Have you checked out GURPS Steampunk's version of venus?
It has some interesting natives that since they made it a superhothouse the victorians could only survive at the poles where it was cooler.
The natives got exploited because they were primitive and kinda stupid...but at the equater where it was super hot they were smarter and had an advanced civilization.
It seemed that the venusians iq was low when it was cooler, but got higher as the temp got higher.
I think that they were kinda froglike, but I can't be sure.
How about using them in some of Venuses classical steamy rainforests and swamps? They'd make for an opponent that the earthlimg colonists would underestimate in the cooler regions but get a bad surprise in the hotlands.
Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth of native critter suggestion.
It has some interesting natives that since they made it a superhothouse the victorians could only survive at the poles where it was cooler.
The natives got exploited because they were primitive and kinda stupid...but at the equater where it was super hot they were smarter and had an advanced civilization.
It seemed that the venusians iq was low when it was cooler, but got higher as the temp got higher.
I think that they were kinda froglike, but I can't be sure.
How about using them in some of Venuses classical steamy rainforests and swamps? They'd make for an opponent that the earthlimg colonists would underestimate in the cooler regions but get a bad surprise in the hotlands.
Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth of native critter suggestion.