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What about robots in T20?

I am the regular author of Traveller Con modules for the Copenhagen VikingCon. This year I have chosen to use T20 (only) as the rule system. Writing for an early October Con, I am of course on a tight schedule, and my biggest worry right now, is when I will be able to get my hands on the T20 rules.

The release of T20 lite eased that pressure somewhat, and I now think I may be able to survive without the actual T20 rules - should they be delayed. I may have to peek a little in Star Wars T20 for inspiration, but I will be able to finish my module on time.

One area, where I am completely without a clue, is robots. Can play testers or Hunter reveal a little about how robots work (in general and in combat) in the new rules?

Originally posted by Sven2300:

One area, where I am completely without a clue, is robots. Can play testers or Hunter reveal a little about how robots work (in general and in combat) in the new rules?

Robots will work something between characters and equipment. Like characters, robots will have some characteristics (Str, Dex, Int, but not Wis, Con or Soc), the computer brains run programs (Cha, Edu, skills and some Feats). Like equipment they have Structural Integrity (SI) points which work as Lifeblood but will have no Stamina.

The construction systems for Computers and Vehicles allow building robots of all types and designs. You can make them run, drive, or fly.

The quick and dirty way: Build a character from the point buy system, but without Wis, Con, Soc or stamina. Make them 2nd level (Whatever) with the proper skills but don't give them any feats. Call them a TL14 robot which costs Mcr2.5.
Sorry if someone has already suggested this, but does anyone else think that a collection of ready-designed robots would be a great idea for a Travellers Aide publication?
Originally posted by virushi:
Sorry if someone has already suggested this, but does anyone else think that a collection of ready-designed robots would be a great idea for a Travellers Aide publication?
I know I do, and I'm writing a series of TAs for vehicles as we speak. If someone else doesn't beat me to it by the time I'm finished with the vehicle ones, I know I will.
Originally posted by vegascat:
Check out the Robots book for Star Wars RPG by West End games, lots of useful ideas that can transfer.
Oh no! That's all we need now, C3PO and R2D2 squabbling in the middle of the concourse of Regina Highport. :eek: :mad: Quick! Get out the trusty FGMP and to h@ll with hull breaches. :D

Seriously that is a very good sourcebook. Some of the models will work great in Traveller, IMHO. Just remember that Traveller canon states that AI in computers and robots is virtually known existent. Only the rare prototype and Ancient artifact would be sentient.

Of course another source is D20 Stars Wars for droids that are already D20, though the corebook is a bit pricey if you are only getting it only for the robots ;)

I hope the adventure works well.