Ive noticed that in the vehicle design system there is a little problem.
you design a vehicle by its size (vl). But there is nothing about its Weight/Mass????
It may be important for some vehicles and robots.
such as when they are crossing certain terrain.
or perhaps at a bridge.
Using just the size will not work as a heavilly armored mini-tank (2000vl) has got to be much heavier than a car (2000vl).
another thing that i noticed when going through the design system is for robots.
in the old robot supliment the human sized robot was based on a 100 liter torso chasis if i remember corectly. which would be 10vl in the new system if each vl is 10 liters.
the personal service robot is 100vl wich is 10 times the size of a typical human torso.
if the perci is 100vl then that means that it is 1000 liters thats very big. A 55 gallon (liquid) barrel/drum is 189.270589 liters
so perci is the size of 264.172052 gallons.
does anyone else see the problem??
or look at it this way if say the servant robot was 3' wide, and 1.5' thick (front to back) then it would have to be 7.777' tall. this is big not to mention the weight which i have no idea. even if he was not particularily heavy say the same specific gravity as water. it would then weigh 2204.622622 pounds or 1000kg. which doesnt seem very handy for a servant robot. my guess is its much heavier and does not float.