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Using D20 Modern for T20: The Classes


SOC-14 1K
Staff member
Admin Award
As a sign of a poor designer, I'm having problems deciding upon the design of classes for the T20M set. Every time I find another D20 book/pdf, I come across another cool idea which then changes the entire setup.

In any case, here is the current class setup for the T20M set.

Base Classes: As previously discussed there are now 8 base classes: Strong, Fast, Tough, Smart, Scholarly, Dedicated, Charismatic, Socialite. There are now 40 talent trees, giving each class between four and six talent trees to work through.

Combo Classes: This is an idea I borrowed from the Modern Player's Companion. These are generic classes built off of a specific sequence two or more Base class levels. This allows for an alternative set of generic classes without the specifity of the Advanced classes. Currently these classes are: Bodyguard (Strong, Tough), Athlete (Fast, Tough), Transporter (Fast, Smart), Technician (Smart, Scholarly), Medic (Dedicated, Smart), Professional (Charismatic, Dedicated), Academic (Scholarly, Smart), Diplomat (Charsimatic, Socialite).

Advanced Service Classes: Service classes are available only during the prior history portion of character creation. These classes provide access to a whole range of specialized skills and abilities not generally avaiable. These are very broad, and I'm looking into providing feat/class ability breakdowns which will differenatiate these classes more. The current list: Army, Marines, Navy, Scouts, Law Enforcement, Merchant, Ambassador.

Non-Service Advanced Classes: These are more general advanced classes, availble at any time. Not as generic as the service classes, they are still pretty broad. The current list: Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Barbarian, Martial Artist, Rogue, Confidence Man, Traveller.

Prestige Classes: I really don't have a lot of good ideas for these. I'm sure people can come up with a few. The current list: Imperial Navy Pilot, Slyean Ranger, S-3 Covert Operations, Inspector General Officer, TAS Reporter.