This is the reason I have not posted for a while: I have been working on a timeline for the trailing and coreward portion of the Reaches. Canon sources are indicated, and the rest are mine. Some material on the Spinward Marches is included to evidence general sentiment or politics on the frontier portions of the Domain of Deneb.
Does anyone have comments, criticisms, suggestions?
148 Imperial Scout explorations begin in Pax Rulin, Gazulin, and Tobia subsectors of the Trojan Reach.
220 Wave of Imperial-culture settlers begin colonizing worlds in Pax Rulin, Gazulin and Tobia.
355 Tobia enters Imperium. Independent systems to Rimward of Tobia refuse to join.
461 Zhodani discover Aslan in the Trojan Reach. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35.
504 Imperial scouts contact a minor human race on 971-852 (2814 Tobia/Trojan Reach), who subsist on some plants and cannibalism; the scouts introduce livestock, but the natives continue to eat old and crippled humans. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.
525 Habitable worlds of Gazulin, Tobia, Borderlands, and Sindal have been colonized and contain small human settlements. Lack of funding renders further expansion pointless, and colonies on marginal worlds begin to fail.
589 Empress Jacqueline I establishes the Domain of Deneb during the first year of the First Frontier War; however, no Archduke was ever designated. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 06.
610 Imperial protection formally extended to Districts 267 (later the Five Sisters subsector) and 268 by Emperor Nicolai. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.
620 Captain Argon Kevin Beauregard flees the Imperium, ultimately founding the world of Belgard (1106 Trojan Reach) and the Belgardian Sojourn. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 12, 39.
631 Imperial funding for colonization and establishment of the Trojan Reach frontier begins to flow into Tobia subsector. Naval base at Tobia completed. Patents of nobility are granted for the systems opening to new development are granted by Empress Arbellatra. The independent systems of the Tobia Main join the Imperium between 631 and 640.
650 The Glorious Empire, an Aslan separatist state centered in Goertel subsector of Trojan Reach, founded by Tokouea'we clan. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.
640 to 660 The Frontier Land Grab. Settlers explode from Tobia Subsector into the Borderland, Sindal, and Tlaiowaha subsectors, anticipating Imperial expansion into these area.
660 Imperium stabilizes at present size and turns attention inward, devoting resources to internal development and consolidation. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 26.
662 The Frontier Land Grab ends with crash of '62 on Tobia as real-estate ventures in the Land Grab begin to collapse. Many fortunes are ruined on the Tobia Main and in the vicinity, and many colonists of smaller worlds emigrate to Tobia as jobs in the hinterlands evaporate.
665 Land-grabbers from Tobia encounter Aslan land-grab colonies in Tlaiowaha subsector.
670 Imperial Scouts establish deep recon base in Tlaiowaha subsector to monitor Aslan border and activities.
678 Imperial funding and authority for "stabilization" of the border frontier between Aslan territory in Tlaiowaha and Imperial border in Tobia.
679 Negotiation of the Tobia Accords begins in Boulder and Wildeman. Duke of Tobia asserts Imperial status of Fist and New Moscow based on failed prior colonies that joined the Imperium, and nobles are installed to maintain order. Fistines initiate lawsuit on Tobia, which is annulled by the Duke.
681 Imperial attempt to create client confederacy of Torpol, Clarke, Blue and Exocet fails; one of the nations of Torpol seeks support from Aslan clans.
683 Human settlements are established on planets in the Aslan part of Tlaiowaha.
685 Aslan clans begin policy of establishing human-aslan "mixed clans" in border areas to combat Imperial influence and promote trade with the Aslan regions.
690 Shots fired in accidental confrontation between Imperial fleet and Aslan clan warships. The Imperial Navy stands down before the incident results in the destruction of the Aslan ships, but several are badly damaged.
691 Human settlement on Ohaualr is evicted by Tlaukhu forces before massacre at the hands of local Aslan infuriated by human occupation of land. Tlaukhu demands explanation of the fleet incident of 690 and demands Imperium cease patrolling the Tween with warships. Tlaukhu warships are sent into the Tween to emphasize the demand.
693 Ihatei begin moving into the Aslan Tween, noting that the Peace of Ftahalr applies only to Imperial regions.
694 Numerous land conflicts between Ihatei and human colonists on systems in the Tween.
695 Fledgling trade and passenger lines relying upon trade across the Tween begin folding as banks and insurers completely cease taking risks on Aslan and Tween trading ventures.
697 Aslan traders operating in the Tween (the border region between Aslan and Imperium) influence local Aslan clans to negotiate with the Duke of Tobia for a resolution of the tensions in the Aslan Tween.
700 The Camoran Accords establish a border zone of systems (the Tween) into which Imperial and Aslan ships larger than 1,000 dtons will not trespass, and in which neither Tlaukhu nor Imperium will annex systems.
700 Nobles settled in the Trojan Reach and Reft sectors by Empress Arbellatra merge a number of bankrupt fledgling lines to form the General Development Company (GeDCo). Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.
707 The Camoran Accords are amended to permit warships of 4,000 dtons or less to patrol for pirates in the Tween.
740 Emperor Paulo I opens the Five Sisters subsector in the Spinward Marches for development and colonization. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 10.
742 Imperial funding in the Trojan Reach for naval forces, subsidies for Tween systems, and colonial financial support begins to decline as Imperial attention shifts to development of the Five Sisters.
750 Duke of Tobia releases Fist from Imperium. X-Boat system reaches Tobia.
750-850 Stagnation Years in the Tween. Aslan and human settlers continue to trickle into the Tween systems, but there is little appreciable population growth. In the early 800's, Theevan pirates begin raiding Imperial trade as far as Usher and Gazulin subsectors. Aslan colonization on the Aslan side of the Tween continues rapidly as Ihatei populate the region.
851 Aslan traders on Inurin are lynched by pro-Imperial paramilitary. The government on Inurin refuses to cooperate with Tlaukhu investigators.
852 Several clans mount a joint invasion of Inurin, and the planet is occupied while an investigation of the murders is brutally carried out. Resistance is crushed, with many deaths in the human population. The duke of Tobia responds by sending a fleet of cruisers, all considerably in excess of the 4,000 dton limit (which had been respected by the Aslan in their invasion - all of the Aslan ships fell within the limits established by the Camoran Accords).
853 The Trojan Reach is on the brink of war. The Tlaukhu and the Imperium have not formally entered into a state of war, but vassal clans and client states have been encouraged to test the defenses of the other side as heavier warships are brought to the frontier in preparation for a definitive resolution of the Tween territories.
854 The year in the Trojan Tween is marked by deep strikes by privateers (especially the Theevans, who played both sides of the coin and may have been paid bounties for their kills as well) into enemy territory, abortive invasions of one "non-aligned" system into another, and ihatei raids. Neither side violates the 4,000 dton rule.
855 Imperial diplomats from Core successfully defuse tensions in the Trojan Tween with a letter from Empress Tomutova II carried via the x-boat network.
856 Aslan/Imperial politics settle into a cool war in the Tween, with both sides aware that the Treaty of Ftahalr may not apply in border areas or, indeed, outside the Reavers' Deep region (where strict delineations of borders were drafted).
1105 World war breaks out on Feri (2005 Spinward Marches) between pro and anti-Imperial factions. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 82.
1105 The absence of the Kinunir-class was felt as piracy began to rise after a decline over the previous 20 years. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.
1105 The starport and other facilities on Efate (1705 Spinward Marches) are closed temporarily after a major disturbance believed to be connected with some terrorist organization. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.
1106 Research Station Gamma on Vanejen (3119 Spinward Marches) is damaged in a terrorist raid. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 09.
1110 End of Fifth Frontier War.
1111 TNS - Dentus (2201 Spinward Marches) - A group of renegade Vargr freebooters in the Spinward Marches continues to elude capture. Insurance rates for vessels operating in the Spinward Marches remain at war levels. JTAS #24, GDW, 1985, p. 04.
270-1111 Institution of the Deneb Reconstruction Tax in the Domain of Deneb and the appointment of a Dominion Minister of the Reconstruction Finance Fund.
150-1112 Complaints arise in the Trojan Reach and in Reft that the allocation of Reconstruction Finance Funds are being disproportionately allocated in Deneb and the Spinward Marches.
240-1112 Scandal in the Ministry of the Reconstruction Finance Fund, with accusations of nepotism and bribery.
270-1112 Interest rates behind the claw soar in response to the Finance Fund Scandal and rumors of the devaluation of the Imperial credit.
300-1112 Several minor banks in the Spinward Marches fail from interest rate speculation.
60-1113 Farms on Berg begin failing payment on loans. Speculators on Tobia begin buying up Berg land but not operating the farms.
120-1113 Analysts on Tobia predict that food production on Berg may fall below the minimum required to feed the population on Tobia. Food prices skyrocket in response.
150-1113 The "False Famine" on Tobia results from food hoarding by speculators; starvation threatens poorer segment of Tobian population. The planetary government nationalizes warehoused food supplies, resulting in the failure of several commodities trading firms.
180-1113 Thomas "Paine" Warren speaks to packed halls in Berg, asserting that the economic crisis in the Trojan Reach is due to the autocratic and distant government of the Imperium. He advocates rulership of Tobia subsector by a democratically elected congress with only nominal ties to the Imperium.
180-1113 The New Moscow Rebellion. Crushed by Imperial Marine landing. Baron Ustrol appointed as Imperial governor of the planet pending determination of reparations in Imperium vs. New Moscow Revolutionary Congress et. al. in the Tobian courts.
188-1113 A warrant for the arrest of Thomas Warren issues from Tobia.
22-1114 Saurus Convention convenes to discuss piracy and ends with discussion of democratic reform, home rule, and even secession.
60-1114 Imperial Minister of the Treasury, Imperial Duke Denahali, announces that the economy in the Domain of Deneb has suffered recession during the year 1113, according to preliminary analysis of tax and other data. The Minister attributes the recession to inflation caused by war debt and derivative speculation on commodities.
1114 Increased concerns about piracy cause the Imperial Navy to restore funding on the "Sydkai" class cruiser project; "Sydkai" finally launched. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 44.
360-1114 Second Saurus Convention held on Fist. Articles of Saurus II signed, advocating non-payment of Imperial taxes until certain improvements are made in Imperial government of Tobia subsector.
66-1115 Berg system joins New, Sabruse, Saurus, and Darchona systems in Saurus II tax rebellion.
1115 Aslan ihatei pushing into the Marches were defeated at Talos (1436 Spinward Marches) by an unknown force. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 17.
1115 The Junidy (3202 Spinward Marches) Liberation Army, a Llellewyloly terrorist movement, begins working closely with the Kforuzeng Vargr corsairs. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 104.
1115 Kwai Ching (1040 Spinward Marches) was raided twice this year, once at the starport and once at the city of Yin Vadi. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 17.