Originally posted by Aramis:
Actually, many of the CO's of CVN's are Captain grade. That the AirBoss (CAG), XO, and CEngr, and even CMO might also be captains is NOT an issue.
Currently CVN65 Enterprise is commanded by Captain Eric Neidlinger.
The Vinson is commanded by a Captain, the Exec is a captain. Only one will be referred to by Rank, typically, but in Naval organizations (US/UK), it's not an uncommon situation. And remember also, the Air Boss/CAG is NOT a ship's asset, nor is the Air Wing he commands. THey are assets of the group, and answer directly to the Carrier Group Commander, usually an admiral.
In at least one case, during WWII, there was a ship with a Commander billet CMO filled by a Captain Doctor, who happened to outrank the CO...
The number of admirals in the restricted line and staff are VERY few, thoroughly poitical, and some very senior captains have opted to remain in the fleet rather than try for the desk job. So it is entirely likely to find certain staff officers have (on paper) more seniority that their skippers do.