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Using MegaTraveller in CTPlus


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
=> This is related to the "reinventing" and "Book 9" discussions.

CTPlus, in a nutshell, is one of many "best-grown" Classic Traveller rulesets. It encompasses post-LBB rules that are (a) clear popular winners, or (b) helpful improvements to the LBBs stopgaps, or (c) something along those lines.

It includes the DGP task system, at least in its basic form.
It includes the Psionics chapter from Traveller *FOUR*.
It includes house rules, such as my "Book 2 Plus" rules that uses some Traveller5 to fix things in Book 2 ship design that annoyed me.
It imports the T5 Burden attribute to remove a couple of those combat tables (and thereby allow GunMaker to work for CT).

It may never be "finished", of course.


Yesterday, Wil reminded me that we have already discussed MegaTraveller's character creation being an evolution of Citizens of the Imperium.

What never quite hit home, though, is that it is Good for CTPlus. Close to ideal. Resonates. Yeah it's a bit skilly, and some of the careers seem a bit niche, but so what?
=> This is related to the "reinventing" and "Book 9" discussions.

CTPlus, in a nutshell, is one of many "best-grown" Classic Traveller rulesets. It encompasses post-LBB rules that are (a) clear popular winners, or (b) helpful improvements to the LBBs stopgaps, or (c) something along those lines.

It includes the DGP task system, at least in its basic form.
It includes the Psionics chapter from Traveller *FOUR*.
It includes house rules, such as my "Book 2 Plus" rules that uses some Traveller5 to fix things in Book 2 ship design that annoyed me.
It imports the T5 Burden attribute to remove a couple of those combat tables (and thereby allow GunMaker to work for CT).

It may never be "finished", of course.


Yesterday, Wil reminded me that we have already discussed MegaTraveller's character creation being an evolution of Citizens of the Imperium.

What never quite hit home, though, is that it is Good for CTPlus. Close to ideal. Resonates. Yeah it's a bit skilly, and some of the careers seem a bit niche, but so what?
Ok, I can see using MT basic Character generation, though I would go through and consolidate or change many skills.

Though I balk at DGPs task system as written, I have always leaned towards something akin to MgT1ed system.

Right now my question is wether to use a AHL/Striker derived combat system or something along the lines of Mongoose, i.e. dice vs armor directly.
For me, I'd use Char Gen and the shooting Rules, but tweaked slightly.
To Hit made by 0×0.5Retain fractions until Pen::AV mod included.
To Hit made by N && N >0+(N-1)
Pen ≥ 2×AV×2Pen-(2×AV) to additional target directly behind.
Pen ≥ AV && Pen < AV×2×1
Pen ≥ AV/2 && Pen < AV×0.5
Pen ≥ AV/4 && Pen < AV/2×0.25
Pen ≥ AV/10 && Pen < AV/4×0.1Round final up vs flexible or incomplete coverage armor; fully enclosed rigid, round down.
I also am quite fond of the MT Task system, but would use Att/3 for att as assets, and change the TNs to 4/8/12/16/20. And make it clear that Terms/2 are effectively an asset for knowledge about a given service, & rank about who's who in that service.
And the above is why I don't use MT combat resolution, it is far too complicated for what it does.

I do keep the idea of penetration - weapons are tagged as low or high.
And the above is why I don't use MT combat resolution, it is far too complicated for what it does.

I do keep the idea of penetration - weapons are tagged as low or high.
And I switched to Striker/AHL as soon as I got ahold of them. Never cared for the tables in Bk1. Thing is, what I've done is two changes... 1st, reduce the impact of high skill on damage for bigger weapons, but amplify it for the smaller ones. Likewise, it looks cumbersome, but it's 1/10 if 1/10, 1/4 if 1/4, 1/2 if 1/2, full if full, and double if double. It snaps along in play way better, because the breakpoints are more memorable. (It also increases the damage done a good bit.)
I used AHL/Striker for a while too, pen vs armour is pretty easy to do but the conversion to damage/damage dice requires a table (eventually memorised but still a pain). The armour removing damage dice or armour reducing overall damage is a lot easier to do and doesn't require calculating a half a quarter and a tenth of damage after comparing a penetration equal to or greater than threshold.
I used AHL/Striker for a while too, pen vs armour is pretty easy to do but the conversion to damage/damage dice requires a table (eventually memorised but still a pain). The armour removing damage dice or armour reducing overall damage is a lot easier to do and doesn't require calculating a half a quarter and a tenth of damage after comparing a penetration equal to or greater than threshold.
I ended up with Striker and dice damage, two tables for armor pen and location effects, add a die for HE/blunt effects, skill helps location so increases damage, etc.

Worth it to me cause it bothers me that a pistol shot to the head usually won’t kill. Also, differing armor values for whether you have a vest or helmet vs say uncovered arms.