• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Welcome to the new CotI forums

As far as first impressions of the new forums go ... I have two answers that will probably apply to more people than just myself.

Forum Citizens

Tech Staff Who Made It Finally Happen
As I learn how to walk around here. Just kidding, Excellent job! I still have my account, and I can now a post picture of the real me!
Thomas made it happen.
Thomas managed what the hired tech couldn't.
Now I have to learn the new BBS Software.
Ow, my eyes! The shiny white! Is there a dark mode that I'm just not finding?

PS: Rigel, love that quote from your wife :)
is it my browser that is not displaying the table formatting correctly?

When I make a table it looks ok, but when I post it or look at anyone else's posts with a table in them it doesn't display correctly.
is it my browser that is not displaying the table formatting correctly?
When I make a table it looks ok, but when I post it or look at anyone else's posts with a table in them it doesn't display correctly.
I'm going to need to have this issue resolved (in a week or so) by the time I get around to needing to post up summary/spreadsheet results of my Race To Profitability in my Spinward Flex Courier thread. Just about the only way to post the necessary info I'm going to need to will be in table format in order to present it all in a way that is easy to view and grasp the meaning of.

Until this issue is resolved, posts of info such as my Interplanetary Travel Distance By Time And Acceleration post will be ... illegible ... due to the formatting of tables issue. So if you want to test solutions to table formatting issues, you can use this post as a useful test case.
is it my browser that is not displaying the table formatting correctly?

When I make a table it looks ok, but when I post it or look at anyone else's posts with a table in them it doesn't display correctly.
There was a fight going on between the XenForo table BB Code processor and the default imported table BB code processor. The latter has been disabled and it now seems to work.