True, that's how Depots are described in MT:RSB, but, IMHO, that would mean all of them should have starport A, gov 6 (military rule) and TL 15, and that's not true.
And a suitable population, don't forget, neither too high nor too low.
You know, since text is generally held to trump rules, maybe this would persuade Marc Miller to retcon all the depots. Don? Rob? Any chance either of you would consider it worth suggesting it to him?
As noted on an earlier post, 3 Depots are shown as with starport B, one of them as C and one as D.
About governement, only 3 of them are gov 6. For systems fully under IN control I find quite hard to understand other kinds of governments (unless we understand the IN and Marine portions as gov 7 :devil
About TL, only 5 depots are TL 15, one of them (Deneb) TL 16, what I can understand, as a lot of R&D is conducted there, but the rest are under TL 15 (and as low as TL6), and again I find quite hard to understand how IN fleets may be served there or R&D can be conducted there for IN.
So, once again, information seems contradictory, as the description of the Depots doesn't (IMHO) match at all with their UWP.
One might almost get the unworthy suspicion that the people who produced the UWPs failed to vet them before publishing.

One thing I disagree with: That the Depot in Deneb would be TL 16 when none of the others are. A TL of 16 doesn't just indicate that they can make a prototype TL 16 widget or two. It means they can produce fully TL 16 ships in quantity. TL 16 hulls, TL 16 drives and power plants, TL 16 weapons, etc., etc.. We have a canonical statement about TL 15 being the highest available to the Imperium in 1105. Between then and the date of the Deneb UWPs (1117), it is just concievable that the Imperial Navy have accumulated sufficient breakthroughs to construct the infrastructure to build TL 16 ships (not likely, but just concievable). But if it had, I'd expect the depots in the Imperial core to be the first to be upgraded. Yes, even if the Deneb Depot made all the breakthroughs (another extremely iffy assumption), it would still be tinkering with prototypes while the money to build TL 16 shipyards was being poured into the depots in Core and the neighboring sectors. (Unless, of course, every Imperial depot were being upgraded simultaneously, in which case Deneb Depot still wouldn't be the only TL 16 depot for more than a few months. I suppose 001-1117 might just happen to be in one of those months).
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