Not only "bad guys," but the perfect "bad guys."
I certainly have to give Mr. Miller and company credit for coming up with such a "perfect" bad guy to present as a foil in the Spinward Marches. Because I believe the Zhodani fit this bill to the letter.
In the United States, we often talk about our "right of free speech." Just think how most Americans would, and do(!), react when this right is threatened. Now consider taking away your "right of free thought." Not only is speech censored, but the actual thoughts running through your mind is as well?
And then to explain that, to the Zhodani, they wouldn't have it any other way. Because when everyone's thoughts are correctly "adjusted," there is no crime, no mental disease, no discontent.
To create "villains" whose base motivations are so out-of-sync with modern society, while at the same time explaining their motivations so well they become sympathetic characters, was a master stroke!
I certainly have to give Mr. Miller and company credit for coming up with such a "perfect" bad guy to present as a foil in the Spinward Marches. Because I believe the Zhodani fit this bill to the letter.
In the United States, we often talk about our "right of free speech." Just think how most Americans would, and do(!), react when this right is threatened. Now consider taking away your "right of free thought." Not only is speech censored, but the actual thoughts running through your mind is as well?
And then to explain that, to the Zhodani, they wouldn't have it any other way. Because when everyone's thoughts are correctly "adjusted," there is no crime, no mental disease, no discontent.
To create "villains" whose base motivations are so out-of-sync with modern society, while at the same time explaining their motivations so well they become sympathetic characters, was a master stroke!