trojan Reaches
UWP: C9C6778-7
Starport: Rountine
Size: Large (Large14,o00 km)
Atmosphere: Exotic, Insidious
Hydrographics: 60% water
Population: 60,000,000
Govt: Balkanisation
Law Level: High (Bladed weapons controlled)
Technology: Pre-Stellar (c.1970AD)
Planetoid Belts: 0
Gas Giants: 2
Allegiance: Human Client State (Aslan from 1118)
Bases: None
Trade Codes: Fl
Travel Zone: Green


Number One was a former colony of the Sindalian Empire (called Agidur in those days) and despite its insidious atmosphere was a favourite retirement home for the aristocracy of Sindal. This was due to the vast enclosed cities that catered for the luxuries and vices demanded by the Sindalian nobility. The burnt out shells of the cities remain and are sometimes explored by the adventurous traveller or curious archaeologist.

After the fall of the Sindalian Empire, the Vilani population were wiped out by the civil war and the collapse of the technological requirements necessary to exist in an insidious environment. The history of modern Number One began in 317 when a Long Night sleeper ship from the Diaspora sector arrived. The colony were the followers of one Enli Augustus, a charismatic religious figure of mixed Solomani and Vilani stock, who had promised his followers a land of milk and honey at the exact co-ordinates of Number One.

What the pilgrims found, of course, was a living hell and a reinterpretation of the teachings of the prophet followed. However, the atmosphere proved too much and the rethinking of the Esteemed Augustus’s teaching created schisms and struggles between the faithful.

The States of Number One

The various schisms have created five separate states each representing different interpretations of the teachings of the Esteemed Augustus. The states are named after the reformers that founded them: Nunis, Hasira, Fusi, Haudsi and Abath. Needless to say, the relationship between the sects is not amicable. Fortunately military aggression is rare and of low level. Off-worlders are normally used and blamed for the occasional assassinations of religious leaders.

The Economy of Number One

Number One has a fluid economy mainly designed to provide for the needs of the faithful. It has remained at tech level 7 for centuries and devotion, survival and reproduction (in the name of the Esteemed Augustus) are consider more important than innovation. Mining, chemicals and manufacturing are staples of Number One’s trade, which regularly purchases food products from interstellar merchants to supplement the limited amount of fertile land available to the population.


Because of Number One’s cruel environment, the population live in vast protective glass complexes erected in interlocking hexagonal units to prevent the atmosphere from intruding. The appearance of Number One’s cities from the air are of large beehives. The population live orderly lives consisting of regular prayer and the hearing of verses from the Esteemed Augustus’s works. The moral teachings of each nation’s founding teacher is the topic of most public entertainment. The principal vice of many of Number One’s inhabitants is the possession of a forbidden work by a teacher heretical to the state. The penalty for the transgressor to be released unprotected into the planet’s atmosphere. Few have survived this ordeal.

Rumours and Secrets

Archaeologists have concluded from sources found on Noricum that Number One must be home to the tomb of the Sindalian Emperor Ururbad. From what is known of Ururbad’s tyrannical reign, his tomb is likely to contain valuable artefacts from the First Imperium era. It is believed that the tomb is located in the mountains near the ruins of the Sindalian citites.
Originally posted by Elliot:
Archaeologists have concluded from sources found on Noricum that Number One must be home to the tomb of the Sindalian Emperor Ururbad.
Please don't be insulted by this, but that is an hysterical name! "You-are-bad"? That's great!
Daryen - No insult taken - glad you liked the joke. I think Ururbad also conforms with Vilani word construction rules (at least from the table I have).

Mythmere - I can see a nexis of ideas about the Trojan's developing - a frontier flavour of corporate interests (goldiggers) and religious sects usimg the frontiers to live their own inspiration (like Amish/Shakers). Added to that are the inevitable criminals that collude or prey on the above.

If that nexis is correct, it makes the Trojan a place with a different flavour to the more developed Spinward Marches. I'd be interested to see how you develop the nobility of the Imperial part of the Trojan March
So far, the nobles I have envisioned for the Trojan Reach are a very mixed bag. I imagine the majority of them to be rather mercenary - the frontiers of empire are a gold mine for those in power and a dumping ground for the empire's incompetent scions. I think of India under the Raj. In addition to the venal carpet-baggers (Yankees who came South after the American Civil War to profiteer in the South's destroyed economy), there are military nobles only one or two generations into nobility, raised for their service in the dangerous proving ground of the frontier. These nobles are generally quite conscientious, having come from a tradition of service and having been advanced by their attention to duty. Their view of the responsibilities of nobility will be quite different than that of the arrogant scalawags and well-bred black sheep arriving from the Imperial heartland. The distance from the capital will tend to make the autocrats more autocratic and the competent more isolated.
There is also the risk of leaders who go native - consider Conrad's Heart of Darkness.
Further on the topic of nobles:
I am basing a lot of the intrigue in Tobia on the clash between Imperium, home rule and democracy. Far-flung regions generally dislike the inefficiencies of being ruled from afar - I envision factions in favor of becoming a self-governing protectorate, rather like one of the domains on a small scale. These factions might be either democratic or feudal (mainly democratic, though, I would think). The democrats would dislike the whole concept of the Imperium's feudal system; these are the radicals who want the whole Imperium to be governed by an elected congress rather than an emperor and Moot.
The significance for nobles: the value system of nobility and of empire is under attack here on the far frontier, and the nobles are a long way from reinforcements. Their reaction to radicalism may at times be brutal, due to their own fear. Of course, imperial brutality breeds martyrs...
IMTU there was a rebellion on New Moscow in 1114, and the repercussions of a "kill them all - god will recognize his own" marine strike are still echoing through the Tobian Subsector. I'll detail the New Muscovite Rebellion in later posts.
Oops. I forgot the secessionists. Here I think the model is that of the American Revolution. There is a large group of moderates who simply want better representation and efficiency of government; they are not generally in favor of secession, but are willing to listen to the radicals. The radicals advocate secession; their theories are a mix of national identity ("How can the Imperials understand us Trojan Reachers? They aren't like us, and we aren't like them."), natural rights (We have a right to self government), efficiency theories (They can't understand the problems that face us out here), tax rebellion (I don't want my taxes to pay for some noble's yacht), rumors (they test biological weapons on us secretly)(this sort of thing tripped off the Sepoy Mutiny and the massacre at Cawnpore), and prejudice.
There is a lot of room for adventure.
Eliott, I have set up a map for Sindal Subsector into which I can drop your system descriptions, if I have your permission. At present, I have not put any links into the map. The subsector map is located at Sindal Subsector Map

(Actually, I'm working on Theev at the moment, but I'm mainly working on Tobia and Gazulin)
I like your nobility, lots of complexity that makes for great role playing patrons. Certainly the Raj thing and the George Washingtons together make a good source of NPCs and patrons.

Can I also raise the conception of a warring house nobility. The nobles are not just either dilettante fools they are also in the business of political rivalry with each other. The house of X who number 1 count, 5 marquises and a few more barons and knights + retainers in their family are vying for control of Tobian political life against House Y. A sort of Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet meets Frank Herbert's Dune. This leaves the few good men such as Duke Quinn (deceased in 1118) and Duchess Sharik using their energy up acting as marshalls rather than planning the next leap forward or resisting the Aslan.

As to my landgrabs - by all means post them in, it would be an honour. I will develop Sindal a bit more then!

I Look forward to Theev One question: why doesn't the Imperium blast it, it is only 3 parsecs away!
Elliot, I just added your description of Number One to the map hyperlinks on my Sindal Subsector map . I added coordinates for the system (1818 G0208) and fixed a typo or two. I credited you as "Elliot." If you would prefer a more specific accreditation, let me know either here or by email.

Also rated you five stars, BTW.

I'm still working on Theev. Do you know if there is a subsector duke assigned to the three Imperial systems in Sindal, or whether the subsector is governed as a part of Pax Rulin or Tobia?
Mythmere - many thanks, its really appreciated. Elliot is fine by me (its my name after all!)

According to my sources there is no sector duke ever mentioned. IMTU the Rygar Bolingstoke, Count of Albe, was charged with the Ducal role and with special envoy status for the non Imperial worlds. In the Rebellion era Rygar was a man of utmost integrity and a form Aslan diplomat. Unfortunately his urbane ways did not last long against the Ihatei incursions...
I have also added your description of Noricum, so there are three systems detailed in the subsector. Would you care to write a general description of the subsector for me to use on the subsector page? I imagine you are the world's foremost expert on Sindal subsector, after all, with the possible exception of MJD or the author of TD20!
I also need to detail Imisaa system in Tobia, because my players are likely to end up there if they follow the trade route from Hexx. Any ideas for what Imisaa should look like? Is there any guidance in Traveller's Digest? ANyone?
Here is my interpretation of Theev, in Sindal Subsector (the link is to my web page, where the system map is also shown):

World: Theev
Subsector: Sindal
Sector: Trojan Reaches
Coordinates: 2116 (G0506)
UWP: A434500-F
Starport: Excellent
Size: Small (5600-7200 km)
Atmosphere: Very thin
Hydrographics: 40% water
Population: 900,000
Govt: No government
Law Level: No Prohibitions
Technology: High Stellar
Planetoid Belts: 3
Gas Giants: 4
Allegiance: Non-aligned
Bases: None
Trade Codes: Na Ni
Travel Zone: Amber
Gross World Product:10,800 MCr
Trade Index: Stellar:G0 V
Planetary Conditions:Compression masks are required to walk outside on Theev, but this has not led to the use of domed cities or arcologies. The planet's dome-like buildings are constructed with rubber seals on windows and doors, and compressors keep the inside air breathable. Many of the older neighborhoods in cities are close-packed, with communal pressurized tunnels. Most of the Theevan population is centered in the planet's two main cities, Tas Avarsi and Makmouda.
Theev's starports are not maintained by the human population of Theev, but by the Aslan. Theev's original human population was a remnant of the original Vilani colonization of the subsector, and was a part of the Sindalian Empire. By the time of the Third Imperium, the Theevans had fallen on desperate times as their population continued to decline. During the 400s, Aslan traders made contact with the world during a period of famine and starvation (Imperial contact was made in the late 400s). The Aslan managed to keep the world alive (making a pretty penny doing so), and eventually the two clans involved negotiated a unique arrangement in which the embattled Theevans could gain a measure of the security of reliable interstellar trade. Each of the Aslan clans would receive large landgrants, provided that starports would be built upon the grants. The clans would receive a share of interstellar commerce much in the same way the Imperium received taxes. The arrangement called for the clans to reinvest a percentage of their take into improvements to the starports, which has led to the construction of impressive, Aslan-looking facilities. The downport at Tas Avarsi is a class A installation, and Makmouda Downport would be considered Class D. Both cities look like a pile of earthenware pottery at a distance, a tightly packed cluster of domes, pressurized apartments and malls. In the countryside, estates are far apart and defended by considerable firepower.

Political:Theevan politics are dominated by the twelve "Maniti Hui-hah," the planet's Aslan-pidgin term for a "human clan," Theev's pirate brotherhoods. The brotherhoods are: the Snake, the Bull, the Toad, the Antelope, the Rabbit, the Monkey, the Crescent, the Medusa, the Pagoda and the Chain. Virtually every non-slave on the planet is either a member of one of the Hui-hah. Indeed, it is unsafe not to be a member, for the revenge and the traditions of the Huihah are the only regulatory forces on the planet. The planetary Aslan, particularly, consider non-clan humans to be potential slaves.

Theev's Aslan connection has so far shielded the planet from Imperial retribution, which would otherwise certainly fall hard upon the pirate stronghold. As the borders of the Imperium crept through Pax Rulin subsector, the Aslan and the Huiha (at that time the human clans were not engaged in piracy) entered negotiations with two major Aslan clans (the Yerlyaruiwo, a Tlaukhu clan [CT SA 18], and the Ferekhearl [SA 18])to formally enter into vassal status. By the time the Imperial Scout Service arrived in the area, annexation of Theev would have created a diplomatic incident, as property of two great Aslan clans (the starports) would have been directly taken by the Imperium (all starports being Imperial property under Imperial law). Ever since, Theev's status has hung in limbo. The system is not claimed by the Imperium, but neither is it exactly a client state of the Aslan. Over the years, the arrogant and anarchic personality of the Theevans, and the lack of governmental restraint, drew the system gradually into its current role as the buccaneering capital of the Imperial border.

Culture, Dress and Religion:Theevan society is heavily influenced by its long-standing ties to the Aslan. Ships built here have curving hulls and oblong lines, dress is long and flowing, facial hair is worn in long sideburns. While Theev is often portrayed in fiction and journalism as a port of call for all freebooters, where pirates indulge their every violent and evil whim, this is not precisely the case. Theevan pirates all share the culture of their planet, and usually consider themselves heroes of an honorable trade. They are proud of their planet and consider Theevans to be superior to all other forms of sophont. While Theevans live in a society with no formal government, they are very respectful of tradition (again, possibly an Aslan influence), and it is the planet's adherence to tradition that maintains the peace. Pirates from other cultures do trade and rest on Theev, but if they transgress the admittedly permissive social norms of Theevan culture, they risk enslavement or death at the hands of the Hui-Hah or Aslan.
Mythmere - old boy - very good!

(sorry have not written for a while - emergency x10 at work!)

I love the clans, the Yakuza of the Trojans - they have tremendous potential as NPC shakers and movers. I also like the Aslan that far coreward - explains why the Imperial forces have not intervened and makes for the Frontier flavour.

I am currently detailing Thebus - The x-boat route means that it must be the hub between the Imperial-Aslan transrift trade route and the Jump 1 route between Noricum/Sindal and Janus/Dpres (imo this is called the Sindalian Main). Thebus is a low-pop no law planet outside of the Imperium, so I think it has to be a pirate stopover for piracy on the Main. I think i'll inorporate the Maniti Hui-hah into the write up.

As to Imisaa - my sources indicate its clear.
Hope your emergency at work was resolved satisfactorily - I missed your postings!

I had one question about Aslan and slavery - I have read mention of the Aslan assault on the Glorious Empire (breakaway Aslan) as being in part motivated by the dishonor to the Tlauku of having an Aslan slaver nation; the humans were restored to normal human status under Aslan rule. Do you know what the Aslan position is on slavery of other sophonts? I have been assuming that the Aslan practice enforced serfdom, a state not much better than slavery, on other sophonts. The Aslan clans on Theev ought to be complete rednecks from the Aslan perspective, but not rogues. In other words, the Aslan need to view them as Alabama in 1900, not Alabama in 1840.

another minor source is CT adventure Leviathan, which features (scanty) information about 2 subsectors of the Reaches.

By the way, has anybody worked out T20 stats for the Leviathan Class ?