SOC-14 1K
Sorry, not sorry, I don't subscribe to rule system mysticism. It's perfectly legitimate to use LBB5 to build Scouts or Free Traders (they just tend to be more expensive than LBB2 counterparts). And perfectly possible to use LBB5 ships in LBB2 combat, see the original Gazelle JTAS article.But the fundamental issue is that using LBB5 where LBB2 is called for is cheating. Yes, it's a legitimate rule set, but that's not the point. The point is that LBB5's construction rules are integrated with its abstract combat system and technology paradigm, which is markedly different from the one in LBB2 and LBB3.
No, it's more difficult for small ships in LBB2. It's actually easier for large ships, cf. the magic of the Z drive.High jump range can be accomplished relatively easily in LBB5 (TL permitting) because that design system imposes lower (size and credit) costs for it to compensate for its higher (size and credit) costs of combat-relevant components. It's difficult in LBB2 because that system was designed to make things that are useful to player characters in an RPG context (high jump range, for example) costly and difficult.
Note that below TL 15 power plants tend to be a large and expensive in LBB5.
Compare a large (for an adventurer) J-6 ship:
LBB5: MCr 1368, 75 Dt overtonnage:
XT-B366662-000000-00000-0 MCr 1 368 2 000 Dton
bearing Crew=22
batteries TL=15
Cargo=0 Fuel=1320 EP=120 Agility=5
Single Occupancy - 75 1 368
USP # Dton Cost
Hull, Part Streaml Custom B 2 000
Configuration Cylinder 3 200
Scoops Partial 2
Jump Drive 6 1 140 560
Manoeuvre D 6 1 340 170
Power Plant 6 1 120 360
Fuel, #J, #weeks J-6, 4 weeks 6 1 320
Purifier 1 20 0
LBB2: MCr 803, 368 Dt free:
XT-B366662-000000-00000-0 MCr 803 2 000 Dton
bearing Crew=20
batteries TL=15
Cargo=368 Fuel=1260 EP=120 Agility=5
Single Occupancy LBB2 design 368 803
USP # Dton Cost
Hull, Part Streaml Custom B 2 000
Configuration Cylinder 3 200
Jump Drive Z 6 1 125 240
Manoeuvre D Z 6 1 47 96
Power Plant Z 6 1 73 192
Fuel, #J, #weeks J-6, 4 weeks 6 1 260
Here is why you don't generally use LBB5 to build e.g. Scouts:
SC-12222R1-000000-00000-0 MCr 51,7 100 Dton
bearing Crew=1
batteries TL=11
Cargo=15 Fuel=22 EP=2 Agility=2
Single Occupancy 15 51,7
USP # Dton Cost
Hull, Streamlined Custom 1 100
Configuration Cone 2 11
Scoops Streamlined 0,1
Jump Drive 2 1 3 12
Manoeuvre D 2 1 5 3,5
Power Plant 2 1 6 18
Fuel, #J, #weeks J-2, 4 weeks 2 22
Purifier 1 7 0,0
Bridge 1 20 0,5
Computer m/1bis R 1 1 4
Staterooms 4 16 2
Cargo 15
Empty hardpoint 1 1
Air/raft 4 Dton 1 4 0,6
Nominal Cost MCr 51,73 Sum: 15 51,7
Class Cost MCr 10,74 Valid ≥0 ≥0
Ship Cost MCr 41,50