Hi Myth, have been away for a while: Here is my take on Albe:
Albe: World: Albe
Subsector: Sindal
Sector: Trojan Reaches
Coordinates: 2211
UWP: A540A98-E
Starport: Excellent
Size: Medium
Atmosphere: Standard, tainted.
Hydrographics: Desert World
Population: 20,000,000,000
Govt: Impersonal Bureaucracy (Imperial Naval rule)
Law Level: High
Technology: High Stellar
Planetoid Belts: 1
Gas Giants: 3
Allegiance: Imperial (Briefly taken by Aslan forces 1118)
Bases: Naval
Trade Codes: De, Hi, Ind, Po
Travel Zone: Green
The Imperial capital of the Sindal subsector and home to the 203rd Fleet, the first impression visitors get of Albe is just how crowded a world it is. The orbital up-port (Maleeva Station) is a vast sprawl of interlocking units that stretch like a construction site over Albe itself. Albe was formerly a designated Imperial Navy scrap yard and Maleeva Station shares orbit with the decaying hulks of Imperial warships whose glory days have long sinced passed.
Albe was settled during the late 500s. To assist the original settlers colonize their world SuSag genetic engineers developed gene line therapy techniques to allow Albans to resist the pressures of a desert world. SuSag were highly successful in this experiment, however, the consequence of breeding sturdier humans has been an ever expanding population. The situation is reaching crisis point and the government is exploring all options to alleviate the current problem.
Albe is under direct Imperial rule, with the Count of Albe nominally heading the impersonal bureaucracy. In realty much is delegated to the naval paper pushers who make up the government. Their main task is to alleviate the constant pressure on the population. The Alban authorities current hope is the collaboration with Shape of the Earth LIC in terraforming the neighbouring world of Cordillion to provide much needed relief for Albe's population.
In 803, during a period of desperate famine and drought on Albe, the Duke of Tobia made an order under seal that naval hulks certified by the Navy as safe could be used for the benefit of the population of Albe. Today gutted warships, once proud symbols of Imperial supremacy, serve as farms, water processing plants and habitats for Albe's vast population.
As Albe is a desert world, it relies on water mined from ice asteroids to fill its vast underground reservoirs. These reservoirs were dug in the 500s by prisoners drafted in as bonded labour. Many of the established families of Albe are descendants of the prison miners and Albans tell their children stories of the treasures that were supposedly hidden in the caverns by their ancestors.
Ximenez, the vast capital city of Albe and the location of the downport appears from the space as a vast shimering sprawl. The architecture of Ximenez is designed to protect inhabitants from the sun and the sand of the desert. Mirrored glass and perpendicular angles (to create shade) predominate. Because of Albe's climate and the heat of Albe’s two suns, Albans wear cool natural fibres in loose fittings and muted colours. Albe’s sulfur compound tainted atmosphere requires the wearing of a filter mask, failure to do so is consider by locals as a sign of disrespect.
Albe's economy is largely hi-tech manufacturing with mining and processing coming a close second. Such Imperial corporate giants as Ling Standard and SuSag have extensive operations on Albe. Despite this industrial activity, Albans are not a wealthy people and the standard of living is below many equivalent worlds in the Imperium. The consequences of poverty and the constant summer heat is the occasional riot or wild-cat strike among workers.
However, it would be wrong to say that life on Albe is entirely bleak. Despite chronic overcrowding and poor labour laws, Albans are renowned for their reserved politeness and their willingness to share a glass of Makka, the exceptional local alcoholic beverage, with complete strangers.
(Portions of this article originally appeared in Third Imperium magazine (c) Mike Jackson 1985)