So this assumes the weapons fire continually for the entire 15 seconds. Not sure how reasonable that is. ;-)
Well, to fire 40 shoots in 6 seconds it must fire nearly continuously (at least as quickly as a MG), and IIRC the diference among blaser and Plaser is precisely this one: the BLaser fires continuously (as a torch, so to say) while the Plaser in bursts (as a flash, to keep the analogy). That's why the Blaser is more precise and the Plaser more powerful...
BTW, MT combat rounds are 6 seconds long, not 15 (Player's Handbook, p 67). So it's 40 shots in 6 seconds. The ships laser can fire once during the same time period (although I can't remember where that's from; maybe Striker).
It seems you're not the only one making mixups among various games

Well at least that's something. ;-)
My point of view is more from the other side: the play balance side. The side which asks: do you really WANT to have to increase the effect of your ship's armour, or increase its Damage Points so that the potential damage resulting from a 500d6 hit resembles what would have occurred under High Guard, rather than total overkill? Because by increasing armour or Hull Damage points, you also prevent PCs from blasting out the windows in the Annic Nova to effect entry, or other "interesting" effects of weapons aboard in space.
Game balance is nearly irrelevant when you're comparing those different weapons. IMHO that would be as comapring WWII tank and ship guns. Few tanks (if any) could affect a warship, nor whithstand a warship shoot, as the heaviest gun a tank mountes was (IIRC) a 122, roughly equivalent to the 5" guns that were among the smallest the ships used (AA guns excluded).
To compare it with another Traveller version, see that in MgT, to give another example, the conversión factor is 50, so a Blaser that delivers a tiny 1d6 damage for starships, delivers 50d6 against vehicles or personnel
That's the range in atmosphere. Can't remember where that's from, either - maybe Striker again. Guess I'll have to go look it up. ;-)
I guess this range would hardly allow for any interface combat with orbiting ships, that in Traveller are quite canon...
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