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What color is the floor in your stateroom?

Glossy grey epoxy paint/sealant over concrete.

Nobody can tell, though, because we never point the cameras down, to avoid showing all the wire runs across the floor, tacked down with gaffer's tape. We'll clean it all up when we get the props budget for next season. Don't bother - we'll fix it in post.
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What color is the floor in your stateroom?
On most military ships, it's the same color as the walls, which is usually grey carpet, tho' some will have other colors as either a departmental or an identification of correct room element.
Civil? varies, but three themes predominate: naturalistic (brown and/or green floor, blue ceiling, walls mixed), Prisoner Pink (the shades of pink used in some prisons to reduce hostility), multigrey (Dark grey floor, light grey ceiling, medium gray walls).

Different species' ships have others.
Nothing beats a hardwood floor with a Persian-style carpet.
Hologram with haptic or induced neural feedback. Then it can be whatever you want!

(Shag carpet? Ping! There it is, in whatever color you want! Cleanup? Beep! Now it's linoleum, and you can just hose it off...)
I’m not sure turning staterooms into holodecks is a wise choice.
Just the floor. Maybe the walls, too?

But I see what you mean....

(Note that at TL-7.5 this only works from one specific view angle.)

This is for illustration only, not a product endorsement. You can probably use reverse-image-search to find where to buy one.
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