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what is traveller?

Originally posted by Aramis:
To address Malenfant's criticism f my pst:
If you only use one edition, it is entirely self consistent (except T4).
Sure, but then that's true for anything. Thing is, Traveller is not just one edition, it's lots of editions - and things have crept out of some editions into others as the game has evolved with time (see HEPlaR and thruster plates, for example). Plus some assumptions, technologies, and axioms have crept into and out of favour with the fanbase over time too, and everyone seems to have a different definition of what they think Traveller is.
Well one of the things that peopel have difficulty with is the setting. It is not based on a single film or novel. The best way to describe it is to think of classic science fiction. There is a lot of inspiration that comes from Foundation by Issac Asimov and there is a nod to other popular works. Because if te time period it is originally developed and the books and other things that provide inspiration there is a bit of a low tech edge to it as well. (ie look at things like computer and biotech and it seems underdeveloped in comparison)I hopethis helps you. It is entertaining but it helps to know how to approach the game.
anything you want it to be...
...blasting yourway off a backwater spaceport with load of contraband and racing patrol cruisers to jump point...

...escorting a spoiled noble's son that has too much money and free time and not enough sense on a hunting trip to an interdicted world and finding out WHY it's interdicted...

...taking anyjob you can so you can buy/borrow/slavage parts to fix the ship so you can get off this !@#$ mud-ball world !!!

does that help?