SOC-14 1K
In case people haven't noticed, I'm not a fan of Virus.
Without it, former Imperial space is at risk of being overrun by just about all of the other Major powers. Only the Zhodani and Hivers are unlikely to make hay in Imperial space by 1129. The K'kree are already trying, and will eventually get past the Luriani/Ursa/Sydite Wall of Obstinance. The Antares-Julian alliance may get a wild hair at some point, or may act to moderate part of Vargr space. The rest of the Vargr states will see loot and glory. The Aslan and Solomani are going to cancel each other out for a while, but both are operating from large backfields.
The only thing which kept Vilani/Solomani space largely clear of invaders during the Long Night was that most of those neighbors were still in early expansion mode themselves, or were far too busy with their own concerns. No such barriers are present by 1130 except that the Zhodani are wracked by something and the Hivers are still too cautious. Everyone else will be ready and willing to split the former Third Imperium between them, wipe out the pesky meat eaters, or both.
Virus levels the entire map and puts all pending actions on a 70 to 100 year Hold. Then the Wave sweeps through and pulls another Generation Kill...