So whose idea is this?I know this may seem far fetched but if all else fails we could always dust of the Nazi party..say Nazis take over some nation and all hell breaks loose.. it is not beyond the realm of possibility.
You are confusing icing and cake.Originally posted by Tom Kalbfus:
The Nazis would get no traction in our society, they don't have a constituency here. People who are antisemites here get to be called things like "Arab lover" and so forth.
but a Nazi would be suspected of sympathizing with the "enemy" because Nazis are well known for their anti-semitism people will also be reminded of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Federal Bulding bombing in Oklahoma, their loyalty to the country will be suspect by the population at large and any right-wing nationalistic movement will flounder if they can't convince the public that they are "Patriotic" enough to be elected or for the public to stand aside while the engineer a military coup. The public will immediately see them as the enemy as soon as they call themselves Nazis, will fight them tooth and nail. The problem with Nazism is that they have to convince people that their is a Jewish conspiracy and that Jews are responsible for this and that, this flying in the face of ample evidence of Arab groups being responsible for terrorist attacks. Any rightwing groups will have to play on popular predjudices and Nazis ignore this and drag out their own tired, warmed over antisemitism that no American would take seriously unless he is an Arab or a Muslim and their are not enough of those to take over the country. Nazism is also invented in a foreign country and is not home grown or made in America. Perhaps Germans would be more suseptable to this ideology as its popular to hate Americans in that country and Nazis fought a war against America."These days, in the US, and in most western countries, a fascist style movement would be less likely to be particularly anti-semitic, and more likely to be anti-Arab. After all, the latter are official enemies, and immigrants from Islamic countries are "appropriate" targets for racist scapegoating.
I agree with the above, but Canadian Facists would find themselves in big trouble if they tried to invade the US. The US might invade Canada however. the best chance US facism has would be in reaction to Anti-Americanism abroad. If Anti-Americans are perceived as unfair or biased against Americans, then Americans might come to think that their good works and deeds don't matter as Americans will be hated no matter what they do, after this they might conluded that any action the US takes could be justified in the face of anti-US predjudice. So if the US really commits and atrocity in a foreign country and other countries complain, that will just be chalked up as yet more unjustified Anti-American propaganda and taken with a grain of salt. In short: "They hate us when were good; They hate us when were bad; so lets be bad and grab what we can for our country.Yes, you are correct that German style Nazis aren't likely to gain much of a base in the US, but US style fascists are entirely possible. And so are Australia style fascists in Australia, New Zealand style fascists in New Zealand, Canadian style fascists in Canada, Swedish style fascists in Sweden, and so on...
"The only problem with the idea of a military coup in the US is that the military is not a political entity in the US. Sure, it lobbies for projects and equipment, but it has no political power. The US federal military cannot even act as police in the civilian sector (the National Guard is state-level, and so can be used by the state govenors for policing in times of civil disturbance). I seriously doubt most service men in the US would support a military coup like you see in third-world countries.
and then saidIs Russia a 1st World or 3rd World Country?"Actually, I think my previous post's conclusion probably applies to all first-world countries, barring a return to feudalism and/or true monarchy.
A military coup is likely under certain circumstance, in some cases you'd even want a military coup for example:
What if a Communist were elected President? This is not "Communism lite", this person is a Soviet Style Orthodox communist who wants to nationalize all private property the Press, and outlaw all other political parties except the American Communist Party. This candidate also wants to send all class enemies to labor camps in Alaska. This all comes about through some massive political scandal in the Republican and Democratic Parties right before election day causing an atypical emotional reaction in the electorate that causes this communist to be elected along with overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate. Some Generals in the Pentagon won't sit still for this and figure that preserving liberties is more important than adhering to the letter of the US Constitution.
An alternative to a communist being elected, could be the election of a Cult leader who claims to be Jesus Christ, a KKK Grand Dragon. Someone who is so unpalpable that the Generals are willing to risk a military coup.
Another reason for a military coup may be the election of a liberal who is so weak on Defense that he wants to abolish the Defense Department and is willing to submit to occupation by a Foreign Enemy such as Iran, or perhaps he's a hispanic American who wants to give the American Southwest back to Mexico.
it is improbable to be sure, but then so is World War II. I estimate that there is less than a 2% chance of a nuclear war getting started at any given year. But never say never.More to the point, this situation could never happen.
Responding to these points in reverse order...Originally posted by Tom Kalbfus:
it is improbable to be sure, but then so is World War II. I estimate that there is less than a 2% chance of a nuclear war getting started at any given year. But never say never.
What if the President of the United States was a traitor, and he somehow managed to fool the American people into electing him by claiming to be someone else...