Most (?) of us already know about the milieux that have been done (M0, Classic, Rebellion, TNE, TNE2048).
Are there other milieux, 'officially' mentioned, which you find compelling?
Not a popularity contest, just asking likes (and not dislikes) and reasons.
I like starships and light wargaming, so two UnDone Milieux (UDM) have things I like:
Grandfather's Children. This makes me think of familiar sectors, but very different space combat. Technology turns the rules upside-down.
For example, there's not a line of battle. Instead you have a war of snipers and planet-killers, the ultimate sub hunt game. Portal technology can destroy worlds, but it also allows ambushes. Shields (white globes) are Trek-like.
Ziru Sirka. Again, the same sectors, but very different. Interstellar conquest, again with strategies I'm not used to seeing. Weapons are superior to defenses. Jump-capable ships are in the thousands of tons, not hundreds -- thus the ZS is the pioneer of the Battle Rider and Carrier concepts. Fighters and gunboats dominate insystem battles -- assuming the ZS faces any resistance -- and the dogfight is the centerpiece.
Are there other milieux, 'officially' mentioned, which you find compelling?
Not a popularity contest, just asking likes (and not dislikes) and reasons.
I like starships and light wargaming, so two UnDone Milieux (UDM) have things I like:
Grandfather's Children. This makes me think of familiar sectors, but very different space combat. Technology turns the rules upside-down.
For example, there's not a line of battle. Instead you have a war of snipers and planet-killers, the ultimate sub hunt game. Portal technology can destroy worlds, but it also allows ambushes. Shields (white globes) are Trek-like.
Ziru Sirka. Again, the same sectors, but very different. Interstellar conquest, again with strategies I'm not used to seeing. Weapons are superior to defenses. Jump-capable ships are in the thousands of tons, not hundreds -- thus the ZS is the pioneer of the Battle Rider and Carrier concepts. Fighters and gunboats dominate insystem battles -- assuming the ZS faces any resistance -- and the dogfight is the centerpiece.