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CT Only: What is High Guard's best design feature?

What's the Number One feature you like about CT High Guard?

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a drill instructor decided to check on his boot sentries. [...]
the drill instructor was taken aback. "where are you going to get a torpedo?"

the boot answered, "same place you got the battleship."

Off-topic, but do drill instructors typically respond well to those types of responses? Perhaps it depends on the instructor and the manner in which the boot responds. I would think he'd have to be careful.
Off-topic, but do drill instructors typically respond well to those types of responses? Perhaps it depends on the instructor and the manner in which the boot responds. I would think he'd have to be careful.

My DI's would have yelled, screamed, and ranted for about 5 minutes about what a special snowflake private smartypants was, how he isn't being paid to think for himself, and really should shut is pie-hole before he hurts himself, followed by pushups until the DI gets tired or the private needs medical attention.
My DI's would have yelled, screamed, and ranted for about 5 minutes about what a special snowflake private smartypants was, how he isn't being paid to think for himself, and really should shut is pie-hole before he hurts himself, followed by pushups until the DI gets tired or the private needs medical attention.

That's kind of what I thought. Smart-talking from boots surely is only safe in the movies.
a drill instructor decided to check on his boot sentries. he walked up to one, started grilling him on his general orders. the boot did good.

the drill instructor decided to trip him up a bit and asked the boot, "suppose you see a battleship coming down the road? what do you do?"

the boot said, "hit it with a torpedo."

the drill instructor was taken aback. "where are you going to get a torpedo?"

the boot answered, "same place you got the battleship."

hey, you got anti-grav and jump, I've got effective missiles.

I am pretty sure the story was more allegorical than historical.
In all of the discussion on DIs, I didn't want the excellent point of the story to be lost. :)

... Add enough realism and 'Traveller' becomes a two year trip to Mars to plant a flag for Mankind. ;)
I went for 'compact rules'. Well, they are. Have you seen some of the rule sets for some of those Napoleonic tabletop games? Good god, you need a law degree to get a grip on what's meant in some of those! :eek: :devil: