Originally posted by Employee 2-4601:
So, sell me on initiative throws.
Hmm.... OK, here goes.
My players find it
fun in the tactical nature this type of thing brings to a game.
You're in a desperate situation....you've GOT to go first next round. You can't take another hit. You're wounded. But, so is the enemy. If you can just find an opening in combat and strike him before he gets a chance to beat you to a pulp, you just might pull through this thing...
You see, Traveller combat is
deadly. If you go before your enemy, you are allowed to attack first. If you hit, you may incapacitate your enemy before he even gets a chance to attack you.
On the other hand, going late in a round has it's advantages too. The combatant who moves last has the advantage of seeing what everyone else will do in the round, and then react to that.
But, there may be an awful price to pay for that advantage...if
you're incapacitated by an enemy moving earlier in the round.
The tactical nature of initiative is: Do I want to move first but let my enemy react to my movements. Or, do I want to take a chance and move last, with the knowledge of what everyone else will do in the round.
BOTH choices can be beneficial to a combatant in a combat round--depending on the situation.
BTW, when I roll initiative, it flows pretty well with my group. "Alright, new round. Everbody roll e-nish!"
I don't share what the NPCs roll with the players. They find out as the round progresses.
A player who rolls a very low initiative has a choice: He can go first in the round on his low initiative number--or he can use the
Hold Action to go much later in the round.
Each player will choose based on thier best tactical advantage.