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General Weapons of the future.

We haven’t seen Tier 1 real world war level fighting in the netcentric age. I think organizations that become overreliant on functional comms are in for a rude awakening under full EW bombardment, not to mention whatever conditions obtain in our exotic space environments.
Tier 1 world war fighting is the 45 minute war that both sides lose.
I think we could see conventional Tier 1 around Taiwan.
The problem is reaching “Tier 1” but keeping it conventional. (which means no nukes..but what level of non nuke activity gives a nuke response?
mass satellite destruction?
electronically disabling civilian infrastructure? (hacking/side effect of jamming)
The problem is reaching “Tier 1” but keeping it conventional. (which means no nukes..but what level of non nuke activity gives a nuke response?
mass satellite destruction?
electronically disabling civilian infrastructure? (hacking/side effect of jamming)
Hmm I am going to end speculation here as we are getting into modern era politics. Just pointing out that being dependent on any element an enemy can disrupt can and will lead to disaster. More so when in our game unprepared can mean planetary disaster.
Y'all know once there is effective point defense it all becomes a numbers game. In that the Naval surface warfare tactic of Rollback comes into play, in which you launch enough ordinance to overcome your targets Point Defense systems.

H. Beam Piper describes the tactic in Cosmic Computer and in Star Vikings. And it is part of the winning strategies in Games like Harpoon.
Doesn't matter how many legal documents you throw at a ship you are not going to sink it...
unless ordinance 1564/3 is to self destruct.

You may want to try ordnance instead if you want big explosions.

I've a concept for a real world outdated carrier - you refit it with as many VLS missiles and drones as it can carry. Launch the lot in one go...
I think there was one estimate that you could have stuffed a Midway with one hundred fifty naval aircraft, during the Great Patriotic War.

The reason they didn't, was command and control limitations.
Doesn't matter how many legal documents you throw at a ship you are not going to sink it...
unless ordinance 1564/3 is to self destruct.

You may want to try ordnance instead if you want big explosions.

I've a concept for a real world outdated carrier - you refit it with as many VLS missiles and drones as it can carry. Launch the lot in one go...
Use a container ship, they're cheaper and readily available. :)
You would only need to do it once...

of course you would coordinate things so that several 'container ships' would be arriving at different ports and launch their ordnance at the same time.
Cute, clever, and, regrettably, not usable against adversaries with satellites or the ability to access commercial ship-tracking services.

marinetraffic.com is one example.

Nuke inside a container somewhere in the racks works, though. Only usable against port cities, unless you can subvert incoming container inspections.
While there have already been mentions of grav weapons, this is a field that could be very nasty. For example, a grav mine. It can be emplaced on any surface. So, it could be buried like any other mine in the ground, or it could be placed on a wall or ceiling in a building along with the floor. The size of the mine could vary from a field say a square meter in size and up. The minimum size would depend on how small you can build a grav plate.
The mine has sufficient power to run the detection / initiation system for weeks to months and in full operation as a mine for a few minutes. The amount of gravity it produces is on the order of +/- 1 to 10 G and this can be set to vary in operation.

So, these mines would work (but not limited to) something like this.

You place a conventional minefield of these and they are set off by pressure or other sensing that a person has entered the field of operation. The mine generates - 8G and throws the person activating it 30 meters in the air then generates +8G slamming the person into the ground. The person falls back on the mine and it repeats the operation ad infinitum until it runs out of power. I'd say no amount of personal armor would save you from this repeated beating at 8G that goes on for say 5 to 10 minutes.

A similar field is set and a vehicle runs over one or more of the mines. They activate variously between -10 and +10 G causing the vehicle to whiplash violently due to the varied gravity as it is torn apart by it. The crew is likewise turned to mush by the violent gravity variations.

You place these in a room in a building on the floor and ceiling. Activation is by contact. The target (victim?) steps on the floor mine and it generates say -5 G tossing the person into the ceiling mine that activates (as the floor mine deactivates due to loss of contact) and generates another -5G throwing them into the floor mine that activates... This goes on for say 5 minutes when the mines run out of power.

Or you set one on an outside wall of a building on say the 10th floor. It activates when someone enters the room it is in. It generates 6G of force and the person is pulled to it, then crashes through the wall or a window, and finds themselves no in freefall outside the building with 10 stories between them and the ground.

Ship crews could use the ship's grav plate system in much the same way. Turn it off, get the baddies floating, turn it on to max and slam them to the deck. Turn it off...

Another variant would be a grav "claymore" mine. It has the same effect, a large number of directed projectiles but fired by a grav plate generating the necessary acceleration. Totally silent in operation.