I have read McEvans post, but I'm not able to find in MT:RSB pages 33-34 (the chapter about Depots) a single reference about them being devoid of civilian inhabitants.
There's a description in BtC about the population of Macene (not a depot, but a naval base) being composed of 'naval personnel or their dependents'.
And as I've pointed out before, a job filled by a transient has pretty much the same economic impact as a job filled by a resident. An UWP that doesn't include the average number of transients is much less useful than one that does.
And some IN personnel might be in long enough assignment as for not being considered transients.
If they intend to leave when their job is done, they're transients.
I understand you point here, and I'm a little contradictory in it. The infrastructure is, and remains, there while population doesn't. As told in other posts, I don't believe that the fact an Imperial Division (about 12-15000 people) lands in a pop 3 planet for a long garrison duty doesn't rise the pop of the planet to 4.
Is there a mistype here? It seems to me that you are saying that a world with a thousand residents and ten thousand transients should have a pop level of 4.
Also, the infrastructure (mostly starport and TL) in UWP also tells you what you can expect to find when you arrive there.
No, it's what facilities a civilian can expect to find available to him. Worlds with a starport E can produce military ships for its planetary navy using local resources. That means that if they do there's a shipyard there despite the starport class not reflecting it. How can that be? Simple: The shipyard doesn't work for civilians -- at least not visiting civilians. And starport class is a civilian rating.
E-SAH000-0 means a barren world, and that's not what you'll find in a Depot.
Which is why transients should count in the UWP.
You can get help from its starport and personnel if you need it, to give you an example, and nowhere (AFAIK) is said Depots are off limits for civilian traffic (though probably it is restricted to few zones in the system).
Emergency help you can almost certainly get, but what makes you think you can get a naval depot to build a ship for you or perform annual maintenance for you?
Should a Depot fill a gap between two mains, I guess tramp freighters will be allowed to refuel there, and probably even to trade there. It's hard for me also to believe all supplies and consumables are carried by military ships. Probably (IMHO) there are even regular civilian traffic to/from depots for personnel, mail and other cargoes.
Obviously, if there are shipyards and maintenance and repair facilities there that are open to civilian traffic there's going to be sufficient civilian traffic to support it and a civilian population to run it. Which is why there's a discrepancy between McEvan's description and most canon depots.