LBB 2 says 10 tons but that has always struck me as very big. I think the 10 tons is the weight not displacement.
Until recently I didn't have anything to back that up, but I've been pawing thru alot of books lately, and co-incidentally I notice a few things. I was cleaning up my PDF folder and I found a supplement from Judges guild, "Starships and Space craft", it's available on DTRPG.
It describes a number of Starships and Spacecraft, Type S Scout, Type A Free Trader, Subsidized Merchant 400 Ton, Subsidized Merchant 600 Ton (not called a liner in '77) , Yatch, and 800 Ton Cruiser.
Basically all the ships in LBB2, atleast the 1977 version.
Same price, same powerplants, same every thing.
But it gives additional description, length, width, height, flavor text.
But the interesting part is, it also describes all the ship's craft, in greater detail than LBB2. Again the Small craft all match LBBs, but there is more description of each, such as the cargo and passenger capacity, range, speed, endurance, dimension, ETC.
The ATV, Air/raft, G-carrier are also featured, and here's the interesting part.
They are listed as weighing a certain number of tons, not displacing a certain number of tons, and they have dimension listed,
Air Raft Weighs 4 tons, 3m*2m*2m -- 2 dTons {maybe 3}
GCarrier, Weighs 8 tons, 6m*3m*2m -- 6 dTons
ATV Wheeled , Weighs 10 tons, 5m*3m*3m -- 4 dTons
Tracked Wheeled , Weighs 10 tons, 5m*3m*3m -- 4 dTons
Also it includes a grid view, which shows the Air/Raft taking up 3 dTons and the ATV taking up 4 dTons
If you're still not convinced,
Last night I saw a write up for The ATV in the double adventure "Across the Bright Face"
" It masses 9.5 tons and measures 4.5 meters wide, 7.5 meters long, and 4.5 meters high. The vehicle is fitted with a
collapsible undercarriage which allows total height to be reduced to 3.0 meters for stowage and shipment."
4.5m * 4.5m *7.5m = 11.25 Dtons,
But it collapses to 3.0m * 4.5m *7.5m = 7.5dtons.
So even this large example does not take up 10 dTons.
I looked back at my '77 edition of LBB2 and all the small vehicles are listed separate from the small craft, so it's entirely possible that the "tons" entry is weight, not displacement. I think that they just got confused somewhere along the way. S
If you want even more evidence, look at book 3, all the vehicles have a entry that include weight, and it has to be weight, because there are entries like Bi-plane 1 ton, Heilcopter 1 ton, and Grav belt negligible weight if on, 10 kg if off.
So the weight of the vehicles got confused with the dTons dispcement.