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Trying to find where plasma/fusion stats for Book2 are...


I've been repeatedly told that in some CT source (GDW, Gamelords, FASA, etc) there are details for fusion and plasma guns for Book 2 combat...

And I cannot find that source.

Can someone help my insanity? Did I make this up?

Thanks in advance, if I'm not in a straitjacket when I get an answer....

I've only seen plasma guns, Don.

Dan: he's referring to ship mounts, not PGMP/FGPM, which are in Bk 4.
There was something in a Journal article about that, from a bit before High Guard was released. I'm at work and don't have it to hand, but I have the big floppy book of the first 12 Journals, and there was something in there.

It might not have been what you were looking for, but it's something.
Dan: he's referring to ship mounts, not PGMP/FGPM, which are in Bk 4.


That explains it. I wondered how he could have forgotten and not found that. I'm always mixing up LBB1 and LBB2. Right then, ship guns, no idea, not ringing a bell sorry. Check the suggestion posted above this reply though.
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IISS Ship Files, page 9:

Fusion gun: Counts as a heavy laser, and uses the laser fire rules with a DM of +1 to hit. They are, however, short range weapons, and may not be employed if the range exceeds 150"
Nuclear Damper Screens: To simulate this defensive measure, use the ECM computer program rule, but nuclear missiles are destroyed on a throw of 6+ (Book 2). Ordinary missiles with High Explosive warheads are unaffected.​

IISSSF is not the reference I remembered.... I think it might have been in BoJTAS V1, or in one of the adventures.

My BoJTAS1 is AWOL...
I did a quick search of the JTAS issues earlier and found nothing. I was thinking if it was anywhere early it would have been one of the first adventures, probably before HG was nailed down and ready.